英语人>词典>汉英 : 披发 的英文翻译,例句
披发 的英文翻译、例句


with dishevelled hair
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Call, therefore, the Achaean heroes in assembly; unsay your anger against Agamemnon; arm at once, and fight with might and main.


Pingyao push light Lacquer has exquisite skill sets, and its production process mainly includes the following steps:(1) with special formulations, techniques and facilities for refining large paint;(2) to large lacquer and natural tung oil refining mask paint;( 3) fetal Phi Mu Ma linked to ash gray lacquer have to bei cloth, gray pig have to wear hemp, yellow glue should bei paper;(4) Human hair, Port Chatham suppository production;(5) Ad Hoc Yam lacquer dry room;(6) outline in gold paint, including Ping Kim opened the black, sand drum cover paint, hooks gold masks and traditional techniques, such as eggshell mosaics;(7) with sandpaper, charcoal, hair, brick ash, oil and other successive push light, so bright as a mirror lacquer;(8) the use of mosaic, carve, covering gold, gray, such as carved for decorative art.


No sooner had I crossed their threshold than my eyes were riveted to a young blue eyed beauty with waves of flaxen hair cascading down her white and blue ski jacket.


The cognoscente will know it,and the word 'frizzle' has met the point.Which style is this kind of 'frizzle' lion head?According to the books about carving,I think it's earlier than Ming dynasty.


The Beatles\' current solution is spiritualism, specifically "transcendental meditation," as propounded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 56, a tiny, cherubic seer with shoulder-length locks.

披头士目前诉诸于唯心论来寻求慰籍,尤其对印度的超在禅定派情有独钟,这个教派是有56岁的瑜伽修行者Maharishi Mahesh 创立的,他是一个矮小、长相天真、留着披肩发的预言家。

A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides.


Panicle open, 10–30 cm; branches in distant whorls, capillary, flexuous, 5–15 cm, mostly unbranched, tipped by a raceme; racemes 2–5-noded with 7–13 spikelets, sometimes branched with up to 40 spikelets, disarticulating at maturity, one spikelet of a pair sessile, the other pedicellate; rachis internodes and pedicels slenderly clavate, margins ciliate, hairs 0.7–1 mm. Spikelets 4.5–5 mm; callus hairs ca. 1 mm; lower glume lanceolate, thinly pilose, veins smooth below middle, scaberulous above, apex acuminate; upper glume ciliate on margins, acuminate or emarginate and mucronate; lower floret sterile, palea reduced; upper lemma 2-lobed to middle; awn 5.5–8 mm.

圆锥花序打开,10-30厘米;在远轮生方面的分枝,发状,,5-15厘米,多数不分枝,被总状花序端部; 7-13小穗2-5有节具的总状花序,40小穗的有时分枝具可达,成熟时脱节,一对无梗,另一个的一小穗;棍棒状的轴节间和花梗slenderly,边缘具缘毛,头发0.7-1毫米小穗4.5-5毫米;胼胝体毛约1毫米;披针形,稀疏具柔毛的下部的颖片,脉平滑的中间以下,在上面微糙,先端渐尖;在边缘上具缘毛的上面颖片,渐尖的或微缺和短尖;不育的下部小花,退化的内稃;上面外稃2裂的至中部;芒5.5-8毫米花粉囊2-3毫米。

The cognoscente will know it,and the word 'frizzle' has met the point.Which style is this kind of 'frizzle' lion head?According to the books about carving,I think it's earlier than Ming dynasty.


The two younger of the trio (fine girls of sixteen and seventeen) had grey beaver hats, then in fashion, shaded with ostrich plumes, and from under the brim of this graceful head-dress fell a profusion of light tresses, elaborately curled; the elder lady was enveloped in a costly velvet shawl, trimmed with ermine, and she wore a false front of French curls.


The two younger of the trio (fine girls of sixteen and seventeen) had gray beaver hats, then in fashion, shaded with ostrich plumes, and from under the brim of this graceful headdress fell a profusion of light tresses, elaborately curled; the elder lady was enveloped in a costly velvet shawl, trimmed with ermine, and she wore a false front of French curls.


更多网络解释与披发相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beatle cut:披头

爆炸头 afro | 披头 Beatle cut | 上梳直发 men's pompadour

Lady Lazarus:拉撒路夫人

普拉斯的诗歌中经常使用的象征颜色是黑、白和红,>(Lady Lazarus)的著名尾句就是"我披着一头红发/从灰烬中升起,象呼吸空气一样吞噬男人. "休斯在诗中着重写了红色:"红是你的颜色/你穿着红色光彩照人,"回忆起她红色的丝绒裙,

And a paper clip:还有文件夹

build a supercomputer out of a pizza box, two cans of hair spray and..|建造超级电脑,只用到 一个披萨盒,二罐发胶,还有.. | And a paper clip.|还有文件夹 | Amazing!|了不起

men's pompadour:上梳直发

披头 Beatle cut | 上梳直发 men's pompadour | 辫子头 braid

Beatles: Rock Band:披头士:摇滚乐队

今年是属于披头士的一年:专辑重发、"披头士摇滚乐队"(Beatles Rock Band)音乐游戏的发售、>电影发行、披头士经典专辑>(Yellow Submarine)的动画版的制作再加上这部>,足以见得披头士风潮永不会消亡.


存於广泛的环境里,泉发菌属(Crenothrix)、细枝发菌属(Clonothrix)、披毛菌属(Gallionella)都算是普遍的细菌铁. 水中含有这种铁会呈现淡红色而且可能会散发臭味. 一般而言杀菌剂可以有效的处理这类铁. 封锁铁(sequestered iron)是最后一项地方政府处理水中常见的铁.


披发藻科(绿) Ulothrichaceae | 披发藻目 Ulothrichales | 披发藻属(绿) Ulothrix

Ulothrix zonata Thur:披发藻

披发藻 Ulothrix zonata Thur. | 有羊毛状弯毛的 ulotrichous | 特细棒眼 ulradbar


披发藻 Ulothrix zonata Thur. | 有羊毛状弯毛的 ulotrichous | 特细棒眼 ulradbar

With his hair all long hanging down:透过他那披垂的发

Into my dreams he peeps 他窥视我的梦境 | With his hair all long hanging down 透过他那披垂的发 | How he makes me quiver 他不禁使我颤抖