英语人>词典>汉英 : 护鼻的 的英文翻译,例句
护鼻的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The nosepiece of a helmet.


Melioidosis is endemic in Southeast Asia and northern Australia but reports of prostatic involvement without pneumonitis are rare.


We herein report on a febrile patient with Burkholderia pseudomallei septicemia presenting primarily as prostatic abscesses. Initial urinalysis was normal but post-prostatic massage urinalysis revealed profound pyuria. All cultures from blood, post-massage urine and urethral pus grew Burkholderia pseudomallei. The patient was treated successfully with ceftazidime and co-trimoxazole combined with surgical drainage by transurethral resection of the prostate.


Results MRSA strains were isolated from the burn wounds in 22 of 41 (53.7%) patients, and 5 from the nasal vestibules. Moreover,among 19 medical staffs,MRSA strains were isolated from the hands of 9 persons, but not from the nasal vestibules. From the hands in 9 of 43 lay attendants and the nasal vestibules in 2 MRSA strains were found. Thirteen MRSA strains were isolated from 193 specimens from the surrounding items.

结果 53.7%(22/41)的患者创面分离出MRSA,其中5例鼻前庭分离出MRSA;19名工作人员中,3人手分离出MRSA,工作人员鼻前庭未分离到MRSA;43例患者陪护家属中有9人手上分离出MRSA,2人鼻前庭分离出MRSA;193份环境标本共分离MRSA 13株。

Methods Five hundred and four specimens were isolated from the wounds and nasal vestibules of burn patients ,the hands and nasal vestibules of medical staffs and lay attendants and the surfaces of various equipments. From these specimens,58 strains of MRSA and 43 methicillin- sensitive staphylococcus aureus were isolated. The genome DNA of isolated MRSA strains was analyzed by repetitive DNA - sequence- based PCR analysis.

方法采集烧伤患者的创面、鼻前庭,工作人员手、鼻前庭,陪护家属的手、鼻前庭及烧伤科病房各种环境表面共504份标本,从中分离到MRSA 58株,对苯唑西林敏感的金黄色葡萄球菌43株,并对所分离的MRSA菌株的基因组DNA进行重复序列PCR检测。

Close-fitting gloves, nose guards, soft head gear are optional, and may be worn by all players.


更多网络解释与护鼻的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Felipe Massa:菲利普.马萨

法拉利车手 菲利普 马萨(Felipe Massa)在完成第二 节排位赛后的收车圈出现意外. 马萨驾驶的F60赛车在赛道的4号弯道径直冲出,赛车重重的撞在轮胎护墙上. 车鼻锥扎 入轮胎墙. 目前马萨在当地医院中进行进一步观察. 据说当时马萨的车速是240公里/小时,

NASCAR:赛车的一种 (名)

nasally 鼻声地; 鼻音地; 护鼻地 (副) | Nascar 赛车的一种 (名) | nascence 发生; 起源 (名)

noticeable deceleration:显著减速

660 nose guard 护鼻塞 | 661 noticeable deceleration 显著减速 | 662 no-touch turn 手不触墙的滚翻转身法