英语人>词典>汉英 : 抗辩 的英文翻译,例句
抗辩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
counterargument  ·  counterplea  ·  demur  ·  demurrer  ·  plea  ·  counterargue  ·  counterplead  ·  demurring  ·  pled  ·  demurred  ·  demurs  ·  pleaded  ·  pleas  ·  rebuttals

speak out in one's own defense
更多网络例句与抗辩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cutting off and restraining systems of it are the main security mechanisms of abstractedly more restraint to defense, stronger appliance of the abstraction.


This paper makes an analysis into the significance of jurisdiction over arbitration, the counterplea and its adjudication, and the conflict between the tribunal and the court and its coordination.


Put forward to hope, the bill counterplea of our country is abounded ceaselessly theoretically and develop, the contradictory system that makes our country is ceaseless and perfect, make bill counterplea system produces effect in market economy.


This new theory shows news orientation of counterplea theory of negotiable instrument for its understanding of counterplea of negotiable instrument and perfect in such theory. But,there are defects in this new theory. Therefore,i...


Be opposite bill counterplea is comprehensive and discuss systematically and on analyses foundation, what through bill contradictory characteristic compared the counterplea of bill and civil code counterplea is different.


New counterplea theory arose in Germany is based on extenor rights theory, and re-cate-gorize counterplea of negotiable instrument. Apart from traditional counterplea in rem and counterplea inpersonam, a new independent type of counterplea, counterplea of effectiveness,is recognized.


New counterplea theory arose in Germany is based on exterior rights theory,and re-categorize counterplea of negotiable instrument. Apart from traditional counterplea in rem and counterplea in personam,a new independent type of counterplea,counterplea of effectiveness,is recognized.


Based on the time order, the present thesis studies on patent management and injunctive relief at the beginning of litigation that the defendant needs to notice, as well as everything that should be noticed in counterplea method during litigation. Besides, the present thesis divides the counterplea method into counterplea reasons based on the patent law and the antitrust law.


In the Civil Law Family,the collateral guarantor'srights of defense mainly are related to the invalidity of the underlying contract,the revocability of the underlying contract,the right of offset,the concurrentconditions,"Einrede der Unsicherkei",the invalidity of the guarantee contract.the period of validity,the special terms of immunity from the guarantor's liabilityand beneficiam excussionis.Under the case law of the Common Law Family,thesituations in which the collateral guarantor can claim the rights of defense mainlyinclude the situation of non-fulfillment of the guarantee condition,the situationrelated to the extent of guarantor's liability,the situation under which the creditordidn't perform his obligations,the situation related to the appropriation ofpayments,the situations related to fulfillment of purpose of guarantee,thesituation related to the creditor's laches,the situation related to the loss ofsecurities held by the creditor,the situation related to the discharge of theprincipal debtor,the situation related to the creditor connivance in the default ofthe principal,the situation related to the discharge arising by operation of law andthe situation related to the fiduciary duty.


A plea can be guilty , not guilty , or where permitted nolo contendere .


更多网络解释与抗辩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adversarial system:抗辩制度

joint ventures:合资企业 | adversarial system: 抗辩制度 | inquisitorial system: 审讯制度

affirm defence:积极的抗辩

affirm 确定原判决 | affirm defence 积极的抗辩 | agency stage 行政机关的裁决

counterargument:辩论, 抗辩

counterargue | 驳论, 抗辩 | counterargument | 辩论, 抗辩 | counterattack | 反击, 反攻 反攻, 反击

insecure counterplea:不安抗辩权

抗辩事由:counterplea cause | 不安抗辩权:insecure counterplea | 流通股:Negotiable shares

counterplea cause:抗辩事由

侵权抗辩:Infringement counterplea | 抗辩事由:counterplea cause | 不安抗辩权:insecure counterplea


demurral 异议 | demurrant 抗辩者 | demurrer 抗辩

Exceptio in factum:基于事实的抗辩

Exceptio dilatoria 限期抗辩 | Exceptio in factum 基于事实的抗辩 | Exceptio iurisiurandi 宣誓抗辩

Incontestable clause:不可抗辩条款

不可抗辩条款(Incontestable Clause)是国际寿险行业中的一项惯例. 通俗地说,保险合同生效之日一段时间内,通常为2年,也就是投保人按合同缴纳保费满2年后,保险公司不能以投保人未如实告知而进行抗辩,或者行使解约权. 保险法第十七条第二款规定:"投保人故意隐瞒事实,

counterargue:驳论, 抗辩

counterapproach | (防守方筑在永久性防御工事外的)反接近防御工事 | counterargue | 驳论, 抗辩 | counterargument | 辩论, 抗辩


demur 抗辩;抗议;异议 | demurrable 可抗辩的 | demurrage 滞留期;滞期费