英语人>词典>汉英 : 抗白喉的 的英文翻译,例句
抗白喉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
antidiphtheritic  ·  antidiphtheric

更多网络例句与抗白喉的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Behring:German physiologist. He won a 1901 Nobel Prize for work on serum immunization against diphtheria and tetanus.


Changes in Red Cell Enzyme Activity in Relation to Red Cell Survival in Infancy Antibody Deficiency Syndrome with Increased Gamma1 M(B2M) Globulins and Absent Gamma1 A(B2A) Globulins and Gamma2 Globulins. Needle Biopsy of the Liver in Various Forms of Childhood Tuberculosis Jaundice Associated with Severe Bacterial Infection in Young Infants Effectt of Hypoxia on Newborn Animals Renal Amyloidosis Resulting From a Chronically Infected Burn. Skin Testing of Allergic and Normal Children with Purified Milk Proteins. Pericarditis in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Cardiac Complication of Diphtheria Adenovirus Complement-fixing Titers from Birth through First Year Congenital Coronary A-V Fistula Narcotic and Methamphetamine Use During Pregnancy Purulent Pericarditis Transfer of Bilirubin-C^4 Across Monkey Placenta Plasma Antidiuretic Hormone in Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Studies of Anabolic Steroids:Ⅰ.

红血球酵素活性度之变化与婴儿红血球生存期之关系 Gamma1 M(B2M)球蛋白增加而无Gamma1 A(B2A)球蛋白与Gamma2球蛋白之抗体缺乏症候羣儿童期各型结核病之肝藏针管活体切片检查幼儿细菌严重感染并发之黄疸缺氧对於新生动物之影响及其与肺玻璃膜病之关系烧伤处慢性感染引起之肾性淀粉样变性以精制奶粉蛋白对过敏症与正常小儿作皮肤试验年幼性类风湿性关节为合并的心包炎白喉之心脏合并症自出生至一岁之腺病毒补体结合滴定度先天性冠状动静脉瘻管怀孕时使用麻醉剂与Methamphetamine之结果化脓性心囊炎胆红素C^14标猴子胎盘之转送肾因性尿崩症患儿之血清抗利尿荷尔蒙之证明同化类固醇之研究Ⅰ。

更多网络解释与抗白喉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antidiphtheritic:抗白喉血清注射剂 预防白喉的, 抗白喉的

antidiphtheric serum | 抗白喉血清 | antidiphtheritic | 抗白喉血清注射剂 预防白喉的, 抗白喉的 | antidiuresis | 制尿, 抑制尿分泌

Schick's test:锡克试验

既往采用锡克试验(schick's test)来判定人体对白喉有无免疫性. 锡克氏试验阴性,表示机体对白喉感染有免疫性,如为阳性,表示对白喉感染无免疫力. 由于该法烦琐,已被灵敏、简便的间接血凝试验及ELISA法所取代. 了解人群抗毒水平,