英语人>词典>汉英 : 抗癫痫的 的英文翻译,例句
抗癫痫的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Presently the effects of antiepileptic drugs are limited, so more and more people have begun to investigate antiepileptic traditional Chinese medicine.


Treatment of seizure includes airway protection, oxygen administration, subside seizure with anticonvulsant agents such as barbiturate, midazolam or dilantin and correction of the cause of seizure.


The hippocampus is falling sickness relevance brain area, Nerve peptide Y is that self own is generally acknow- ledged have the anti-epileptic effect nerve peptide within the brain.

海马是癫痫相关脑区,神经肽Y(Neuropeptide Y,NPY)是脑内具有抗癫痫作用的神经肽己被公认。

Isatin has therapeutic effects on Parkinson's disease, aging, hyperlipemia, anti-epileptic, tumor, epilepsy antibacterial, anti-virus and other biological activity.


METHODS: By reviewing literature at home and abroad,a retrospective analysis was performed on the antiepileptic drugs in particular the neotype one regarding the history,action mechanism,classification and adverse reactions etc.


But whether the compound composed of them has suppressive effect on absence - like seizures of genetic tremor rats hasnt been reported. Furthermore, the animal models of investigating antiepileptic drugs were mostly induced by chemoconvulant or electrical stimulation. Since genetic factor is more primary in clinical epileptic patients, we used tremor rats fetched in from Japan as experimental animal models. We implanted electrodes in cortical and hippocampus of tremor rats and then recorded the electroencephalograms to observe effects of the traditional Chinese medicinal compound composed of Scolopendra, Bombyx Batryticatus, Uncaria and Arisacma Consanguineum on absence - like seizures in tremor rats.


It showed that both mono and add on therapy of TPM were effective to all of the seizure types.


The decoction of acorus tatarinowii schott can modulate the excitatory and inhibitory amino acid in epileptic rats,thereby exert its antiepileptic effect.


So when using ketogenic diet with antiepileptic medication, caution needs to be taken.


Disorders using International League Against Epilepsy classifications, such as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, childhood absence epilepsy and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy are increasingly being recognised in Hong Kong.

根据国际抗癫痫联盟的分类命名,诸如 Lennox-Gastaut 综合徵、伴中央颞区棘波的儿童期良性癫痫、儿童失神癫痫及青少年肌阵挛性癫痫等病在香港正逐渐被认识。

更多网络解释与抗癫痫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anticholinergic Drugs:抗膽鹼藥

应先通知医生或药剂师患有房窦节疾病症候群 (sick sinus syndrome) 或心脏传导障碍、胃肠溃疡、尿道阻塞、癫痫、哮喘或肺阻塞性病史的病人应小心使用. 若与抗胆碱药 (anticholinergic drugs) 共同使用,可能会减低卡巴拉汀(Rivastigmine)的抗胆碱酯酵素 (cholinesterase) 的效果.


antidumping 反倾销 | antiepileptic 抗癫痫的 | antierotica 制性欲剂

antiepileptic drugs:抗癫痫药物

癫痫病的治疗主要靠药物治疗....抗癫痫药(antiepileptic drugs)发展较慢,自1912年...发现苯巴比妥后,直到1938年才发现苯妥英.两种传统药物一抗癫痫药物(antiepileptic drugs)的作用方式是抑制病灶的异常放电和遏制异常放电向周围正常脑组织

antiepileptic drugs:抗癫痫药

抗癫痫药(antiepileptic drugs)发展较慢,自1912年发现苯巴比妥后,直到1938年才发现苯妥英钠. 两种传统药物一直应用至今. 1964年发现了丙戊酸钠. 近20余年,又合成了很多新的药物,仍停留在对症治疗水平. 目前尚无一药物能根治癫痫.苯海索(benzhexol),又称安坦(Artane)


VPA及其衍生物处理的(EBs)的PrP^c表达水平与它们的胚胎毒性相一致,胚胎毒性越大,PrP^c表达越多,以上结果表明,PrP^c的表达与细胞的氧化还原状态相关,PrP^c很可能参与细胞的抗氧化防御过程. [关键词]丙戊酸钠(VPA) 癫痫(EP)

they just make them manageable:只是控制癫痫

Anti-seizure meds don't prevent seizures,|抗惊厥药不能避免癫痫 | they just make them manageable.|只是控制癫痫 | According to the surgeon's report,|根据手术医生的报告

Phenobarbital Sodium:苯巴比妥钠

苯巴比妥钠(Phenobarbital Sodium)为镇静催眠药和抗惊厥药[1]. 用于治疗焦虑、失眠、癫痫及惊厥. 测定苯巴比妥钠的方法有高效液相色谱法[2],紫外双波长光度法[3],高效毛细管电泳法[4]等. 本文利用苯巴比妥钠分子中氮原子上的孤电子对作为电子给体,茜素红分子中的平面π电子作


⑥抗精神药物:如氯丙嗪、甲硫达嗪(Thioridazine)适用于有破坏性行为的患儿. ⑦抗癫痫药:如苯妥英钠、扑痫酮适用于伴发惊厥的患者. 忌用巴比妥类的镇静剂,因有时反可使症状加重 疗程依病情轻重而定轻者服药6月~1年,重者要

catamenial epilepsy:月经性癫痫

[摘要]月经性癫痫(catamenial epilepsy)以月经周期中某个时期癫痫发作频率增加为特征,约10%~70%女性的癫痫发作与月经周期有关. 月经性癫痫与女性激素有密切关系,雌激素具有诱发癫痫的作用,孕激素具有抗癫痫作用,

Succinic Acid:琥珀酸

在海洋生物和水藻类中提取的"琥珀酸"(succinic acid)这种天然神经活性抗癫痫先导化合物是名贵抗惊厥经典中药琥珀的有效成份;有镇静、抗惊厥、降低体温等中枢抑制作用.