英语人>词典>汉英 : 扩展范围 的英文翻译,例句
扩展范围 的英文翻译、例句


branch out · spreading range · extended range
更多网络例句与扩展范围相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The atmospheric transmittance database for l064nm laser is created basing on the FASCODE. The model atmosphere is midlatitude summer. The slant path length covers (0~10) km with the alternation of 0.1km. The elevation covers 0°~91° with the alternation of 5° The surface range covers (5~20) km with the alternation of 1km.


What the innovation of the system brings market range is patulous, of market limits the requirement that expanding is development of division of labor.


This paper analyzes on the two new expression form s of the basic capitalist contradictions, the expansion of the basic capitalist contradictions in the whole world makes the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in one single country is transformed into the opposition and straggle between the developing countries and the developed countries in the whole world, an.


The result shows that urban landuse growth in Wuxi City has distinct phase character since 1978, which reflects the course of urban development and maturily. Owing to the diversity of local nature, traffic, society and economy condition and the leading of policy, spatial distribution of urban construction landuse growth in Wuxi City has distinct diversity and strong centripetalism. The central city landuse growth has distinct leading direction at different period of time. And the central city has so strong attraction and radiation force to the market towns that dominate the direction of landuse growth of the market towns scattered around a certain distance.


First, some of the business restructuring of recent years may have been ineptly done. Second, even if it was well done, it may have spread much less widely than people suppose.


"We are very pleased that the satellite is being shipped to the Baikonur launch base and we are looking forward to traveling to Kazakhstan for the August launch," said Peter Jackson, chief executive officer of AsiaSat."Our collaboration with Space Systems/Loral on this project has been very positive, and we expect to benefit from the company's long heritage of reliability in FSS satellites."

AsiaSat 5卫星基于劳拉太空系统公司的1300平台建造而成,携带了26台C波段和14台Ku波段转发器。C波段可扩展AsiaSat 2卫星的全亚洲覆盖范围,Ku波段覆盖范围包括三个高能光束,其中的两个光束将覆盖东亚和南亚,另外一个波束为在轨可控光束,能够定位并向卫星覆盖范围内的用户提供服务。

Requires extraordinary technical proficiency of the ball, running fast, skilled with the ability to have long-range, and shot a breakthrough technology Qiangdian outflanking shot. In the 1970s, the scope of their duties and activities of a more expanded offensive will no longer be limited to activities within the scope of this position, but often in the middle of the cut, play the role of the center, or with different side of the wing for a wide range of The cross, or retracement from midfield to the role of the avant-garde in order to achieve a variety of effective tactics to attack with.


We grew fifteen plant species with and without non-coevolved polyphagous locusts and cosmopolitan, polyphagous aphids.


Retrogressive erosion data of long-term monitoring in the typical thaw slumping indicates that expanding of the thaw slumping fluctuates along with the ground temperature's annual fluctuation, and expanding mostly takes place in 7~9 months. The maximal expanding appears at the direction of the slope tendency.


It is the limits that will find a place for object of obtain employment difficulty enjoys social security subsidy from the service model, trade enterprise and commonweal sex post expand unit of of all kinds choose and employ persons, expand the limits that enjoys post subsidy from commonweal sex post unit of of all kinds choose and employ persons, difficult to obtain employment object is offerred free vocational training and the first time allowance of professional skill appraisal.


更多网络解释与扩展范围相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

spread beyond the limits of (a room, etc:扩展到(房间等)的范围以外

Your bath is overflowing. 你浴盆里的水正在外溢. | spread beyond the limits of (a room, etc.)扩展到(房间等)的范围以外 | The meeting overflowed into the streets. 与会者太多,会议扩展到街道上了.

grow bounds:范围增长

--color profile converter色彩特性描述转换 | --grow bounds范围增长 | --HDR compander HDR压缩扩展

branch out:长出枝条, 扩展范围

Hammett scale 哈梅特(酸度)标度 | branch out 长出枝条, 扩展范围 | localtraffic 本市通话(业务) 地方交通(公路)

branchia:鳃; 鳃器官 (名)

branch out 长出枝条; 扩展范围 | branchia 鳃; 鳃器官 (名) | branchial 鳃的; 鳃状的 (形)

end device:终端设备

图 12是一个家庭自动化网络的范例,其中 SimpliciTI 网络还定义了范围扩展器 (Range Extender) 与终端设备 (End Device) 抽象概念. 可将该网络扩展至包括多达四个范围扩展器. 第二与第三个例子将显示出,如果要求略有变动就会导致选择不同的协议.

expand on:细说, 阐述

expand into 把...扩展[发展, 膨胀] | expand on 细说, 阐述 | Tip: expand 指范围、体积的扩大、膨胀、扩展

extended protest:(船长呈交公证行的)延期海难抗辩书

extended problem 扩充问题 | extended protest (船长呈交公证行的)延期海难抗辩书 | extended range 扩充域,扩展范围


所以我们可以像其他静态方法一样直接调用它(invoke it directly):然而,扩展方法的一个独特(unique)的特点是我们还可以使用实例的语法(using instance syntax)来调用它:扩展方法是基于扩展方法的活动范围内(in scope)在编译时(compile-time)决定的(resolved).

scope n. the area within the limits of a question:范围

application n. the putting to use 应用,运用 | scope n. the area within the limits of a question, subject, etc.; range 范围 | extend v. to reach, stretch or continue 扩展,延伸

scope n. the area within the limits of a question, subject, etc.; range:范围

application n. the putting to use 应用,运用 | scope n. the area within the limits of a question, subject, etc.; range 范围 | extend v. to reach, stretch or continue 扩展,延伸