英语人>词典>汉英 : 打扮自己 的英文翻译,例句
打扮自己 的英文翻译、例句


prick up oneself
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I like dressing up, gardening and playing with my favorite dog, Bobbie.


Both authors believe that in the war of ideas Americans should focus on jihadist brutality rather than trying to burnish their own image .


Imagine all the women of England elevated to the high level of masculine intellectuality; superior to crinoline; above pearl powder and Mrs. Rachael Levison; above taking the pains to be pretty; above making themelves agreeable; above tea-tables, and that cruelly scandalous and rather satirical gossip which even strong men delight in; and what a dreary, utilitarian, ugly life the sterner sex must lead.


How would we dress for a "special occasion" such as meeting some important human dignitary?


The girl is studying on television's appearance, starts to dress up itself, she thought that the boy does not go home, perhaps is looked that greasy she, she has decided no longer dispiritedly, their happiness should strive for depending on oneself, but is not the senseless backlash.


People would dress up in costumes and parade around their village making lots of noise.


If a woman is into you, she'll primp herself to draw attention to her appearance.


The designer harked back to the 60s when women had less to do and looked after their appearance.


Women having more dowry than guys to dress the world better,to the foreigner,their visage can represent the city or the country.so dressing beautiful is an onus to the women,they should primping better.


Warm romantic midnight, and he is to walk through the streets, you were suddenly stumble for a moment, he let go of the opportunity of your waist, owner into your heart, and your lips and India under a deep kiss However, the facts may be cruel, it is still midnight, he slowly to you rely on them, the oldest Zuizhang, then rude kiss your face.

1。自我认知穷人:很少想到如何去赚钱和如何才能赚到钱,认为自己一辈子就该这样,不相信会有什么改变。富人:骨子里就深信自己生下来不是要做穷人,而是要做富人,他有强烈的赚钱意识,这已是他血液里的东西,他会想尽一切办法使自己致富。 2。休闲穷人:在家看电视,为肥皂剧的剧情感动得痛哭流涕,还要仿照电视里的时尚打扮自己

更多网络解释与打扮自己相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dress down:责骂,斥责

draw oneself up 挺直身体,控制自己 | dress down 责骂,斥责 | dress up 打扮

Looking different is a great way to jump start a ho-hum day:给自己打扮打扮,让自己看起来不同,是给平淡的日子充充电的好办法

jump start又可以引申为... | Looking different is a great way to jump start a ho-hum day. 给自己打扮打扮,让自己看起来不同,是给平淡的日子充充电的好办法. | Eating a balanced breakfast is a great way to j...

prick up one's ears:竖起耳朵听

prick on 驱使 | prick up one's ears 竖起耳朵听 | prick up oneself 打扮自己

prick up:竖起

prick up oneself 打扮自己 | prick up 竖起 | prick 刺

so that... could know her:以便...能认出她

clothed herself as...把自己打扮成.... | so that... could know her 以便...能认出她. | in this disguise用这种伪装;用这种打扮.


reactivate 恢复活力,重新活跃 | titivate 打扮自己 | cultivate 耕;种植;培养


在1851年埃及出土的著名萨拉皮雍石碑上,冈比西斯的打扮宛然就像一个埃及王室成员,脖子里围着神圣的毒蛇(uraeus),埃及人饲养的用于宗教用途的眼镜蛇. 历史学家皮埃尔-布莱恩特(PierreBriant)指出,在埃及时冈比西斯让自己"埃及化了".

prick up oneself:打扮自己

prick up one's ears 竖起耳朵听 | prick up oneself 打扮自己 | prick up 竖起

Complimented on the way:人们赞美你的打扮

I hope you can enjoy all you do and you are我希望你能享受自己所做的一切, | Complimented on the way人们赞美你的打扮 | You look and you can laugh你能与人谈笑

Song Hye Kyo:宋慧乔

"韩剧天后"宋慧乔(Song Hye Kyo) 档案: 宋慧乔(Song Hye Kyo) 从小就喜欢安静又爱漂亮,经常会对着镜子打扮自己. 宋慧乔(Song Hye Kyo)小时候的梦想就是有一天能穿上自己设计的服装,美美地出现在人前. 1996年,宋慧乔(Song