英语人>词典>汉英 : 打击的 的英文翻译,例句
打击的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与打击的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ABL is a typical application system of very high energy laser, with the property of high motorized, high accurate and lightning attack to the goal,and also with the ability to deal several objects a crushing blow.


Conversely,if the heartland complex were capable of deterring a nuclear attack by possession of equal or superior nuclear systems ,its then corresponding influence over its non-nuclear or nuclear-inferior rimland neighbors would be correspondingly greater.


Now, as you uncoil make sure to stop the trunk and hitting shoulder just before contact , this deceleration of the trunk and hitting shoulder allows the hitting arm to now accelerate into the shot.


As you uncoil make sure to stop the trunk and hitting shoulder just before contact , this deceleration of the trunk and hitting shoulder allows the hitting arm to now accelerate into the shot .


Bonderman (10-7) allowed seven runs and eight hits in 5 2/3 innings, walking four and striking out none. He surrendered a two-run double up the left-center-field gap to Hideki Matsui in the first inning, one of three hits for Matsui, who has hit safely in 44 of 48 games and appears to be taking to the designated hitter spot -- sporadic as it may be -- with aplomb.

T; X1 F9 D1 h$ N王建民加油站棒得慢(10胜7负)在5又2/3局投球中丢了7分,保送4次,没有三振,他在第一局就被马猪蚁打出一支两分打点的左外野二垒安打,这是马猪蚁这场比赛3支安打中的1支,他在48场比赛中有44场击出安打,显示出他已经可以沉著地适应指定打击的工作(偶尔需要他担任指定打击的时候)。

A-Rod lined out to deep rightfield to end the eighth inning. Lightning began to flash during that at-bat, and moments later, a deluge began.


Stunning dz 令人目眩神移的 dz With computers doubling in speed and power every couple of years and with genetic engineering's dazzling feats growing more and more routine, the battered American faith in technologic progress has been growing stronger and giddier of late.

TIME, May 27, 1996, p.67 随着电脑的速度与功能每两年就增加一倍,基因工程领域中惊人的成就变得司空见惯,美国人在科技发展方面备受打击的信心,近年来已逐渐增强,并有异常乐观的趋势。

Dz 令人目眩神移的 dz stunning With computers doubling in speed and power every couple of years and with genetic engineering's dazzling feats growing more and more routine, the battered American faith in technologic progress has been growing stronger and giddier of late.

TIME, May 27, 1996, p.67 随着电脑的速度与功能每两年就增加一倍,基因工程领域中惊人的成就变得司空见惯,美国 Chapter1 简易词形容词,副词 3 人在科技发展方面备受打击的信心,近年来已逐渐增强,并有异常乐观的趋势。

Dz 令人目眩神移的 dz stunning With computers doubling in speed and power every couple of years and with genetic engineering's dazzling feats growing more and more routine, the battered American faith in technologic progress has been growing stronger and giddier of late.

TIME, May 27, 1996, p.67 随着电脑的速度与功能每两年就增加一倍,基因工程领域中惊人的成就变得司空见惯,美国人在科技发展方面备受打击的信心,近年来已逐渐增强,并有异常乐观的趋势。

Dz 令人目眩神移的stunning dz With computers doubling in speed and power every couple of years and with genetic engineering's dazzling feats growing more and more routine, the battered American faith in technologic progress has been growing stronger and giddier of late.

TIME, May 27, 1996, p.67 随着电脑的速度与功能每两年就增加一倍,基因工程领域中惊人的成就变得司空见惯,美国人在科技发展方面备受打击的信心,近年来已逐渐增强,并有异常乐观的趋势。

更多网络解释与打击的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pitcher Handedness Influence:左右投投手与打击的影响

Batting Power 打击力量 | Pitcher Handedness Influence 左右投投手与打击的影响 | Inside Edge Batting Zone Influence 球探报告对打击的影响

AI Pitcher Handedness Influence:投手左右投对AI打击的影响

AI Batting Power AI打击力量 | AI Pitcher Handedness Influence 投手左右投对AI打击的影响 | AI Inside Edge Batting Zone Influence AI球探报告对打击的影响


hard-grained 木纹密而硬的 | hard-hitting 用力打击的 | hard-land 硬着陆

a sitting duck:容易被打击的对象

like a duck to water 轻而易举 | a sitting duck 容易被打击的对象 | back the wrong horse 支持失败的一方


infliction 施加 | inflictive 加以打击的 | inflood 流入

inflictive:加以打击的; 使人难过的 (形)

infliction 施加; 施加的事物 (名) | inflictive 加以打击的; 使人难过的 (形) | inflorescence 开花; 花序; 花 (名)

inflictive:予以打击的; 痛苦的; 科以刑罚的

infliction (强加于人身的)痛苦,刑罚 | inflictive 予以打击的; 痛苦的; 科以刑罚的 | fragile 易碎的


tempest 暴风雨 | tempest-tossed 连遭打击的 | tempest-tost 多次打击


tempermament /气质/性情/ | tempest-tossed /受暴风雨戏弄的/连遭打击的/ | tempestite /风暴层/


storm beat 受暴风雨打击的 | storm beaten 受暴风雨打击的 | storm belt 暴风雨带