英语人>词典>汉英 : 战地记者 的英文翻译,例句
战地记者 的英文翻译、例句


war correspondent
更多网络例句与战地记者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Later in World War II, he became one of the best-known of U.S.


Still another example is Winston Churchill. At age 25, as a correspondent in the Boer War he became a prisoner of war and his dramatic escape made him a national hero. Elected to Parliament at 26, he performed brilliantly, held high cabinet posts with distinction and at 37 became First Lord of the Admiralty.


Yet Simonov was also a brave war reporter, a generous friend and, eventually, conscience-stricken and remorseful.


Yet Simonov was also a brave war rep orter, a generous friend and, eventually, conscience-stricken and remorseful.


From hardened Marines to war-time journalists to endangered Iraqi citizens, From Baghdad, With Love tells an unforgettable true story of an unlikely band of heroes who learn unexpected lessons about life, death, and war from a mangy little flea-ridden refugee.


OL of heaven and earth the blame that every gang warfare allows attends a war the player changes aeriform way with empty, real time enters each corner of competition ground, it is convenient really the part that reporters discover detail, still can become the safest war correspondent on the world.


Other early jobs included news and sports positions at radio stations and announcing races for a bookie joint. In 1937, he joined the United Press as a national correspondent and, after Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, became a war reporter.


No wonder legendary war correspondent Ernie Pyle wrote,The Zippo lighter is in great demand on the battle field...

难怪有个叫做Ernie Pyle的战地记者写道:Zippo 打火机在战地有很大的需求。。。

Successive Cabinet ministers, politically responsible for the conduct of the war, used press reports to criticise Raglan and his staff.


She became the first female war correspondent to be killed in Vietnam, as well as the first American female reporter to be killed in action.


更多网络解释与战地记者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

War correspondent:战地记者

根据传统定义,战地记者(war correspondent)是"被派去报道一场战役的报人". 今天,我们不妨将这一定义修正为:战地记者是新闻工作者中专门从事战地新闻采访与报道的那些人. 战地报道不同于战争新闻,它是战地记者根据亲身经历和见闻写成的战地现场新闻(或称目击报道).


10月30日,美国防部官员在新闻界的一次会议上,首次使用了"嵌入"(embedding)一词,即把记者固定安排在军队各级单元中随军全程报道. 在战史上,这是一种全新的战地报道管理方式. 从11月19日起,作为嵌入式报道的前期准备,


画家里面就有毕加索(Picasso)、达利(Dali)、米罗(Miro)、戈雅(Goya)、格雷科(Greco),还有著名的战地摄影记者卡帕(Capa),似乎颇受西班牙人纪念和推崇的是委拉斯凯(Velazquez,1599-1660),他手持画笔的雕塑就伫立在马德里(Madrid)著名的普拉多博物馆(Museo del Prado)外.


记者 newspaperman;mewshound | 采访记者 Paragrapher | 战地记者 War correspondent

war crime:战争犯罪

war correspondent 战地记者 | war crime 战争犯罪 | war criminal 战犯

