英语人>词典>汉英 : 戈兰高地 的英文翻译,例句
戈兰高地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

the Golan Heights
更多网络例句与戈兰高地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

About 18 ,000 Druse Arabs who consider themselves Syrian nationals also live on the Golan where large numbers of Israeli and Syrian troops are separated by a force of U.


I look for information on some of the Golan Heights.


On the Golan Heights, some of the information.


A land-for-peace deal in the West Bank and Golan remains Israel's best hope of security.


A statement from the Golan settlers rejected any agreement that would require them to leave the area.


In six days, it occupied the Sinai, the Golan, the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem.


Artillery on the Golan Heights can dominate a large area of Israel.


None of the above figures include Arabs living in the West Bank, Gaza or the Golan Heights.


The Golan Heights will always find its way to any posting about Syria's future. Philip I from Via Recta, brings the Golan back into focus as our collective aim

在任何有关叙利亚未来的文章里总会提到戈兰高地,Philip I在他的部落格 Recta 里就把戈兰高地的问题再度置於焦点下,使它成为每个人的共同目标。

It had belonged to Syria, and in the Six Day War of 1967 most of it was occupied by Israel. Because of its strategical position and possessing rich water resources, it has been the focus of confrontation between Syria and Israel.


更多网络解释与戈兰高地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Golan Heights:戈兰高地

近日,联合国官员接受了以色列所赠的新年礼物--戈兰高地(Golan Heights)葡萄酒,此举遭到叙利亚的极力反对,认为这种行为是极端不负责任、带有挑衅性的.

Golan Heights:(以占)戈兰高地

Gibraltar 直布罗陀 | Golan Heights (以占)戈兰高地 | Golden Crescent (阿富汗等国边界的)金新月地区

Golan Heights Law:戈兰高地法

GOKHALE, Vijay;维贾伊.戈卡莱;; | Golan Heights Law;戈兰高地法;; | Golan Settlement Commission;戈兰定居点委员会;;

Golan Settlement Commission:戈兰定居点委员会

Golan Heights Law;戈兰高地法;; | Golan Settlement Commission;戈兰定居点委员会;; | Golas Radzimy;祖国之声报;;

GOKHALE, Vijay:维贾伊.戈卡莱

Gokei Trading Corporation, Japan;日本互惠交易株式会社;; | GOKHALE, Vijay;维贾伊.戈卡莱;; | Golan Heights Law;戈兰高地法;;


1974年部署的"联合国脱离接触观察员部队"(UNDOF)则是为了监督以色列和叙利亚在戈兰高地的停火,并在两国之间设立了缓冲区. 该项维和行动目前仍在进行,尽管叙以之间尚未实现持久和平,但就维持和平的职能而言.部署脱离接触观察员部队是成功的.

Gamay noir:黑佳美

来自法国Joseph Drouhin与Louis Jadot酒厂的博若莱新酒将运至以色列,与此同时,以色列戈兰高地酒厂(Golan Heights) 将推出黑佳美(Gamay Noir )新酒,Binyamina酒厂推出"B"品牌佳丽酿,均采用当年收获的葡萄酿制.

Paris Peace Conference:巴黎和会

1919年,犹太复国主义者在巴黎和会(Paris Peace Conference)上宣称戈兰高地(Golan Heights),约旦河谷(Jordan valley)--也就是现称的西岸(the West Bank),以及黎巴嫩的利塔尼河(Litani River)对于建立"新国家的经济基础是必须的.