英语人>词典>汉英 : 感染灶 的英文翻译,例句
感染灶 的英文翻译、例句


focus of infection
更多网络例句与感染灶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to modern medicine anorectal anatomy anal sphincter gland catheter into the gap characteristics, generally considered to be the primary Gan Ranzao destroyed the anal gland and duct caused by the disease by the general surgery and anti-infection treatment, abscess simple incision and drainage, primary I do not in the first incision, ineffective, and easy to cause recurrent anal ease.


Results:All of the cases studied,38 cases were abnormal(82.6%).Their magnetic resonance imagings manifested encephalatrophy、leukodystrophy、cerebromalacia、cerebral maldevelopment,and infections of the central nervous system.


A more precise estimate is obtained by applying the Poisson distribution.


Integrative analysis on the developing course and pathogenesis Rimerella anatipestifer infection is septicemia-type infectious disease, which is addicted to intrude into serous membarance all over the body, cause serous-fibrinous or fibrinous serous membarance inflammation. The pathogenesis is that RA firstly causes local inflammation, then rapidly break through the defensive organizations into blood. After the proliferation in blood, RA located mainly in serous membrane all over the body, cause inflammation in here and DIC and result in septicemia.


The histopathological changes of inoculated duckling were observed.The result showed that the death peak was in 24-48 h with the mortality of 80%.The histopathological changes were hemorrhagic necrotic hepatitis,necrotic splenitis,pancreas limitation coagulation necrosis and heterophil infiltrating into renal leaflet,respectively.

结果表明,接毒后 2 4~ 48h为感染鸭死亡高峰,试验发病的死亡率为 80 %;感染雏鸭肝、脾、胰、肾的组织病理变化分别表现为出血性、坏死性肝炎,坏死性脾炎,胰局灶性坏死及肾小叶的异嗜性粒细胞浸润。

Methods In cases of SAP with severe pancreatic and peripancreatic infection, open surgical debridement and drainage was done, and, about one week later, the drainage tubes were removed and a choledoscope was then used repeatedly to debride and wash out the necrotic and infected foci that were hard to drain out.


In view of vagina exists avariety of microbacteria, once ecological balance of vagina is destroyedor ectogenic pathogen break in, it canlead inflammation, cervix excretionincreasing and humidity verdict for pathogen produce, and endocervixplica is very much, focus of infection is difficulty eliminated. Becauseof the vagina and cervix that internal environment and anatomicalstructure is particular, the chronic cervicitis is always manifestrepeatedly, difficult to recover.


The use of choledoscope for repeated debicdement and removal of pancreatic and peripancrcatic infectious foci is simple and safe, with reliable clinical effects, and is a novel treatment for pancreatic and peripancreatic infections secondary to severe acute pancreatitis.


Th is pulmonary infection is due to Coccidioidomycos is , as evidenced by the two large spherules filled with endospores.


Rnsults There were brain areas that distributing of radioactivity diminution in interictal SPECT in all 69 cases ,and there were brain areas distributing of radioactivity heighten in ictal SPECT in all 69 cases.


更多网络解释与感染灶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tuberculosis cutis:皮肤结核

皮肤结核(tuberculosis cutis)是由结核杆菌所致的慢性皮肤病. 主要由自身结核灶通过血行、淋巴系统或临近结核灶传布和皮肤粘膜轻微外伤感染而来. 组织病理变化以典型的结核结构为主. [诊断]包括:丘疹性坏死性结核疹、瘰疬性皮肤结核、疣状皮肤结核、寻常狼疮. 颜面粟粒性狼疮 颜面粟粒性狼疮(...

focal epilepsy:焦点性癫痫

foaming agent 起泡剂 | focal epilepsy 焦点性癫痫 | focal infection 灶性感染


病因迄今不明,可能与机体对某种慢性感染和刺激灶产生的非特异性反应有关,如肾孟肾炎、输尿管炎、炎症性肠...[概述] 肝片吸虫病(Fascioliasis)是由肝片吸虫(Fasciola hepatica)寄生在人体的肝脏胆管所引起的疾病,主要为牛、羊的寄生虫...

hepatocellular jaundice:肝细胞性黄疸

1.肝细胞性黄疸 肝细胞性黄疸(hepatocellular jaundice)是由于感染或中毒,使肝细胞受损害(肝窦面肝细胞膜微突减少,内质网减少,变得稀疏和空泡形成,线粒体肿胀,基质混浊,内嵴呈灶性消失,毛细胆管微绒毛减少,变平、不规则),

secondary pulmonary tuberculosis:继发性肺结核病

继发性肺结核病(secondary pulmonary tuberculosis)是指再次感染结核菌所引起的肺结核病,多见于成年人,故又称成人型肺结核病. 肺内的病变常开始于肺尖,称再感染灶. 关于再感染灶的形成机制有以下两种学说:①外源性再感染学说,认为继发性肺结核的发病是由外界重新感染所致,

Loa loa:羅阿絲蟲

而右乳房上外侧经乳房X线摄像见一大而密集的微细钙化灶. 此种微细钙化形状、大小和密度不一,有的呈线状,提示位于管腔内. 组织学检查见厚而多层角皮和皮嵴,内部结构有肠管和生殖器官,符合匐行恶丝虫的特征. 32.2.3 乳房罗阿丝虫(Loa loa)感染

focal infection:灶性感染

focal epilepsy 焦点性癫痫 | focal infection 灶性感染 | focal symptom 病灶症状

focal infection:病灶感染,灶性感染,局灶性感染,局灶性感染

focal image ==> 焦面像 | focal infection ==> 病灶感染,灶性感染,局灶性感染,局灶性感染 | focal infiltration ==> 局灶浸润,局灶浸润