英语人>词典>汉英 : 感同身受 的英文翻译,例句
感同身受 的英文翻译、例句


feel indebted as if it were received in person · I shall count it as a personal favor.
更多网络例句与感同身受相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The 1960's that he had a dream of painting as a young art student, was an experimental period of passionate, challenging contemporary art (such as Abstract Expressionism, Art Informel, Action Painting).


I would tell you, I feel all the same.


You've got to feel the same personal solicitude over a customer lost, as a revivalist over a backslider, and hold special services to bring him back into the fold.


We shall regard as a personal favor any help you give Mr. Chadwick and will always be happy to reciprocate.


We shall regard as a personal favor any help you give to Mr. Chadwick during his stay in your country.


Moreover, while America's revolutionary origins and republican form of government might make it sympathetic toward those seeking freedom elsewhere, America's early leaders cautioned against idealistic attempts to export our way of life; according to John Quincy Adams, America should not go "abroad in search of monsters to destroy" nor "become the dictatress of the world."

另外,虽然美国的革命历程和其政府的共和政体形式,也许会使得美国人对那些在别处寻求自由的人感同身受,但是,美国的早期领导告诫唯心主义者不要试图向外灌输我们的生活方式;根据约翰。昆西。亚当斯(John Quincy Adams,美国第六任总统,帮助制定了门罗主义)所言,美国不应该"走出边境,寻找怪物并消灭它们",也不应该"变成世界的独裁者。"

We have to show empathy for the consumer.


Feeling of all without exception of person of each 8 bureaus is the same as experience, blossom the smiling face that gives from the bottom of one's heart.


Now my favorite story is the one I identify with most, David and Goliath.


Out of a gunnysack for red rabbits,Into the crucible to be rendered an emulsion,And we can't allow a chance they'd restore themselves


更多网络解释与感同身受相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oh, bummer:一表感同身受

109. Nonsense! 鬼话!胡说八道 | Oh, bummer!一表感同身受. | 6,chicken: He is really a chicken. 弱人


大马精神健康协会(MMHA)义工、专业心理辅导员(counsellor)张丽婷,从心理学的观点,作出上述推断. 其次,身心俱疲的家属,可以透过类似"家连家"(family Link)的支援团体倾吐心事,以"同路人"的感同身受,互相扶持、安慰、交换意见、分享照料病人的心得.


Fantasize超现实的幻想 | Find a pattern找出模式(周期,规律,倾向,行为习惯,可能性等等) | Empathize感同身受

show empathy:表示感同身受

I expect the person to live up to my expectations. 我期盼当事人达到我的预期. | show empathy 表示感同身受 | encourage 鼓励

Feel for you:感同身受、再接再厉

Frequency"投其所好、对准频率" | Feel for You"感同身受、再接再厉" | Don"t Step on My Groove"动静自如、你来掌控"

regard as a personal favor:感同身受

red collar workers 红领 | regard as a personal favor 感同身受 | regime change 政权更迭

Peter Travers:紐約滾石雜誌:令人震驚的演技、讓人難以忘懷、感同身受的電影

★David Ansen,美國新聞週刊:漂亮、豐富、細緻、情感上的得益更是無價... | ☆Lisa Schwarzbaum,美國娛樂週刊:這絕對是電影的最高境界! | ★Peter Travers, 紐約滾石雜誌:令人震驚的演技、讓人難以忘懷、感同身受的電影...

em pathy:感同身受 (同 心,移情)

意 形态 ideology | 感同身受 (同 心,移情) em pathy | 感官 (感觉器官) sense organ

em pathy:移情 (同 心,感同身受)

移居者 m igrants | 移情 (同 心,感同身受) em pathy | 符号 (象徵符号) sym bol

empathizing with others:感同身受

letting your heart lead the way 让心带路 | empathizing with others感同身受 | expressing deep feelings表达深刻的情感