英语人>词典>汉英 : 感光度的 的英文翻译,例句
感光度的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与感光度的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover regardless of adopts what kind of existence the existent solution, digit imaging system's latitude must be a certain that cannot be intervened artificially value on the physical level after leaving factory. Some digital cameras are known as alterable latitude, but they change camera's latitude by past treatment through DSP. So users cannot change latitude, light-shade transition or color transition as film camera just by replacing film's type. Now the civil camera's minimum ISO is 50. This value is discommodity for users to photo by the long exposure or other similar mode.


The structure of silver halide microcystal grains has great influence on the sensitivity.


This paper introduces a green light illuminant suitable for determining the speed o...


Thermal version still other problems, such as mesh point size and non-control of the speed of the image area.


Photographic sensitometry, determination of optical density; geometric conditions for reflection density


From the UV-vis absorption spectra data, we can obtained: a Intruduce a 3-sulfopropyl into thiacyanine makes λ〓 red shift 1nm; b For the anionic thiacyanines, the substituent at the 5-position of the benzene ring has influence on λ〓· Acroding to the sequence F, Cl, CH〓, OCH〓, 4, 5-benzo,λ〓 red shift. Strong electron-withdrawing group CF〓 makes λ〓 hypsochromic shift 1nm.


The newly publish ed ISO Standard for determining the speed of medical X-ray films specifies the u se of X-ray beam for the exposure of the films during their sensitometric tests; though this method is precise,it requires the use of sophisticated equipment an d time consuming operations.


Moreover, supersensitization as well as its mechanism by stabilizers is studied in spectral-sensitized AgCl emulsion Results indicate that the adding order of stabilizer and sensitizing dye has great influence on the sensitivity of emulsion and only stabilizer added after sensitizing dye can supersensitization be obtained Apart from supersensitization and fog-inhibition by stabilizers, it is also significant to spread the amount of addition of dye, which can lead the further improvement of sensitivity of emulsion.


The actual filter factor and choice of International Organization for Standardization speed, however, will play critical roles in determining the correct photographic exposure.


The results showed that the stearates can accelerate the development of PTG material. The addition of NiSt2 greatly increased the maximum density and the sensitivity together with a slight fog increase. However the addition of BaSt2 and CaSt2 did not make such great increase in the maximum density and the sensitivity, together with a slight fog decrease.


更多网络解释与感光度的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bromide paper:溴素纸

明胶乳剂也可以涂布在像纸上.到了19世纪70年代中期,已可买到现成的"溴素纸"(bromide paper).它的感光度足以在煤气灯放大机(gas-it enlarger)上进行放大.(以前,也曾有过一些放大机,用来放大蛋白像纸.但由于只有用阳光才能使蛋白像纸感光,


相片的噪声点重,很有可能是你把"感光度"(ISO)不小心调高了. 你检查一下,如果确实调高了,就把它调回来. 一般情况下,ISO 设置为100,只有在光线太暗,才加ISO . 大的ISO可以适应微弱的光线,但相应地噪声点也要增加. 另外,

speed of photographic plate:摄影干版的感光度,照相底片感光速度,照相片感光速率,感光板灵敏度

speed of perception 知觉速度 | speed of photographic plate 摄影干版的感光度,照相底片感光速度,照相片感光速率,感光板灵敏度 | speed of photoresponse 光响应速度


57.感光度 感光度(sensitivity),根据光源的不同强度调节相机的感光能力. 用传统相机时,我们可因应拍摄环境的亮度来选购不同感光度(速度)的底片,例如一般阴天的环境可用iso200,黑暗如舞台,演唱会的环境可用iso400或更高,


sensitization /促进感受性/感光度之增强/ | sensitize /使敏感/使具有感光性/变敏感/敏化/ | sensitized /敏化了的/激活的/

sensitometer:感光度测定计 感光计 感光仪 曝光表

sensitogram 感光度图 感光图 | sensitometer 感光度测定计 感光计 感光仪 曝光表 | sensitometric 感光的

tracing paper:透明纸

如图就是使用2部闪光灯,并用透明纸(Tracing Paper)将光线变成柔光后拍摄的(ISO感光度:50、快门速度:1/125秒、光圈值:F7.0. 点击放大) ▲能够更鲜明地记录夕阳效果的场景模式得到了保留. AF被固定在无限远,以及本机良好的响应性起到了作用,


sensitize 变敏感 | sensitized 敏化了的 | sensitogram 感光度图

CCD Pixels:数码相机规格中英文对照的学习资料由英语学习资料大全免费提供 CCD 分辨率

数码相机规格中英文对照的学习资料由英语学习资料大全免费提供 CCD 分辨率 CCD Pixels | 影像分辨率 Image Size | ISO 感光度 Sensitivity

signal-to-noise ratio:讯噪比

大大减低了对Hydrogen-alpha的感光度, 对拍摄发射星云很不利; (iii) 在香港一般温度下, 最长曝光只在5分镜左右, 所以用来拍摄较暗的星云星系, 讯噪比会很低. (iv) 影像的光位层次比菲林差.讯噪比(Signal to noise ratio)即系话讯号与噪讯的比例.