英语人>词典>汉英 : 总论的 的英文翻译,例句
总论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与总论的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This design is divided into 6 part totally they respectively is:(1)General introduction;(2)The mineral bed endows with the natural general situation and the original data(3) mineral bed geologies of the regions;(4) Developmengt system;;(5)mining method;(6)Mineral mountain airiness;(7)The mineral mountain promotes and transports.


In the conclusion chapter, the differences and similarities among monosyllabic negatives, polysyllabic negatives, and double negation are also discussed.


The review and analysis on commercial law pandect,especially the historical research, is the weak tache of commercial law study in china all through the ages.


The purpose of this review is to give an overview of this unusual complication and summarise the current methods of management.


It should be a summary and reflection upon changes over time within the site, their causes and significance.


The study history, taxonomy, characters, biological notes and geological distributions of Encyrtidae were also given in the introduction.


The general chapter 5.10 of the European Pharmacopoeia "Control of impurities in Substances for Pharmaceutical use" and the revised general monograph 2034 Substances for pharmaceutical use introduce new requirements (as also described in the guideline CPMP/QWP/1529/04 Control of impurities of Pharmacopoeial substances) that should be consulted to understand how to read the limits of the monograph and how to apply the general monograph when setting specifications.

欧洲药典总章5.10&药用物质中杂质的控制&和修改后的总论2034药用物质介绍了新的要求(在指南CPMP/QWP/1529/04 药典物质中杂质的控制),应参考这些新的要求,弄明白如何读专论的限度,以及在设定质量标准中如何使用总论。

Part one is a general rule of solidum.


The times have changed, and with China rising to prominence in the world the application of Anglo-America law is now vastly different from the old days.


This finding alone elucidates the exchange nature of mentoring and emphasizes the differences in perspective of mentors and proteges.


更多网络解释与总论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

flow chart:流程表

右页的作业流程表 (flow chart) 是把症候与病态生理的总论及各论整理出来的结果. 这样就能充分理解疾患所显示的症状或检查所见与病态生理的关系. 基於上述,凡是医学院相关学系的学生都必须修习这门课程. 在遥远的年代(编译者的年代),


他的观点得到科学家们的证实和接受.分子病分子病是指人类遗传物质脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)缺陷,导致人类体内某种特殊的蛋白质和酶的结蚌埠医学院第一附属医院 王信琪第一章 总论血液病学(hematology) 包括:血液系统疾


Pandean 牧羊神的 | pandect 总论 | pandemic 大流行的


pandanales /露兜树目/ | pandect /法令全书/总论/总览/ | pandemic /全国流行的/

Medical Parasitology:医学寄生虫学

总论 人体寄生虫学(human parasitology)也称医学寄生虫学(medical parasitology),是一门研究与医学有关的寄生虫及其与宿主关系的科学.主要研究寄生虫的形态结构,生态规律,着重研究寄生虫与人体及外界因素的相互关系,并从病原学和病原种群动力学角度,


敦司苏格徒(Duns Scotus)等人,均被称为"中世纪教授";他们所教的称为"经院哲学"(Scholasticism),是将神学与哲学混合的一种学问. 多马阿奎那的巨著"神学总论"(Summa Theologica)就是一本古典文学与基督教思想的综合,它成为今天天主教教育的基本教材.

Summa Theologica:(神学总论)

他们尝试将神学与希腊哲学揉合为一个统一的思想体系,发展出"基督教的人文主义",而阿奎那的"神学总论"(Summa Theologica) 就是其中的代表作. 迄今,这巨著仍是天主教的神学基本教材. [50]除此之外,宗教改革家为了使圣经更普及化,


panda 熊猫 | Pandean 牧羊神的 | pandect 总论


topicality /时事性/时事性话题/ | topically /谈论地/总论地/局部地/ | topknot /鸟的冠毛/鸟冠/顶髻/

Subdivisions of Nervous System:第一节 神经系统的分部

第一章 总论Introduction | 第一节 神经系统的分部Subdivisions of Nervous System | 第二节 神经系统的细胞成分Cellular Composition of Nervous System