英语人>词典>汉英 : 急性结膜炎 的英文翻译,例句
急性结膜炎 的英文翻译、例句


pink eye · hot eye
更多网络例句与急性结膜炎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By modern pharmacology research has shown that Pulsatilla Decoction can inhibit bacteria、kill the parasite entamoeba and trichomonas vaginalis, so, it can used in treatment for infection disease.


The third kind of infectious disease is refers: Pulmonarytuberculosis, snail fever, silk insect sickness, Bao Chong sickness,leprosy, flu, mumps, german measles, tetanus neonatorum, acutehemorrhage conjunctivitis, except cholera, dysentery, typhus and副伤寒 outside infectious diarrhea sickness.


Other Less Common Symptoms: A whole cluster of other symptoms appear during this infection, including progressive loss of hearing : that is, a gradually increasing deafness in older people (probably sensorineural hearing loss ); in younger people, a subtle loss of hearing acuity is noticed, meaning that it becomes a little more difficult to identifying environmental sounds, and more difficult to sensing their exact location; increased tinnitus ; sense of balance becoming noticeably less acute; dizziness spells; hoarse voice due to persistent throat soreness,(or possibly due to connective tissue damage in the larynx); chronic white tongue coating (called geographic tongue or migratory glossitis); red eyes (mild conjunctivitis, aka: pinkeye); infection of the urethra ; viral headache; eczema / psoriasis; large area of red greasy skin on the chest, just below the neck; increased hair loss; cold hands and feet; slow wound healing; weight gain on stomach; kidney pains ; joint pains; muscle cramps , especially in the calf muscles; sudden episodes of racing heart and heart palpitations; acute pericarditis; aseptic meningitis; reduced attention and concentration; forgetting words, losing some of your vocabulary, suddenly having more difficulty in spelling words and remembering information; frequently selecting incorrect words while talking (and strangely, sometimes selecting a word which is incorrect, but from the same category as the right word for example, saying "pun" when you meant to say "irony" both are in the same category of literary devices).


Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect of gutta ganciclovir on epidemic acute keratoconjunctivitis.


Results: There were statistically significant difference of treatment efficacy between the 0.1% gutta ganciclovir treatment group and 0.1% gutta acyclovir treatment group.


Results Of 17 cases, 3 cases were misdiagnosed as keratoconjunctivitis, 2 as acute close-angle glaucoma, 1 as inflammatory reaction after cataract extracapsular extraction and IOL implantation, 4 as disciform stromal keratitis, 3 as iridocyclitis and 4 as glaucomatocyclitic crisis.

结果: 误诊为角结膜炎3例,误诊为急性闭角型青光眼2例,误诊为白内障术后炎性反应1例,误诊为盘状角膜基质炎4例,误诊为虹膜睫状体炎3例,误诊为青光眼睫状体炎综合征4例。

If it refers to an eye disease, it should be put into English as "pinkeye", is what the Chinese expression "红眼病" really means.


Patient with heart disease, serious hypertension, tuberculosis, schizophrenia, skin disease, hepatitis, severe trachoma, acute conjunctivitis, pinkeye, venereal diseases, intestinal infectious disease, tympanitis and alcoholic are forbidden entering the swimming pool.


The contents of β2-microglobulin in vernal conjunctivitis patients were in activated secretor state, which has positive significance in exploring the pathogenesis and guiding the therapy of vernal conjunctivitis.

春季卡他性结膜炎急性期β2 -微球蛋白处于高度活化分泌状态,对探讨春季卡他性结膜炎的发病机制和指导治疗具有积极意义。

Results The morbidity of obvious oculopathy was 3.47%, and the main diseases included unqualified sight and color feel, ptosis, disease of cornea, acute uveitis, external injury cataract, eye bottom disease, glaucoma, et al.

结果 眼部明显异常的占3.47%,不符合军人体检标准,主要包括视力及色觉不合格、上睑下垂、角膜疾病、急性色素膜炎、外伤性白内障、眼底疾病、青光眼等;眼部有潜在疾病隐患的占5.18%,主要包括急性结膜炎、干眼症、陈旧性色素膜炎、周边视网膜格子样变性及蜗牛迹变性。

更多网络解释与急性结膜炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

communicable disease:传染病

1988年第123号法律公告)"传染病"(communicable disease) 包括阿米巴病、脑脊髓膜炎、霍乱、白喉、痢疾、伤寒、肠胃炎、急性喉炎、传染性肝炎、淋疯、任何癣病、结核病、脊髓灰质炎、虱病、疥疮、猩红热、天花、任何性病、任何全身性皮肤感染、沙眼、急性结膜炎,

inclusion conjunctivitis:包涵体性结膜炎

包涵体性结膜炎(inclusion conjunctivitis)是一种通过性接触或产道感染的急性或亚急性滤泡性结膜炎,其特徵为下睑结膜和下穹隆结膜滤泡增生. 由於表现有所不同,临床上又分为新生儿和成人包涵体性结膜炎.

inclusion conjunctivitis:包涵体结膜炎

4.包涵体结膜炎(inclusion conjunctivitis)成年人与新生儿包涵体性结膜炎在结膜刮片中皆可见包涵体,其形态与沙眼包涵体相同,难以分别. 但包涵体性结膜炎皆以急性开始,滤泡皆以下穹隆部与下睑结膜为著,无角膜血管翳,数月至1年即可自愈,并不形成瘢痕,

gonococcal conjunctivitis:淋菌性结膜炎

淋菌性结膜炎(gonococcal conjunctivitis)也称淋病眼或淋菌性脓漏眼,是一种极为剧烈的急性化脓性结膜炎. 本病的特点为高度眼睑、结膜充血水肿及大量脓性分泌物,如治疗不及时,将短时间内发生角膜溃疡及穿孔,导致失明的严重后果.

Infectious Coryza:鸡传染性鼻炎

鸡传染性鼻炎(Infectious Coryza)是由副鸡嗜血杆菌引起的鸡的一种急性呼吸道传染病,其特征是鼻腔和鼻窦发炎,打喷嚏,流鼻液,颜面肿胀,结膜炎等. 本病可在育成鸡群和蛋鸡群中发生,其所造成的经济损失包括鸡只生长停滞、淘汰率增加,

Diplococcus gonorrhoeae:淋病双球菌

),简称淋病双球菌(diplococcus gonorrhoeae)或淋球菌(gonococcus),系1879年Neisseria首先从急性尿道炎、阴道炎和新生儿急性眼结膜炎病人分泌物中发现的.引起尖锐湿疣(HPV)的人类乳头瘤病毒主要有:HPV-6、 HPV-11、HPV-16、HPV-18.尖锐湿疣是由人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)所致的皮肤粘膜良性赘生物,

in the green:年富力强的

green house effect :温室效应 | in the green :年富力强的 | red eye : 红眼病,急性结膜炎

phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis:泡性角膜结膜炎

acute hemorrhagic keratoconjunctivitis 急性出血性角膜结膜炎 | phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis 泡性角膜结膜炎 | keratoconjunctivitis sicca 干燥性角膜结膜炎


传染性角膜结膜炎又称流行性眼炎、急性接触性传染性结膜炎(pink eye)、眼炎(ophthalmia)、滤泡性结膜炎(follicular conjunctivitis). 其特征是先侵害结膜,接着延及角膜,有时二者同时发病. 山羊及绵羊都可发生,传染迅速,常使全群羊只患病.

Pink Eye:火眼,急性传染性结膜炎

\\"粉红的\\",\\"pink\\" | \\"火眼,急性传染性结膜炎\\",\\"pink eye\\" | \\"桃红色齿\\",\\"pink teeth\\"