英语人>词典>汉英 : 怀表 的英文翻译,例句
怀表 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

pocket watch
更多网络例句与怀表相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While looking at his old pocket watch, which was apparently going berserk, he spoke the final words of our reality.


Under that, the miscellany began - a quadrant, a tin canikin, several sticks of tobacco, two brace of very handsome pistols, a piece of bar silver, an old Spanish watch and some other trinkets of little value and mostly of foreign make, a pair of compasses mounted with brass, and five or six curious West Indian shells.


Parts of this British watchmaking division by John Arnold 1782 was invented, the main purpose is to perfect the performance of the balance wheel of inertia, the complexity of the 10 involved the production of surface and mechanical difficulties in miniaturization, this balance wheel hairspring when used in the maritime dollars with a few large-sized pocket watch works.


If you ask him to have a drink first thing he does he outs with the watch to see what he ought to imbibe.


He said,"Monsieur Chxdyel, I want you to hold this watch for me in case…"


He said,"Monsieur Chavel, I want you to hold this watch for me in case…"


Beside emails, I have been repairing the Octant case with the help of Doug Campbell who built the boat, checking the pocket watches we will use, writing final lists, sourcing extra medical monitoring gear for onboard TBB and answering the phone!


For a long time he wore a pirate's patch over the clouded socket until the oculist changed it for a pair of graduated glasses and prescribed a walking stick of carreto wood that in the end became a sign of his identity, like the vest pocket watch with the gold chain whose cover was opened to unexpected music.


The next on the list is the marine chronometer pocket watch, followed by the Hunter Case pocket watch, which are in demand because they have a protective cover for the face of the watch to save it from scratches.


The next on the list is the marine chronometer pocket watch, followed by the Hunter Case pocket watch, which are in demand because they have a protective cover for the face of the watch to save it from scratches.


更多网络解释与怀表相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unfaltering Watch:永动怀表

Twisted Spectacles 扭曲眼镜 | Unfaltering Watch 永动怀表 | White Misanga 白纱带(*)

And the watch fob:还有怀表

The ladies enjoy sleight of hand.|女人喜欢这些小花招 | And the watch fob.|还有怀表 | Meanwhile, 35 blocks north...|同时, 在往北35条街

I'm gonna bring back the watch fob. - A man with a plan. Smoke, please:我要重新引领佩带怀表的风潮 真有雄心壮志, 请给我一支烟

And watch f... | - I'm gonna bring back the watch fob. - A man with a plan. Smoke, please.|我要重新引领佩带怀表的风潮 真有雄心壮志, 请给我一支烟 | Now that Big and I weren't playing the dating game, we...

pocket watch:怀表

在一、两百年的钟表演进史中,腕表(wrist watch)和其前身-怀表(pocket watch)常是以奢侈品的地位存在著. 数量稀少、精致的手工艺和昂贵的材质是它之所以价格不菲的理由. 十九世纪时,怀表和一种可系於颈部作为垂饰的吊坠表(pendant watch)仍是当时计时器的主流,

pocket watch:怀表,表袋

peppermint candy 薄荷糖 | pocket watch 怀表,表袋 | pumpernickel loaf 裸麦粉粗面包

Pocket Watch Parts:怀表零件

Small Springs 小型弹簧 枪械铸造学 | Pocket Watch Parts 怀表零件 | Eyeglasses 眼镜 机械学

Brand: pocket Watch:品牌:怀表

Binding: Watch 装订:观赏 | Brand: pocket Watch 品牌:怀表 | Clasp Type: silver tone 扣类型:银音

Pocket Watch UK, The:专业经销老式怀表、发条、表栓、纸及商业卡

Tweedy Acheson 出租婚礼服. | Pocket Watch UK, The 专业经销老式怀表、发条、表栓、纸及商业卡 | Citizen Watch 提供男女各式手表

Pocket Watches:怀表

表面玻璃 怀表(Pocket Watches) "Lepine"表 "Lepine"表的特征是12时位置的发条转柄. 对时、分、秒的控制放置在同一根轴上. 表盘由玻璃表面保护,用罗马数字(XII)或阿拉拍数字(12)模似地显示时间. 猎手表发条转柄位于3时位置.

Pocket Watches:怀表、挂表

手表 Wristwatches | 怀表、挂表 Pocket Watches | 自动机械 Automatic