英语人>词典>汉英 : 征收 的英文翻译,例句
征收 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
expropriation  ·  imposition  ·  levy  ·  toll  ·  tolling  ·  levied  ·  levies  ·  levying  ·  tolled  ·  tolls

assess upon
更多网络例句与征收相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ad valorem duties on imported goods.Thus, an ad valorem tariff of 15 per-cent on television sets would come to $ 15 on a set that costs $ 100 to import and would come to $ 30 on a set that costs $ 200 to import .


This section first describes the framework of the Chinese land acquisition procedures under Land Law and City House Removing Regulation, then analyses the practical problems existing in the land acquisition process in China.


Like America's estate duty it remains a levy on the amount left by the deceased and does not tax what individual beneficiaries receive.


The result includes that the defects of current distribution plan of compensation for land acquisition has been analyzed based on the confirmation as property rights for the land operation rights contracted by other non-mainstream modes. It also includes the theoretical basis and calculation methods of proper economic compensation provided by land owners for the land users in a land contract due to the contract termination caused by land acquisition, which takes an acquisition of a grapery in the suburban area of Tianjin City as an example.


At first, I analyze and evaluate various viewpoints about land expropriation compensation, point out that land expropriation compensation is a complicate project, it should be based on special sacrifice theory, ground rent theory and land efficiency theory.


At present,the problem of land requisition is mainly in the following aspects: land requisition was too broad in scope;the deficiency of compensation payment;the monotonousness of arranging farmers after their land being take over;the inappropriateness in the allocation of land requisition Payment.


In response, the representative of China noted that there were three major types of taxes levied on products and services: VAT levied on goods and services for processing, maintenance and assembling; the Consumption Tax on some selected consumer products; and the Business Tax on providing services, transferring intangible assets and selling real estate.


I put forward some new ideas in the article, that is, I go deep into concept of land levy and give a scientific definition;on the base of contrast of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign land levy, I deeply analyse the causes of formation of present questions; the most important is that I advance concrete reformational measures.


There is close relationshipbetween the problem of dissimilation and expropriating validity.


The paper illustrates the problem from the angle of the expropriating procedures in the land-expropriating system, expounding the concerning procedures in the process of land expropriation from four parts. And based on the existing laws and regulations, the hypotheses have been put forward on the process of land expropriation and the improvement on the systems concerned.


更多网络解释与征收相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assess v.1:对(财产等)进行估价 2.征收税款 3.进行评估,评价

impeccable: a.1.不会做坏事的;不易做坏事的 2.没有缺点的,无瑕疵的 | assess: v.1.对(财产等)进行估价 2.征收税款 3.进行评估,评价 | dispel: v.1.驱散,赶跑 2.消除,消失


charge upon general revenue 从政府一般收入中拨款支付 | chargeable 可予征收;应课税的 | chargeable agreement for sale 可予征收印花税的买卖协议


4.对任何进口产品所征收(本协议中"征收"(Levy)一词,意为对关税和其他税的最终法律认定或征收. )的反补贴税不得超过经确认存在的补贴额,补贴额应以每单位出口产品所得到的补贴来计算.

reimposition:重新征收 (名)

reimpose 再强加, 重新征收 (动) | reimposition 重新征收 (名) | rein 缰绳, 支配, 统治 (名)


首先必须指出的是,并不是所有的政府管理行为都构成"征收"(taking),也不是所有的"征收"行为都需要补偿. 绝大多数日常管理行为都不构成征收,因而无须给予任何补偿,即使管理行为实际上对私有财产构成了严重损害. 事实上,

Toller:鸣钟者; 征收通行税; 钟 (名)

tollbooth 收费站, 收费亭, 收费处#监狱 (名) | toller 鸣钟者; 征收通行税; 钟 (名) | tollgate 征收通行税的关卡, 关门 (名)


tollgate 关卡 | tollhouse 通行税征收处 | tollkeeper 通行税征收

tollhouse:通行税征收处 (名)

tollgate 征收通行税的关卡, 关门 (名) | tollhouse 通行税征收处 (名) | tollway 收费公路 (名)


tollhouse 通行税征收处 | tollkeeper 通行税征收人 | Tolstoian 托尔斯泰的信徒

reimpose:再强加, 重新征收 (动)

reimbursement 偿还; 补偿; 退款; 赔偿 (名) | reimpose 再强加, 重新征收 (动) | reimposition 重新征收 (名)