英语人>词典>汉英 : 对...征收附加税 的英文翻译,例句
对...征收附加税 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与对...征收附加税相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gone will be the state levies on entertainment and gambling, as well as the centre's "additional excise duty","additional customs duty" and its close relation,"special additional duty", otherwise known as SAD.


Britain's chancellor imposed a supertax on bankers' bonuses in Britain.


Large banks are concerned the UK " supertax " on bonuses could apply to employees who work frequently in the country but do not reside there , adding to the fiscal burden of groups with international operations .


France yesterday said it would follow Britain's lead in levying a supertax on bankers ' bonuses giving added momentum to global efforts to curb high levels of financial sector pay .


The upbeat analysis of the City's prospects comes in stark contrast to a crisis of confidence in recent months, exacerbated last month by the imposition of a 50 per cent supertax to be levied on bankers' bonus pools.


Some developed countries would impose import surtax on products that may cause pollution or harms to the environment.


On the question of how to pay for the measure, the poll finds only one idea with majority support: a surtax on the rich, the approach taken in the bill moving through the House, but not in the Senate version.


Proposals ranging from a fat tax on sugary drinks to a fat-cat surtax on households earning more than $250,000 (179,000, 154,000) a year are still being debated.


The taxman taxed his strength in order to levy surtax on the waxworks.


The taxman will levy surtax on the waxworks.


更多网络解释与对...征收附加税相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

additional duty:附加税

印度财政部税收司所属中央货物税和关税局(CBEC)是海关的主管部门,负责海关关税制定、关税征收、海关监管和打击走私. 印度目前对进口货物征收的税主要有基本关税(Basic Duty)、附加税 (Additional duty)和特别附加税 (Special additional Duty).

Antidumping duties:反倾销税

如果认定倾销存在并因此对本国相关产业造成损害,就会做出肯定裁决,对倾销商品征收除正常关税之外的、相当于出口价格与正常价值之差额的附加税,即反倾销税(Antidumping Duties).

import duty:进口关税

进口关税(IMPORT DUTY)是一国海关对其进口的货物和物品征收的关税,进口关税分为进口正税和进口附加税. 而免税是政府按照税法规定,对纳税人应纳税款所给予的豁免. 按照税则规定,就我们研究所使用的常规进口物资,进口关税一般为6-14%,

file sharing:文件分享

对于文件分享(file sharing)爱好者来说,过去48小时是惊心动魄的. 根据一则本周三的报道,欧盟准备废除向具备手机电视,GPS功能的手机征收额外附加税的提案,这对本地手机厂商而言无疑是一个好消息. 因为如果这项计划得 以实施,

importer quota:进口商配额

给予低税、减税或免税的待遇,对超过此配额的进口商品,则征收较高的关税或附加税和罚款. 进口配额还可以按照实施方式不同,分为全球配额(Global Quota)、国别配额(Country Quota)和进口商配额(Importer Quota)三种形式.

Import Quota System:进口配额制

进口配额制(Import Quota System)是一国政府在一定时期内(如一季度、半年或一年内)对某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接的限制,在规定时限内,配额以内的货物可以进口,超过配额则不准进口,或者征收较高的关税、附加税或罚款后才能进口.

soya oil:豆油

将人造黄油(Vanaspati)进口关税从30%提高到100%. 精炼棕榈油将免除特殊附加税4%. 同时,印度政府对棕榈原油进口征收65%基本关税,对豆油(Soya oil)进口征收45%基本关税. 对品牌精炼油和小包装精炼油每吨征收1000卢比特别税.

Import Surtax:进口附加税

按照差别待遇和特定的实施情况,关税可分为进口附加税,差价税,特 惠税和普遍优惠制 进口附加税(Import Surtax)进口国家对进口商品,除了征收一般进 进口附加税 口税以外,还往往根据某种目的再加征进口税.这种进口国家对进口商 品征收正常进口关税以外,

Import Surtax:附加税

进口附加税(import surtax)是指进口国海关对进口的外国商品在征收进口正税之外,出于某种特定目的而额外加征的关税. 进口附加税不同于进口税,在一国(海关税则)中并不能找到,也不像进口税那样受到世界贸易组织的严格约束而只能降不能升,

import surtaxes:进口附加税

进口附加税(Import Surtaxes)是指一国对进口货物,除了征收一般进口税外,根据某种目的再加征的进口税. 这种对进口商品征收一般关税以外,再加征额外的关税,就叫做进口附加税. 进口附加税通常是一种特定的临时性措施. 其目的主要有:应付国际收支危机,