英语人>词典>汉英 : 影响全身 的英文翻译,例句
影响全身 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与影响全身相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is strong evidence that age, weight and smoking impact on general health and adversely on reproductive performance.


On one hand, every organ, tissue and even cell of the body participates in and affects the state of serum lipoprotein dynamic balance in different degrees. On the other hand, SLDB is a direct factor for maintaining the normality of whole vascular system, especially the vascular endothelium system. The serum lipoprotein dynamic imbalance, as an inducement or even etiological factor, can bring about various clinical diseases. Therefore, integrated analysis is needed to appropriately assess the state of SLDB.


The anti-bacteria effect of the soda lime can be influenced by the chemical response between soda lime and CO2, the bacteria in the patient airway may be polluting the ventilation system of the anesthesia machine, so the hospital cross-infection was present in this repeat use of soda lime and ventilation tube. The hospital infection can be effectively prevented by using the one time ventilation tube, the virus/bacteria filter utensil and/or rechange the soda lime in the general anesthesia.


Tetany cramps also affect other nerve functions of different muscles and areas of the body.


The results show that local exposure affects not only thermal sensations of the exposed body and the whole body, but also thermal sensations of the unexposed body parts.


Acute urticaria is also one of the symptoms of a serious allergic reaction affecting the whole body.


Is the bath water vapor to the small blood vessels and opening up the skin, blood concentration of the skin, affecting blood circulation caused by the body.


Research results indicate that varicosity can be treated by means of endovenous thrombus formation, blood vessel wall damnification and vessel enclosure induced by light absorption of haemoglobin irradiated by semiconductor laser.


The appearance of inflammation was local infiltration of the plasmacyte,pyogenic infection was not likely to happen.


"The association between AF and H. pylori was very strong in patients with persistent AF," the authors write."In addition, we report high concentrations of CRP, which confirm the presence of systemic inflammation in patients with AF, which leads us to hypothesise that H pylori infection may be the substrate of this systemic inflammation manifesting in AF.??More data will be necessary from controlled studies to further identify how H. pylori can influence the pathogenesis of AF."


更多网络解释与影响全身相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


「麻醉科可细分为麻醉(Anesthesia)和止痛(Analgesia). 当病人要做手术,需要全身或局部麻醉时,除了要使用麻醉药,也要加上止痛药. 因为麻醉是不能止痛的,所以在手术的过程中,除了要用麻醉药,也要使用止痛药. 有些病人一听到要服止痛药就会认为对肠胃有影响,


麻醉师正在工作麻醉师(anesthetist)每类麻醉术都会对部分神经系统产生影响,从而导致神经通路抑制或麻木. 全身麻醉会影响大脑细胞,致使人体失去知觉;区域麻醉对人体特定区域的大批神经产生影响,导

Ascaris lumbricoides:蛔虫

1.蛔虫 (ascaris lumbricoides) 是人体最常见的寄生虫之一,寄生于小肠,可引起蛔虫病. 幼虫经肠、肝、肺组织移行可引起损伤,局部和全身的变态反应. 肺部炎症,亦称Loeffler 综合征. 成虫的危害:①掠夺营养影响吸收,致食欲不振、脐周疼痛、营养不良.

diabetic retinopathy:糖尿病视网膜病变

糖尿病是影响全身各个脏器和组织血管的糖代谢紊乱疾病,其中糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy)为糖尿病的严重并发症之一,也是欧美各国四大致盲眼病中占第一位的眼病.

pituitary dwarfism:垂体性侏儒

2.垂体性侏儒 垂体性侏儒(Pituitary dwarfism)系在青春期前发生垂体腺叶功能不足,于童年时期出现发育停止现象,影响骨骼的发育生长,致全身骨短小. X线平片是观察关节首选的影像学检查方法. 摄片要求与四肢骨路相同,必须包括正、侧两个摄影位置.




它可以恶化(worsen)或者逐步改善(become better或者convalesce). 疾病可以是有症状的(symptomatic)或者是无症状的(asymptomatic). Constitutional或者general症状是影响全身的,...


systermic 全身的,影响全身的 | seismic 地震 | cosmic 宇宙的;广大无边的

adenoidal hypertrophy:腺样体肥大

腺样体肥大(adenoidal hypertrophy)系咽扁桃体增生. 儿童腺样体肥大常属生理性,婴儿出生时鼻咽部即有淋巴组织,并随年龄而增生,6岁时即达最大程度,以后逐渐退化,若其影响全身健康或邻近器官者,才称腺样体肥大. 山西太原解放军第264医院耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科对治疗腺样体肥大有很好的疗效

focal infection:病灶感染

还会影响全身其它部位[1].换言之,口腔健康与全身健康是息息相关的.病灶(focus)指局部具有致病微生物感染的组织.当病灶内的微生物及其毒性产物通过血液循环向远隔器官或组织迁移而引起相应器官或部位的疾病,称之为病灶感染(focal infection).