英语人>词典>汉英 : 形成物种 的英文翻译,例句
形成物种 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In the first chapter, using fragments of COI gene, we studied the phylogenetic relationships among species of five familes of Acridoidea with MP and Bayesian methods. The results were as follows:(1) Species of Acrididae, Gomphoceridae and all the Arcypterinae species of Arcypteridae are monophyletic. Species of Oedipodidae are supported as a monophyleticgroup, Ceracrinae species of Arcypteridae cluter together to make a monophyletic group. Epistaurus aberrans and Xenocatantops humilis is a phylogenetic group, Stenocatantops splendens and Hieroglyphus banian is also a phylogenetic group.


Since the species quantity at the shrub, herb and liane in D is more than that in C, The Shannon-Wiener index and the species' evenness showed that human-caused disturbance affected much more to the species at upper communities and the tall trees were not recovered entirely in D.


Speciation The formation of one or more new SPECIES from an existing species.


There are four geographic modes of speciation in nature, based on the extent to which speciating populations are geographically isolated from one another: allopatric, peripatric, parapatric, and sympatric.


Allopatric speciation occurs when the new species evolves in geographic isolation from the parent species.


But even if life on earth turned out to have a nonevolutionary origin(for instance, if aliens introduced the first cells billions of yearsago), evolution since then would be robustly confirmed by countlessmicroevolutionary and macroevolutionary studies.


In the 1920s Rensch, who like Mayr did field work in Indonesia, analyzed the geographic distribution of polytypic species and complexes of closely related species paying particular attention to how variations between different populations correlated with local environmental factors such as differences in climate. In 1947 Rensch would write a book, eventually translated into English under the title Evolution above the species level, that looked at how the same evolutionary mechanisms involved in speciation might be extended to explain the origins of the differences between the higher level taxa.


People have argued that the evidences of sympatric speciation are in fact examples of micro-allopatric, or heteropatric speciation.


Sympatric speciation refers to the formation of two or more descendant species from a single ancestral species all occupying the same geographic location.


The book covers both plants and animals, and deals with all relevant areas of research, including biogeography, field work, systematics, theory, and genetic and molecular studies, with special emphasis to topics,including sympatric speciation, reinforcement, the role of hybridization in speciation, the search for genes causing reproductive isolation, and mounting evidence for the role of natural and sexual selection in the origin of species.


更多网络解释与形成物种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这些在通过创始者种群的狭口(bottleneck)时比在一个稠密而又大的物种中通过缓慢的选择过程更容易实现. 某一新物种是通过地理物种形成和染色体物种形成而产生的说法并没有矛盾. "边缘隔离"这一提法用于种群密度小和扩散能力大大降低的物种时就多少有些含糊不清.






如果说"物种形成"(speciation)是合理的,那么"物亚种形成"(subspeciation)似乎同样成立. 因此,...

Allopatric speciation:异域物种形成

同域物种形成,系在单一族群中引发的物种形成,这是广为人知但仍然有争议的物种形成理论;而异域物种形成(allopatric speciation)则比较为学术界接受. 我们认为快速周期变化的环境可能是同域物种形成的先决条件. 快速周期变化的环境先让一物种形成不同的型态,

Allopatric speciation:分区物种形成

allopatric hybridization 异地物杂交 | allopatric speciation 分区物种形成 | allopatric species 分布区不重叠种

sympatric speciation:同域物种形成

而到了2005年,英国王家植物园(邱园,Kew Garden)的植物学家文森特.萨沃莱南(Vincent Savolainen)率领的研究团队,又要从岛屿入手,验证进化论中的一个著名假说-同域物种形成(sympatric speciation)了.

sympatric speciation:同地物种形成

sympatric hybridization 同域杂交 | sympatric speciation 同地物种形成 | sympatric species 同地种

ecologic speciation:生态性物种形成

ecologic setting 生态背景 | ecologic speciation 生态性物种形成 | ecologic succession 生态序列

quantum speciation:量子式物种形成

物种形成有地理的物种形成 (geographic speciation) 又称渐变式物种形成和量子式物种形成 (quantum speciation) 又称爆发式物种形成两种方式. ( 一 ) 地理物种形成其第ⅰ 阶段是始于群体间在地理上的分开.