英语人>词典>汉英 : 当主要角色 的英文翻译,例句
当主要角色 的英文翻译、例句


be the whole show
更多网络例句与当主要角色相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These results indicated that a well structured anatase TiO2 was obtained by impregnation method under 500℃. Flow rate, in the activity test, could be neglected for mass transfer effects. As a matter of fact, relative humidity played the most important role in this reaction. The highest removal efficiency was obtained while relative humidify of 56.8%. Water molecules are sources of ; however, excessive water molecules could inhibit reactions by competing activity sites with organic containments. In the regeneration test, photocatalyst could be reactivated through a running water vapor with UV light illumination process.


Thespiritual contract between the university and the intellectuals implies that the universityspirit is commeasurable with the intellectuals spirit, and they are usually illustrated asfreedom, independence and criticism.


The paper coalesces these three theories and posits three assumptions to the determinants of subsistence of NATO after the Cold War, that is: 1, The U.S.A as a superpower around the world is the leader of the alliance. The development of NATO accords with American interests. The U.S.A supports the existence of NATO. 2, The alliance furnished the members with mutual security interests and their different needs of self-interests. Most of the leaguers identify with NATO's status and function toward European security. 3, Each of the members has its specific national interests goals. The conformity of their crucial aims affects the situation of stability and development of the alliance. It will be a positive effect to the alliance when they are accorded and it will be a negative one when they are diverged.


This volume reconfirms the diverse and unpredictable roles that non-native species assume as they invade new ecosystems: destruction of vital crops and forests, major damages to ecosystems leading to loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and water loss.

当他们侵入新生态系统时,这卷再确认非本地种类假装的完全不同和无法预言的角色︰至关重要的庄稼和森林的损坏,主要的对生态系统的损害导致生物 Living beings 多样性,土壤腐蚀和水损失的损失

Among the powerful news sources, the government officials, at an exclusive advantage, are the primary definers of news event; experts sources appear more and more in the media, but they may often speak on behalf of the government and capital instead of the public. And when the media and journalists become sources in various forms, the offside, absence and dislocation of the media is in sight. Elites sources define the country's key issues through"strategic alliances"in the report, while the public is less and less powerful to affect the media agenda.


It doesn't really bother us that the delta between character level and item level keeps growing. It might be a problem someday if it takes scientific notation to express how much Agility there is on your breastplate.


"Dae jang geum" from TV film the same era background (1506 ~ 1544 years), description on long today in the kitchen when small maid-in-waiting period of hard struggle, the main characters long today, but come, even today, and Korea MinZhengHao JiangDeJiu couples still palace, etc, more familiar characters added many new characters, and the dog, tortoise, dramas such animals are given little ostrich expression, let kids can also enjoy the fun, achieve purpose.


She played the lead role of Addie Singer, an unpopular junior high schooler who wrote her own songs. While filming the show, she became one of the first adolescent actors to keep an ongoing blog about working on a TV show.


Different risks have different insurance needs, and therefore, for the purchase of personal loan business, at least three types of insurance required : First, the housing mortgage property insurance, the main victims of accidents and protect property damaged by natural disaster risks; Second, lenders regular credit life insurance, principal owing on the loan guarantee period by the lender or accidental injury and disease incapacity or death situation, banks can secure their loans, lenders families can continue to live; Third mortgage purchase a performance bond insurance, in which insurance, the insurance companies play the role of the guarantor to charge a premium for the purchase of security costs, credit for the purchase and the provision of economic security, as was the guarantor for death, unemployment causes an inability owing on the loan, the insurance companies on behalf of their debt to banks liquidated I, at the same time exercise the right to recover from the collateral, or to the insured recover compensation awards.


更多网络解释与当主要角色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


很多有名的作曲家使用了定音鼓于他们的主要作品中,包括有海顿(Haydn).贝多芬(Beethoven).白辽士(Berlioz). 尤其是白辽士,在他的幻想交响曲(Symphony Fantastique),定音鼓担任了非常重要的角色. 贝多芬也将定音鼓当为独奏乐器.


[32]又如,Goldstein认为,当角色行事的方式立刻显现出与众不同(distinctive)并且不令人吃惊(unsurprising),那么这个角色就可以受到版权保护. [33]认定角色可版权性的传统标准主要有清晰描绘标准和"被讲述的故事"标准.

Shia LaBeouf:希亚.拉博夫

"当被问及是否见过片中最大的两个明星,希亚-拉博夫(Shia LaBeouf)和梅根-福克斯(Megan Fox)时,马修说:"没有",并且透露和第一部一样,故事的开端两个主要角色都没有出场,"因为我在勒诺克斯的小队里,所以我们的情节暂时还没有交点,

be the worse for wear:被穿破

be the whole show | 当主要角色, 包办 | be the worse for wear | 被穿破 | be the worse for | 因而更坏, 更糟, 因而受影响

Silver Bullet:银子弹

在Louise和Thelma来到了途中的一间名为"银子弹"(Silver Bullet)的酒吧后,片中第二位主要男色角色便出场了. 也许在这之后我们稍加留意便会发现,当警探Hal询问餐厅女招待时,通过女招待的简短叙述,我们可以了解到死者Harlan是一位经常试图玩弄女性并带有暴力倾向的男子,