英语人>词典>汉英 : 强烈感染 的英文翻译,例句
强烈感染 的英文翻译、例句


take by storm
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The art of fiction, as Jane Austen knew it, declined from her through Scott, and Bulwer, and Dickens, and Charlotte Bronte, and Thackeray, and even George Eliot, because the mania of romanticism had seized upon all Europe, and these great writers could not escape the taint of their time; but it has shown few signs of recovery in England, because English criticism, in the presence of the Continental masterpieces, has continued provincial and special and personal, and has expressed a love and a hate which had to do with the quality of the artist rather than the character of his work.

jane的小说技巧,在她之后就开始没落了,Scott, and Bulwer, and Dickens, and Charlotte Bronte, and Thackeray, and even George Eliot(这些都是Jane之后的作家,你可以在金山上查到详细的资料)都没怎么采用她的风格,因为欧洲人骨子里有着狂热的浪漫主义,而这些伟大的作家也没有能够摆脱他们时代的感染。在英国,也没有什么恢复的迹象,面对着欧洲大陆上的伟大作品,英国的评论依然本土化,特殊化,个人化,他们对于作家表现出了强烈的爱,憎,而不是对于他们的作品人物。

He had been sitting with her, it appeared, most companionably at home, till her usual hour of exercise; and on being desired to chuse their walk, immediately fixed on Highbury.


Part of the explanation lies in a deeper hubris that has now infected Labour – a sense that after a decade in office government has become a private fiefdom.


Author tragedy strength which contains through between the lines, one kind to humanity future intense misery feeling performance incisiveness, and profound infection reader's soul.


In contrast, HCVpp-specific nAbs were readily detected in patients with chronic evolution and impaired virus-specific CD4 T-cell response but not in patients who cleared infection with robust virus-specific CD4 T-cell response.

相比之下,HCVpp特异性的中和抗体在HCV慢性感染和病毒特异性CD4 T细胞功能损伤的患者中较易测到,而在感染清除和病毒特异性CD4 T细胞反应强烈的患者中不易测到。

In contrast, HCpp-specific nAbs were readily detected in patients with chronic eolution and impaired irus-specific CD4 T-cell response but not in patients who cleared infection with robust irus-specific CD4 T-cell response.

相比之下,HCpp特异性的中和抗体在HC慢性感染和病毒特异性CD4 T细胞功能损伤的患者中较易测到,而在感染清除和病毒特异性CD4 T细胞反应强烈的患者中不易测到。

THE TAIL: For inflammation or internal infection; tortoises with cloacitis ''leak'' from the tail and smell strongly.


Of the 39 cases with known sputum microscopy, 27 (69%) were positive for acid-fast bacilli. Mortality in XDR-TB cases was strongly associated with HIV infection. Among 41 persons with XDR TB and known outcomes, 12 (29%) persons died, including 10 with HIV infection and 2 who did not have HIV test results reported.

在39件痰液显微镜检的案例中,27件(69%)显示呈耐酸菌阳性;XDR TB案例的死亡率强烈地与HIV感染有关,在41件XDR TB且已知预后的案例中,12件(29%)位死亡,包括10位感染HIV病毒病患与2件未报告HIV检测结果病例。

The heroism flag novel raise intensely infected every reader.


Methods A clinical trial was conducted with 50 childhood acute leukemia undergoing intensified chemotherapy,laboratory examination such as fungal culture and smear were made for suspected patients,diagnostic methods and effective criteria were proposed.


更多网络解释与强烈感染相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

John Watson:沃森

英国健康保护局(HPA)呼吸疾病专家约翰-沃森(John Watson)表示,"今年,儿童最易受到流感病毒的感染. 随着新型流感病毒的出现,这些病毒最易攻破免疫力较低人群的健康防线. "英国相关的卫生健康机构每年都强烈建议,

immunologic memory:免疫记忆

特异性免疫反应其防御功能是通过许多不同类型的细胞和分子相互协 调发挥作用的.特异性免疫保留了天然免疫清除入侵寄生虫的防御能力, 而且还具有"记忆"功能,对再次感染将产生更为强烈的免疫应答,称为 免疫记忆(immunologic memory) .免疫记忆是研究寄生虫保护性疫苗的重 要基础.另外,


如肠杆菌科细菌、肠球菌、葡萄球菌等3.病原菌(pathogens) 是感染性疾病的病原体,产毒素和/或具有侵袭性,能使健康宿主受感染,通过释放毒性产物或诱发超敏反应引起机体较强烈的结构或功能变化.