英语人>词典>汉英 : 开动... 的英文翻译,例句
开动... 的英文翻译、例句


set sth in motion
更多网络例句与开动...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These vessels ride on a cushion of air when in use.


The code we played was a controlled, two-team, demo, with only Exhibition matches active, but the main menu currently contains the following blanked out options


Then he thinks other way with respect to actuate brain.


Two more chains drive the oil pump and the two high-pressure pumps actuate the common rail injection system.


Transformer. 9.No emergency PB provided outside the container in the event of emergency to actuate and trip.

变压器。 9.No紧急情况的铅在容器之外提供在紧急状态情形下开动和绊倒。

We're off, all agog, for our first exciting view


Apart from production to date, this year Presstek Kodak Polychrome will also have a market. Without treatment, there are two plates, a layer of water is one of its parents must be sufficient to achieve high burliness print runs, this requires the layer should be as thick, but it also increases the clear burned melting impurities.


To be released, as a tooth on an escapement wheel in a watch.


Have the oiling of the parts through before the machine is operated.


The best lyric poems—think of Keats or Shelley, for example—are moments of epiphany, a sudden opening out onto magic casements.


更多网络解释与开动...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


accuracy 精度,准确性 | actuate 开动(��器),驱动 | adequate 足够的

actuate get under way operate run start up treadle:开动

开腰槽于 gain | 开动 actuate get under way operate run start up treadle | 开始生育的 germinant

Our electioneering machinery is not yet in full swing:我们的选举工程还未完全开动

我们的民主派议员 our democratic councillors | 我们的选举工程还未完全开动. Our electioneering machinery is not yet in full swing. | 圣母医院 Our Lady of Maryknoll

engaging lever:开动杆合闸杆

engaging lever 开动杆 | engaging lever 开动杆合闸杆 | engaging means 接通装置

engaging lever:开动杆

engaging lever 接合杆 | engaging lever 开动杆 | engaging lever 开动杆合闸杆

put in action:实行, 实施; 开动; 使开始工作

set into action 实行, 实施; 开动; ���开始工作 | put in action 实行, 实施; 开动; ���开始工作 | set in action 实行, 实施; 开动; ���开始工作

put into action:实行, 实施; 开动; 使开始工作

out of action 失去作用; 损坏; 有故障 | put into action 实行, 实施; 开动; ���开始工作 | set into action 实行, 实施; 开动; ���开始工作

set in action:实行, 实施; 开动; 使开始工作

put in action 实行, 实施; 开动; ���开始工作 | set in action 实行, 实施; 开动; ���开始工作 | put out of action 使失去战斗力; 击伤, 击毁; 消灭

throw into gear:开动机器, 着手工作; 适应工作条件

put into gear 开动机器, 着手工作 适应工作条件 | throw into gear 开动机器, 着手工作 适应工作条件 | get out of gear 断开传动装置 机器出了毛病 使失调


treadle 踏板vi.踩踏板开动 | treadle 踏板踩踏板开动 | treasure room 贵重品贮藏室