英语人>词典>汉英 : 建立基础 的英文翻译,例句
建立基础 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Objective To purify γ-glutamyltransferase from pig kidney and observe it′s commutability and stability.


That's how we build that foundation.


The modern system of the division of labor upon which the exchange of products is based is in danger of breaking down.


First of all, the basis of the MRTD method is studied. In Chapter 2, wavelets analysis and multiresolution analysis, the mathematical basis, are introduced, and the characteristics of the wavelets basis functions, including orthonormality, compact support, multiresolution and so on, are also introduced. The advantages of the applications of these functions to the numerical electromagnetic calculations are discussed. In Chapter 3, the algorithm basis of MRTD: the combination of the wavelets and the method of moments is studied. This Chapter shows that the MoM based MRTD method is the combination of wavelets and MoM using Galerkin sampling.

文中首先讨论了 MRTD 的建立基础,其中第二章介绍了其数学基础-小波分析及多分辨分析,讨论了小波基函数的性质包括正交性、紧支撑性、多分辨性等及其应用于电磁场数值计算的优势;第三章讨论了其算法基础-小波与矩量法的结合,阐述了以矩量法作为算法基础,以 Galerkin 离散采样的方式与小波函数结合而产生了 MRTD。

First of all, the basis of the MRTD method is studied. In Chapter 2, waveletsanalysis and multiresolution analysis, the mathematical basis, are introduced, and thecharacteristics of the wavelets basis functions, including orthonormality, compactsupport, multiresolution and so on, are also introduced. The advantages of theapplications of these functions to the numerical electromagnetic calculations arediscussed. In Chapter 3, the algorithm basis of MRTD: the combination of the waveletsand the method of moments is studied. This Chapter shows that the MoM basedMRTD method is the combination of wavelets and MoM using Galerkin sampling.

文中首先讨论了 MRTD 的建立基础,其中第二章介绍了其数学基础-小波分析及多分辨分析,讨论了小波基函数的性质包括正交性、紧支撑性、多分辨性等及其应用于电磁场数值计算的优势;第三章讨论了其算法基础-小波与矩量法的结合,阐述了以矩量法作为算法基础,以 Galerkin 离散采样的方式与小波函数结合而产生了 MRTD。

It was found that weighting by cross sectional area was the most appropriate method to determine the specific surface area.


The acquirability of the data is the condition for applying it. With a mathematic index system of business analysis based on multi-criteria evaluation,the modle of designing business analysis GIS data base is drawn out involving multi-criteria evaluation,establishing indexes,standardizing and diffusing index value. The paper finds the feasibility of applying the business analysis GIS data base in to Xuzhou City.


Doug de Groot, who works on computer-generated beings called avatars and other types of digital "life" at Leiden University in the Netherlands, says Bell's system could eventually form the basis for "meet the ancestor" style educational tools, where people will quiz their ancestors on what happened in their lifetimes.

Doug de Groot,在荷兰来顿大学从事计算机产生人的研究,该项研究被称作&人的化身和其他数字化'生活'&,他说 Bell 的系统可以最后为&与祖先会面&教育性工具建立基础,人们可以用它考查他们祖先的一生曾经发生过什么。

Deconstruction is the name given by French philosopher Jacques Derrida to an approach (whether in philosophy, literary analysis, or in other fields) which rigorously pursues the meaning of a text to the point of undoing the oppositions on which it is apparently founded , and to the point of showing that those foundations are irreducibly complex, unstable or impossible .


To create a basic geographic information database, the realization of multi-scale, multi-type data based on geographic information to effectively manage and, in conjunction with social work, payment of application platform and build a county-wide platform for geo-spatial framework.


更多网络解释与建立基础相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Peace based on a lie. - But peace:建立在谎言基础上的和平 - 也是和平

By exposing me, you would sacrifice the peace so many died for today|揭发我,你就会葬送这... | - Peace based on a lie. - But peace...|- 建立在谎言基础上的和平 - 也是和平 | ...nonetheless. - He's right|他...

based on:建立在...基础上

base n.基地;底部 | based on... 建立在...基础上 | out of... prep.没有;缺乏


bargainn.交易;特价商品 v.讨价还价 | basen.基,底;基础,根据v.把...建立在...基础上 | basica.基本的,基础的

be based upon science:建立在科学基础之上

be based on market mechanisms 建立在市场机制基础之上 278 | be based upon science 建立在科学基础之上 97 | be better off 经济状况良好 275

Georg Cantor:现代集合论和罗辑学之父,建立无穷数理论

John von Neumann:建立可编程计算机构架,建立量子力学的严格数学基础 | Georg Cantor:现代集合论和罗辑学之父,建立无穷数理论 | von Karmen:创立现代空气动力学,建立航空航天器的理论基础

Community Chest:团体公款, 用来支持社团福利的基金 (建立在捐款的基础上)

community center 社区活动中心 | community chest 团体公款, 用来支持社团福利的基金 (建立在捐款的基础上) | community service 社会服务

The intermediate goals build on the foundation of short-range goals:中期目标建立在短期目标的基础上

44.有三种目标:长期、中期和短期. There are th... | 45.中期目标建立在短期目标的基础上. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of short-range goals. | 46.告诉我学校及大学所学的学科和成绩. Tell me ...

von Karmen:创立现代空气动力学,建立航空航天器的理论基础

Georg Cantor:现代集合论和罗辑学之父,建立无穷数理论 | von Karmen:创立现代空气动力学,建立航空航天器的理论基础 | Alan Turing:建立密码理论,提出通用计算机模型

se baser:在...的基础上建立

12 s'elancer 冲,变细长 | 13 se baser 在...的基础上建立 | 14 se chevaucher 部分重叠,骑

be underpinned by:是建立在......基础上的

最适合居住的城市 most liveable city | 是建立在......基础上的 be underpinned by | 林荫大街 boulevard