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废物的 的英文翻译、例句


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recremental  ·  rubbishing

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This dissertation puts forward first-step conceivableness of perfecting lawmaking and law system concerning the administration to disposal of medical waste.Because our country's law system concerning medical waste is too immovable and abstract,this research will make our country's law system of the medical waste more concrete and more definite,which will strengthen the operability in the fulfillment and make the lawmaking spirit embodied.


The purpose of this dissertation lies in perfecting relative laws of administration of medical waste,according to the lawmaking and law system of foreign countries.meanwhile,the notion is provided to consummate relative law system and achieve the purpose of holding in the administration of medical waste,environment protect and human health.this dissertation puts forward first-step conceivableness of perfecting lawmaking and law system concerning the administration to disposal of medical waste.because our country's law system concerning medical waste is too immovable and abstract,this research will make our country's law system of the medical waste more concrete and more definite,which will strengthen the operability in the fulfillment and make the lawmaking spirit embodied.simultaneously it provides legal basis and policy support for the administration to disposal of medical waste.the problem of the administration of medical waste enlarges the difficulties of disposal process.to perfect lawmaking,law-executing,law-supervising.is advantageous to strengthen the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.meanwhile it has theoretic meaning and application value for environment safety and human health.this dissertation is totally divided into four parts.the first part explains the current condition of the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country,which introduces the concept of medical waste,the harm of medical waste,the necessity of administration, current lawmaking condition and present law system of the medical waste.the second part introduces the general situation of lawmaking concerning the administration to disposal of medical waste of the united states,eu,japan and korea.simultaneously it explains the apocalypse of administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.the third part points out the existent law problem of the administration to disposal of medical waste,including lawmaking problem,law enforcement problem and law system problem.the fourth part aims at the relative suggestions to the existent law problems of the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.the suggestions want to raise lawmaking layer,perfect lawmaking contents,strengthens law enforcement,practice the law system of the manufacturer to be responsible for the medical waste.meanwhile,it gives the advice on the punishment-compensation system,the conduct permit system and the risk fund system.


Hazardous solid wastes are substance with toxicity, inflammability, chemical reactivity, infectivity and radioactivity, which make the hazardous solid wastes the potential pollutions and harms to the atmospheric, aquatic, edaphic and ecological environments.


Article 3 The State shall, in preventing and controlling environmental pollution by solid waste, implement the principles of reducing the discharge of solid waste, fully and rationally utilizing solid waste, and making it hazardless through treatment.

第三条 国家对固体废物污染环境的防治,实行减少固体废物的产生、充分合理利用固定废物和无害化处置固体废物的原则。

Article 3 The State shall, in preventing and controlling environmental pollution by solid wastes, implement the principles of reducing the discharge and harm of solid wastes, fully and rationally utilizing solid wastes and making them hazardless through treatment so as to promote cleaner production and the development of recycling economy.

第三条 国家对固体废物污染环境的防治,实行减少固体废物的产生量和危害性、充分合理利用固体废物和无害化处置固体废物的原则,促进清洁生产和循环经济发展。

The revised "Law on Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution" has offered the important basis to work of preventing and controlling solid waste pollution, especially hazardous waste pollution.So it will energetically advance reduction of the solid waste , recycle and innoxious treatment, make solid waste prevention and control of pollution and development of recycling economy combine closely , promote sustainable development of economy and society , realize the win-win of the environment and development ,and be favorable to the setting-up of the harmonious society.


Database of physical and chemical properties for solid wastes were constructed through investigation for single typical component and their mixture of solid wastes. The particulate trajectory model and heat transfer model were developed, based on the studies of Characteristics of solid wastes movement and heat mass transfer in rotary kiln. Pyrolysis experiments of solid wastes in lab and pilot scale rotary kiln pyrolyzers were performed. Mechanism of pyrolysis for typical solid wastes was analyzed. The characteristics of pyrolytic products, such as physical and chemical properties, composition and combustibility, etc, were investigated. A neural network model for the prediction of yields and properties of pyrolysis products was developed. Then, the potential applications of pyrolytic products and the substitution of pyrolytic fuels for corresponding commercial furls were investigated. The optimization of energy recovery and utilization for different wastes through pyrolysis was analyzed.


Because the medical waste incinerated flue-gas contains the characteristics of high temperature, complex ingredient and so on.


The article is deemed to provide a preliminary calculation of the source item of reactor coolant and solid radwaste,whose basis is various elements of the spent fuel and minitype reactor decommissioning.


Much hazardous waste traditionally has been disposed of near the site of generation, on land owned by the generator.


更多网络解释与废物的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

not worth a hill of beans, be:有等于无的, 一文不值的, 形同废物的

not worth a dime, be: 有等于无的, 一文不值的, 形同废物的. | not worth a hill of beans, be: 有等于无的, 一文不值的, 形同废物的. | not worth mentioning, be: 不值一提的, 不重要的.

discharger:排放者; 污染者; 废物的原有者

discharge standard 排放标准 | discharger 排放者; 污染者; 废物的原有者 | discharging 排放; 排出


6.C 因为这种电磁的(electromagnetic)干扰对飞机航空的安全造成最大的威胁,所以应该是所有的飞机都要有这样的禁令. 本文是根据美国著名作家(Mark Twain)马克•吐温的故事改编的一篇记叙文. 故事讲述的是"一块精美、走时准确手表最终成为废物"的全过程.

hazardous waste:危险废物

危险废物的污染防治与规划 目录:第一章 危险废物概述 第一节 什么是危险废物 一、危险废物(hazardous waste)的定义 二、危险废物的特性 第二节 危险废物的种类和来源 一、危险废物的种类与分类 二、危险废物的来源和产生量 第三节 危险废物

Don't be a litterbug:不要当乱抛 废物的垃圾虫

[03:40.86]It's time for you to trim the hedges and weed the garden. ;又到了你修剪... | [03:47.74]Don't be a litterbug! ;不要当乱抛 废物的垃圾虫. | [03:50.61]This is not a dumpsite for your trash. ;这不...

Solid wastes:固体废物

第一节 概述一固体废物的定义固体废物(solid wastes)亦称废物,是指人类在生产加工流通消费以及四溴乙烷等过程中提取所需目的成分之后,所丢弃的固态或泥浆状的物质随着人类社会文明的发展,人们在索取和利用溴乙烷的制取资源从事生产和生活活动时,

not worth mentioning, be:不值一提的, 不重要的

not worth a hill of beans, be: 有等于无的, 一文不值的, 形同废物的. | not worth mentioning, be: 不值一提的, 不重要的. | not worth a row of beans, be: 毫无价值, 一文不值.

Actually, I think this apartment sullies the good name of crap:我觉得这间公寓 侮辱了废物的美名

I've never seen so much crap!|我从来没看过这么多废物! | Actually, I think this apartment sullies the good name of crap.|我觉得这间公寓 侮辱了废物的美名 | Check this out.|看看这个

Guidelines for the Management of Livestock Waste Arising from Free-range Poultry Keeping:<处理放牧家禽所产生的禽畜废物的指南>

Guidelines for the Design of Sma... | Guidelines for the Management of Livestock Waste Arising from Free-range Poultry Keeping <<处理放牧家禽所产生的禽畜废物的指南>> | Guidelines for Wet Muck-out and H...

solid waste:固体废物

固体废物(solid Waste)是指生产建设,日常生活和其他活动中产生的污染环境的固态,半固态废弃物质.固体废物的分类方法很多,但较常见的是按来源分类.我国从固体废物管理的需要出发,将其分为三类,即工业固体废物,