英语人>词典>汉英 : 广义坐标 的英文翻译,例句
广义坐标 的英文翻译、例句


generalized coordinates · generalized coordinate
更多网络例句与广义坐标相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The generalized force consists of the generalized conservative force, the generalized dissipation force and the generalized force in correspondence with the generalized coordinate except the generalized conservative force and the generalized dissipation force.


When the vehicle vibrates, the ratio coefficients of the characteristics of components in fixed position and the corresponding characteristics of suspension are a function of generalized coordinates.


A relativistic transformation of generalized coordinates is discussed and it is found that the first law of thermodynamics and the equation of state of an ideal gas are invariant with respect to the relativistic transformation of generalized coordinates , so that the existence of relativistic transformation of generalized coordinates is reasonable.


Since the number of generalized coordinates is large when using the finite elemen


In the relative coordinate method, the array of the generalized coordinates of the system is formed by the relative coordinates of all rigid bodies. The principle of virtual power and Newton-Euler equations are applied to the system, and arrive at a set of second order differential equations of the generalized coordinates.


Taking generalized coordinates for variables, the differential equations of multiple elastic particles are decomposed into the differential equations in the independent form by introducing generalized coordinates .


Since the number of generalized coordinates is large when using the finite element method, MTA is usually used for improving computational efficiency and only lower-order modes are chosen.


It is proved that arc coordinates of a directed curve cannot be used as ordinary coordinates or generalized coordinate s for the motion of an Appell-Hamel particle without a fixed orbit, but they can be used as quasi coordinates.

证明了弧长坐标 s在轨道未知的 Appell- Ham el质点运动中不能作为普通坐标或广义坐标,但可以作为准坐标,指出文献 [1]中引入弧长 s坐标的做法及"Appell- Ham el质点运动的轨迹是一般螺线"的结论是正确的,但其Appell- Ham el约束是完整约束及在该质点运动中 s坐标是广义坐标的观点是错误的。

Generalized way ; graph analysis ; prime number distribution ; Kronecher function ; Hanavan model ; generalized coordinate ; generalized inertia force ; technical movement.

国家自然科学基金;高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金广义路径;线图分析;素数分布;卷和函数; Kronecher函数; Hanavan模型;广义坐标;广义惯性力;动作技术

Kinematics and dynamics modeling and analyzing method of a 3-RRRT parallel robot was studied. Kinematic model of the 3-RRRT parallel robot was set up with both the branch bar's relative coordinates and movable platform's absolute coordinates used as it's generalized coordinates. On the base of Kane's equation, dynamics model of the 3-RRRT parallel robot was built. Dynamic Numerical simulation of the 3-RRRT parallel robot was finished by using Matlab software, and so it provides valuable reference for motion control strategy of the 3-RRRT parallel robot.


更多网络解释与广义坐标相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

generalized continuum hypothesis:广义连续统假设

generalized boolean algebra 广义布尔代数 | generalized continuum hypothesis 广义连续统假设 | generalized coordinates 广义坐标

generalized coordinate:广义坐标

广义机构 generation mechanism | 广义坐标 generalized coordinate | 轨迹生成 path generation

generalized eigenvector:广义本崭量

generalized coordinates 广义坐标 | generalized eigenvector 广义本崭量 | generalized flow 广义流

generalized coordinates:广义坐标

generalised force 广义力 | generalized coordinates 广义坐标 | generalized force 广义力

generalized stress coordinates:广义应力坐标

generalized stiffness 广义劲度 | generalized stress coordinates 广义应力坐标 | generating function 母函数

generalized derivative:广义导数

generalized coordinates 广义坐标 | generalized derivative 广义导数 | generalized distance 广义距离

the coordinate matrix transformation:坐标矩阵变换法

广义乌龟坐标变换:generalized tortoise coordinate transformation | 坐标矩阵变换法:the coordinate matrix transformation | 边界拟合坐标变换:boundary fitted coordinate transformation

coordinate; ignorable:可忽略坐标

coordinate; generalized 广义坐标 | coordinate; ignorable 可忽略坐标 | coordinate; moving 运动坐标

coordinate transforming:坐标变换

坐标转换:Coordinate transfer | 坐标变换:coordinate transforming | 广义坐标:generalized coordinate

generalised force:广义力

general view 总图 | generalised force 广义力 | generalized coordinates 广义坐标