英语人>词典>汉英 : 并不那么 的英文翻译,例句
并不那么 的英文翻译、例句


not all that
更多网络例句与并不那么相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The benefits of abstinent recovery were not as strong for younger individuals.


How all this relates to animal spirits isunclear, but in any event they are wrong about the causality.


How all this relates to animal spirits is unclear, but in any event they are wrong about the causality.


He's not so badly off.


But you don ' t seem to be in favor of killing me .


But bowling alley business isn't that simple.


Even though my inner character always make me conspicuous at my life, i can't live in a dreamworld weaved by myself for ever.


Boots of Travel isn't that great for a ganking Barathrum.


But if a message isn't great, not only won't it go viral, but blitzing the message will create a negative effect.


This is not only because of her witty language and her creative contributions to the development of the art of novel-writing, but also because of her vivid and lively narration, which by no means shallow or transparent.


更多网络解释与并不那么相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dartmouth College:达特茅斯大学

在人大呆了才一年,子墨就如愿以偿地奔赴美国,成为常青藤名校之一,达特茅斯大学(Dartmouth College)经济系的学生. 不过,这所被无数人向往着、与哈佛、耶鲁齐名的著名学府,在当时的子墨眼里,并不那么浪漫. "那个地方就像东北似的!

cut sb down to size:使某人有自知之明 使某人自量 揭露某人的本来面目 证明并不象说的那么好

vt.依大小排列 | cut sb. down to size 使某人有自知之明 使某人自量 揭露某人的本来面目 证明并不象说的那么好 | for size 试尺寸 看是否合适 按不同尺码


awe:是一种并不那么令人愉快的(joyous)的惊异(wonder),带有畏惧(fearful)与尊敬(respectful). 通常指面对力量强大的事物. 例如在雷鸣般奔流而下的大瀑布或高耸的吉萨金字塔面前人们会感觉到awe,但在彩虹面前人们通常感受的是wonder或joy.


"图标"(icon)就是这样诞生的. 我们曾经半真半假地打算使用"标记"--同来描述这种小图像,因为icon在字典上的意思并不那么贴切,但icon一词还是流传下来. 这些邮票般大小的图像不光指明了信息内容或自身的功能,而且每个图像还拥有各自的"位置".

a smile reflected in a stream:出现在梦中的笑容

she may be the mirror of my dream 她也許只是個幻影 | a smile reflected in a stream 出現在夢中的笑容 | she may not be what she may seem inside her shell 真實的她也許并不那么快樂

it was my pleasure. oh:噢 我很乐意的 噢 等下 并不是的

i didnnow lasp could cost that much.|我不知道修个钩环要花那么多... | oh,it was my pleasure. oh,wait. no,it wasn't.|噢 我很乐意的 噢 等下 并不是的 | game recognizes game,little j.,|别再耍什么花招了 小j....

oftentimes, no one winds up happy:并不是那么轻易做到

But in practice, the thing with give and take is...|事实上, 互相谦让 | ...oftentimes, no one winds up happy.|并不是那么轻易做到 | Add that to the stress of moving in together.|同居后更加难做到

It wasn't:噢 我很乐意的 噢 等下 并不是的

i didnnow lasp could cost that much.|我不知道修个钩环要花那么多... | oh,it was my pleasure. oh,wait. no,it wasn't.|噢 我很乐意的 噢 等下 并不是的 | game recognizes game,little j.,|别再耍什么花招了 小j....

not all that:不那么

go and do sth:[口]去..., 竟然糊涂到... | not all that:不那么... | not that :并不是说

Chip, I don't tell whoppers, and I'm not crazy:薯条,别那么说,我没有疯

I'm not saying that to be a dillhole.|并不是说你心理有问题 | Chip, I don't tell whoppers, and I'm not crazy.|薯条,别那么说,我没有疯 | I didn't say you were crazy.|我也知道你没疯