英语人>词典>汉英 : 平均差 的英文翻译,例句
平均差 的英文翻译、例句


mean deviation · mean difference
更多网络例句与平均差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Various methods such as the relationship of area, and the distance of the triangle to the centralness of three dots, the distance from the interior point, exterior point, the barycenter to the vertices of triangle, and the standard error and differences average obtained from three dots were determined with a dynamic geometry software GSP, and a statistic method was used to find a least error way to determine the centralness of three dots on a plane.

本研究是以平面上三点所构成的三角形之三顶点做讨论,分别以三角形的面积、周长,内心、外心和重心至三顶点距离,三点的标准差及平均差的概念,做为不同的判别方式,并以动态几何画板 GSP模拟不同的判断方法作为研究,再利用统计学上的方法,找出哪一种定义方式为最适合、误差最少的判断方法。

Based on the general harmonic mean difference scheme, a program is coded for the flow and heat transfer in a porous media with three phases and two components. The developments of the temperature, pressure and the fluid saturation are computed.


In addition, taking spatial information into account, two statistical features were presented: local matching degree and local max average difference.


Specifically, it is necessary to calculate accurate estimates for the mean and standard deviation of demand during lead time.

O 特别是要对在交货前置期内需求的平均差和标准差进行精确的计算评估。

With the evaluation, each group measuring value is considered as a single subsystem, and the minmax-difference, mean difference and the mean square value of each group are calculated. Then, the ratio of the mean difference to the measurement mean value is defined as the system-relatively error of subsystem and the ratio of the minmax difference to the measurement mean value is defined as the accidence-relatively error of the subsystem.


It was found that both the root mean square error and the mean error were minimal when using the neural network and fuzzy controller.


Using Lab VIEW, we construct a well man-machine conversation and analyze the data by signal processing method.20 volunteers are examined by the prototype instrument and the Synergy electromyograph (Dantec Ltd. Denmark).


We used standardised mean differences with 95% confidence intervals to pool study results where possible.


Significantly lower scores were found with PSC opacities, with an overall adjusted mean difference of 6 points (95% CI: 3.3-8.8) for the composite score.


First, calculates the fast moving average (usually 12 days) and slow moving average (usually 26 days) by exponential calculation method; second, make fast line value minus slow line value to gain the difference of relative distance. In order to make the trend signals more clear and less influence exerted by of excessive price fluctuation, the difference should be smoothly calculated (general elect 9 days) to get average of difference value. Chart the difference and its average in a coordinate with time for horizontal axis and MACD for vertical axis. Then we can apply the identical, contrary or cross signals through observing their direction, relative and absolute positions.


更多网络解释与平均差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

average deviation:平均差

ge) 二、平均差(Average Deviation) 三、方差和标准差(Variance and Standard Deviation) 四、四分差(Quartile) 五、相对差异系数(Coefficient of variation) 第七节SPSS系统中数据文件的建立和整理 一、常量、变量、操作符、表达式和观测量 二、数据文件的初步编辑和整理 第八节SPSS中常用统计图形的制作和编辑 一、SPSS绘

mean deviation:平均差

15 平均差(mean deviation)也叫平均离差,用 表示,它是各变量值与均值离差绝对值的平均数. 平均差格式:AVEDEV,功能:计算指定区域内所有数值的平均离差. 16 方差(variance)是一组数据中各变量与其均值离差平方的平均数,

mean deviation:均差

15 平均差(mean deviation)也叫平均离差,用 表示,它是各变量值与均值离差绝对值的平均数. 平均差格式:AVEDEV,功能:计算指定区域内所有数值的平均离差. 16 方差(variance)是一组数据中各变量与其均值离差平方的平均数,


患者和方法:对24例患有青光眼和白内障的病人进行前瞻性观察研究. 患者在白内障手术的术前和术后利用FDT进行视野检测. 利用Wilcoxon's标记的等级检验对术前和术后的平均差(MD)、特定标准差(PSD)和眼内压进行比较.

mean difference:平均差

mean deviation 平均偏差 | mean difference 平均差 | mean error 平均误差

mean difference:平均差,平均概率偏差

mean deviation of daily rate 平均日偏差 | mean difference 平均差,平均概率偏差 | mean difference parameter 平均差参数

mean difference parameter:平均差参数

mean difference 平均差,平均概率偏差 | mean difference parameter 平均差参数 | mean dissipation 平均耗散

mean error:平均差误

平均差 Mean deviation; MN. D.; Average deviation; A.D. | 平均差误 Mean error | 测量 Measurement

Sample mean square deviation:樣本平均差方

Sample mean 樣本平均數 | Sample mean square deviation 樣本平均差方 | Sample point 樣本點

sample mean deviation:样本平均差

样本平均数 sample mean | 样本平均差 sample mean deviation | 样本中位数 sample median