英语人>词典>汉英 : 平仄 的英文翻译,例句
平仄 的英文翻译、例句


level and oblique tones
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The form discussion studies Liang Zongdai and Ye Gongchao respectively introduced and spreaded the French imagism and British and American formalism. The Poem special issue in the literature and art supplement of Ta kung Pao Newspaper and New Poetry organized twice discussions in poetic forms. The pure poetry school introduced that the modernists introduced the western and ancient pure poetry theories: from Baudelaire, Mallarme, Vale'ry, H. Read, A. Bremond to J.M. Murray, and the basic idea and difference of pure poetry. Besides, a lot of modem poets became greatly interested in pursuit heat of the pure poetry in late Tang and Nan Song dynasties, studying the development and variation of pure poetry. Music theory argues that modernists make introduction and reform on the western and Chinese music theory. He Qifang and Bian Zhilin continue the topic to the contemporary time, and put forward the theoretical frames in Chinese poetry. Rhyme and rhythm theory make researches on the introduction and reform of French symbolism and British and American modernists' rhyme and rhythm theory, making studies on the Chinese new form poetry and its thyme and rhythm theory.


Love is a free verse, there is no Level and Oblique Tones prosodic boundaries, free flow.


If the song "love me tender" the melody is exquisite, the lyrics ryhme is resounding, of the song is fastidious the ryhme and the rhythm, differs from with Chinese, English has the major tone and the short sound, division of stress and the non-stress, and draws support from between the length, the weight alternates with forms the rhythm; Chinese emphasizes the level and oblique tones, takes the intonation the change to form the rhythm.

如歌曲"love me tender"中旋律优美,歌词押韵响亮,歌曲讲究押韵和节奏,与汉语有所不同,英语有长音和短音,重音和非重音之分,并借助长短、轻重之间相间而形成节奏;汉语则强调平仄,重视声调的变化而形成节奏。

Those undulating style is my heart sound?


Following Li Ch'ing-chao's lead, Lin examines the crucial relationship between poetry and music in general, focusing specifically on the development of what he calls the "intrinsic music" of tz'u —uneven line-lengths, strophic divisions, complex rhyme schemes, alternation of level and oblique tones, and intricate tonal patterns differing from those of regulated verse—that evolved in conjunction with the "extrinsic music" of banquet songs and continued to govern the aesthetics of song lyrics long after the tunes had been lost.


Rhythm and"Ping Ze"make the sound of poetry become musical sound--the rhythmized and melodized sound with concrete or abstract pitch, interval and tone quality. The time of sound thus turns into intuitive original Time.


Vast flats of green grass, dull-hued spaces of mesquit and cactus, little groups of frame houses, woods of light and tender trees, all were sweeping into the east.

音美 汉语的四声构成了发音的抑扬顿挫,产生了一种音乐特征。由于语音的特性,汉语诗歌的格律为&平仄律&,英语诗歌的格律为&轻重律&。

Pingze and rhyme are freeze-frame, so some people say quatrains made the interception of Poems.


Its formal form is a meter style with the rising tone sentence as regular and falling tone or one non-rhythm sentence as irregular.


The form discussion studies Liang Zongdai and Ye Gongchao respectively introduced and spreaded the French imagism and British and American formalism. The Poem special issue in the literature and art supplement of Ta kung Pao Newspaper and New Poetry organized twice discussions in poetic forms. The pure poetry school introduced that the modernists introduced the western and ancient pure poetry theories: from Baudelaire, Mallarme, Vale'ry, H. Read, A. Bremond to J.M. Murray, and the basic idea and difference of pure poetry. Besides, a lot of modem poets became greatly interested in pursuit heat of the pure poetry in late Tang and Nan Song dynasties, studying the development and variation of pure poetry. Music theory argues that modernists make introduction and reform on the western and Chinese music theory. He Qifang and Bian Zhilin continue the topic to the contemporary time, and put forward the theoretical frames in Chinese poetry. Rhyme and rhythm theory make researches on the introduction and reform of French symbolism and British and American modernists' rhyme and rhythm theory, making studies on the Chinese new form poetry and its thyme and rhythm theory.


更多网络解释与平仄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




还像一个"顶针联"的对子,可是最后一句却是"蜂飞逃四方","方"(fang)不是feng,如何押韵?如何顶针?这是朱熹大儒出的对子吗?第二联:岭下一片林,林下一群鸰,蛉呼林下鸰,鸰啁落八岭. 主要是韵脚存在问题(且不论平仄和遣词),


全为一个"形成力",调位不仅决定了汉语平仄和韵律,而且使几乎每一个汉字(语素)都成为一个同音异义词(homophone). 各种歇后语,还有相声艺术,均可从同音异义词中找到自身存在的必要条件. 这在印欧语言中是罕见的现象. 不可译性,

lyric poem:[抒情诗]

古诗词讲究平仄、声律、骈句,分为五律、五绝、七律、七绝和各种词牌和曲牌;英诗讲究扬抑格和韵律(rhythm 格律;rhyme韵; ode颂歌 ),又分成抒情诗(lyric poem)、哀诗(iligy)、史诗(epic)、短文或试笔(issay)、传说(legend)、十四行诗(sonnet)


汉语中的"调"字,有"腔调"(accent)、"音调"或"音调变化"(tone)、"曲调"(melody)、"调式"(mode) 等各种意思. 而英语里的"Tune", 是A melody; A song; Correct pitch的意思. 按固定格式"填词",是按词的平仄格式填词,


在传统诗文中,所谓"句",相当于"词组"(phrase),不是意义完整的"句子"(sentence). 所谓"对偶"(parallelism)是指两个平行、结构相同的修辞单位,尤指句. 讲究平仄的对偶句称为"对仗句";独立的对仗句称为"对联".


按照汉语评音名词"屏(ping)入平韵,动词"屏(bing)入仄韵. 查过几首古诗,未发现名词"屏"入仄韵的. 因此,在未有更充分的依据之前,名词"屏"只算平韵较妥. 个见. 问好老师!在平水韵中平仄双用的字若词性相同是不作注解的,


"诗的内在规定性是韵、是意象、是节奏,这是'诗'(Poetry)的一种基本规定"(李咏吟>上海人民出版社2003年版). 诗人在汉语诗词的创作中,表现在要遵守平仄格式的规矩上,内在思维运行的制约诗人创作的却是一个完整的规律体系.

