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常到的 的英文翻译、例句


well-trodden · well-trod
更多网络例句与常到的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such finite element satisfies homogeneous equilibrium equations and can pass the patch test as long as the original plane elasticity element can pass the corresponding patch test.


First of all,we have given some of the basic concepts of differential equations, described the constant coefficient linear ordinary differential equation solution, for a class of second-order variable coefficient linear ordinary differential equation initial value problem, an approximate solution, the method is first unknown function of a definition for N sub-interval, and then in between each district within a constant coefficient ordinary differential equations similar to the replacement, the solution has been the problem as similar to the original analytical solution, and then gives a detailed second-order change order coefficient of linear homogeneous ordinary differential equation solution examples, the examples of the approximate method proposed in this paper is valid.


On the whole, we do as follows: Firstly, we list some conceptions and lemmas for later use. Secondly, we define δ-fine partitions for infinite interval and integral of vector-valued functions on infinite interval, and discuss the properties of integral, and characterize its primitives...


A lot of palaver has made her feel under stress Jo: Hello, I'm Jo and you're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English.


They were those which treat of the haunts of seafowl; of "the solitary rocks and promontories" by them only inhabited; of the coast of Norway, studded with isles from its southern extremity, the Lindeness, or Naze, to the North Cape


Often the tempter comes to us as he came to Christ, arraying before us our weakness and infirmities.


They were those which treat of the haunts of sea-fowl; of "the solitary rocks and promontories" by them only inhabited; of the coast of Norway, studded with isles from its southern extremity, the Lindeness, or Naze, to the North Cape


They were those which treat of the haunts of seafowl; of "the solitary rocks and promontories" by them only inhabited; of the coast of Norway, studded with isles from its southern extremity, the Lindeness, or Naze, to the North Cape


What kind of fashion store you would go ofter?


In the vaneless diffuser, which was little bigger than that of vaneless diffuser. The reason was the intervention of vane enhanced the unsteady degree of the flow and expanded the unsteady effect region.


更多网络解释与常到的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bargham | 马颈环, 马轭 | barghest | (英国民间传说中的)犬状妖怪 | bargirl | 酒吧女, 酒吧女招待, 常到酒吧间的妓女

City Slicker:大城市人

well-trodden (人迹) 常到的;引申含义:常被研究的; 常被讨论的; 老套的 | city slicker 大城市人 | laid-back 休闲的,放松的

early bird:早到的人

越会早到的人(early bird)不会叫人感到不快,loner(孤独的人)也无伤大雅,...他们往往都是十足的wallflower(不常被邀但希望被邀的人). 越会早到的人(earlybird)不会叫人感到不快,loner(孤独的人)也无伤大雅,...


最常转机的几个城市是 曼谷 德国(Frankfurt) 荷兰 香港 或市可以直接买维珍到上海最常转机的几个城市是 曼谷 德国(Frankfurt) 荷兰 香港 或市可以直接买维珍到上海

frequenter:常常来访者; 常客 (名)

frequentation 常往; 时常来往 (名) | frequenter 常常来访者; 常客 (名) | Frequently Asked Question 常被问到的问题, 因特网上常常被问到的问题 (计算机用语)

Better lost than found:宁可丢掉,不愿找到. (常针对不喜欢的人或物. )

65. Better late than never. 这到总比不到强. | 66. Better lost than found. 宁可丢掉,不愿找到. (常针对不喜欢的人或物. ) | 67. Better safe than sorry. 安全胜过遗憾.

I haven't been to the theatre much lately:最近我不常到戏院去看戏

I hate arriving late. 我讨厌迟到. | I haven't been to the theatre much lately. 最近我不常到戏院去看戏. | You can eat free in my restaurant. 你可以到我的餐馆免费吃饭.

Do you want a rematch:你想复盘吗?(打围棋和象棋的时候常听说到的哦. . . )

16 wow, it's packed. /it is crowded.哇,人真多,真拥挤. | 17 Do you want a rematch? 你想复盘吗?(打围棋和象棋的时候常听说到的哦. . . ) | 18 Do you want to separate check? 你们想分开付帐吗?

Swamp Angel:常出没于沼泽区或未开发森林地带的人; [动]画眉

Talk of angels, and you will hear their wings. [谚]说到某人, 某人就到. | swamp angel 常出没于沼泽区或未开发森林地带的人; [动]画眉 | write like an angel 下笔成章, 有生花妙笔

well-trodden:(人迹) 常到的;引申含义:常被研究的; 常被讨论的; 老套的

well-trodden (人迹) 常到的;引申含义:常被研究的; 常被讨论的; 老套的 | city slicker 大城市人 | laid-back 休闲的,放松的