英语人>词典>汉英 : 席地而坐 的英文翻译,例句
席地而坐 的英文翻译、例句


sit on the ground
更多网络例句与席地而坐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What worth noticing is that some of the women are using backstrap looms.


On August 7, they hit paydirt in the form of an ancient iron box.


Products for the system by cutting a piece of wood, wonderful workmanship excelling nature, the appearance of beautiful, practical, collectors, and ornamental value, good wood products, life up to several centuries-old, high school concave side of the product, not to hurt the coccyx, the role of good health in line with the scientific requirements of the human body posture, suitable for fishing,, travel, especially for the nation sat on the floor required the use of long-term, long-term use can play a role in the health of the waist, are home, meals, entertainment ideal choice for carry.


Environmentalism is hot right now: it even featured on a recent cover of Vanity Fair, with Julia Roberts as a green fairy, George Clooney fetchingly attired in peasant gear and Al Gorebrooding earthily.


Environmentalism is hot right now: it even featured on a recent cover of VanityFair, with Julia Roberts as a green fairy, George Clooney fetchingly attired in peasant gear and Al Gore brooding earthily.


I have a dream that one day on the white ice field of Arctic, I will be able to sit down together with Eskimo at the table of brotherhood.


I have a dream that one day on the white ice field of Artic, I will be able to sit down together with Eskimo at the table of brotherhood.


Britain's food rituals are different from the way that Siam sat on the floor.


And spoke of days of yore to his listeners sitting on the floor.


Performers sit on the floors, carrying different mallets and use different ways of striking to hit, turn, roll or to toss those drumheads.


更多网络解释与席地而坐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ansar al-Islam:安萨尔伊斯兰组织

在一间用油灯点亮的昏暗拥挤的屋子里,一个叫"安萨尔"伊斯兰组织(Ansar al Islam)的武装分子们盘着腿席地而坐,他们正全神贯注地倾听着长着一脸胡子的指挥官在作战斗评析.


东方人席地而坐与西方人习惯于坐在椅子上不同,中国汉语中主席这个词恰好与英语中chairmen形成对照, )一个与"席"有关,一个与"椅子"(chair)有关,人坐在椅子上重心就高,随时可以起来应对周围的突然变化,席地而坐重心低,