英语人>词典>汉英 : 带鱼 的英文翻译,例句
带鱼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hairtail  ·  Trichiurus  ·  snakefish

Trichiurus haumela · cutlass-fish
更多网络例句与带鱼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using annual hairtail catch and fishing effort data between 1951 and 1984, as well as time series of precipitation, wind speed, and sea surface temperature, interannual trend and variation of hairtail catch in East China Sea were analyzed and a regression catch model incorporating fishing effort and environmental variables were established.


After analyzing the results, the best processing technique for UHP of hairtail is achieved, which is after 30 seconds of the pre-processing, holding it for 15min with the pressure of 350MPa. In this way, more than 99% of the bacterias are killed, and the preserving period of the processed hairtrail is extended to 15 days under normal temperature.


It is pointed out that the biological characteristic of resource degradation for hairtail was revealed in three fishing grounds The protection measure on different fishing grounds was suggested based on the results of biological and resources of hairtail analyzed.


It is pointed out that the biological characteristic of resource degradation for hairtail was revealed in three fishing grounds. The protection measure on different fishing grounds was suggested based on the results of biological and resource...


This article will provide theore tical basis for the high-efficient utilization of hairtail hydrolysis by product chelates by researching the function of protein hydrolysates of chelate by enzymolysis from hairtail waste.


Couple of days ago I in that often sold the hairtail the supermarket to buy a bag of kilogram about hairtail, but after coming back turns on the bag, to discover that on the hairtail the ice piece is very thick, after the ice-out, the fish flesh net weight to original half, does not convert into and buys the fresh fish to be similar, when at that time bought, the business also vigorously propagandized "the ice armor" the hairtail was promoting sales, did not know that this was the Manufacturer manufacture hairtail section essential step


The fish, ryugu no tsukai, or giant oarfish, is more than five meters long and is usually found at depths of between 200 meters to 1,000 meters.

带鱼,也叫" ryugu no tsuka"或者叫大黄带鱼,超过5米长,通常在200到1000米的深海处被发现。

Experts have been left flumoxed after two more deep water oarfish, also known as ribbon fish, were washed up along the north east coast of England.


By R type analysis, the results show that there are 4 species, Raja kanojei, Coilia mystus, Muraenesox cinereus and Collichthys niveatus, which are correlated closely in spring;and 5 species, Engraulis japonicas, Pseudosciaena polyatis, Lophius litulon, Chelidonichthys kumu and Saurida elongate, in summer; and 5 species, Trichiurus haumela, Pampus nozawae, Erisphex potti, Pneumatophorus japonicas and Pseudosciaena polyatis, in autumn; and 3 species, Trichiurus haumela, Champsodon capensis and Acropoma japonicum, in winter.


To study quality changes and shelf life in cold chain circulation, kinetic models were developed to predict the shelf-life of fresh Trichiurus haumela at different temperatures during storage.


更多网络解释与带鱼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

scabbard; cutlass fish:带鱼

大鱼网 seine | 带鱼 scabbard; cutlass fish | 淡菜 dried mussel

hairtail,cutlass fish:带鱼

trout 鳟鱼 | hairtail,cutlass fish 带鱼 | catfish 鲶鱼

Cutlass Fish With Sweet & Sour Sauce:糖醋带鱼

87糟熘鱼片 Quick Fried Fish Slices 11.98 | 88糖醋带鱼 Cutlass Fish With Sweet & Sour Sauce 12.98 | 89红烧带鱼 Hair tail Fish With Brown Sauce 12.98


冻伤,霜害 frost damage | 带鱼科鱼类 frostfish | 糖霜 frosting


金枪鱼tuna | 带鱼hairtail | 海参sea cucumber


fillet 鱼片 | hairtail 冻带鱼 | cod fillet 鳕鱼片

Fried hairtail:干煎带鱼

糖醋带鱼 Fried hairtail with sweet and sour sauce | 干煎带鱼 Fried hairtail | 葱烤带鱼 Stewed hairtail with scallions in oil


刀鱼(cutlass fish)又叫带鱼、牙带鱼,是鱼纲(Pisces)鲈形目(Perciformes)带鱼科(Trichiuridae)几种鱼的统称. 带鱼科约有6属20种. 皆海产,见于大西洋、太平洋、印度洋. 大部份种类的刀鱼分布在东南亚、南亚的热带地区,只有少数品种的刀鱼分布在非洲地区.

Trichiurus lepturus:白带鱼

肛门前背鳍数39-41;臀鳍退化,起始於背鳍第39-41软条之下方,棘状化,但通常埋於皮下;胸鳍短,末端可达侧线上方;无尾鳍与腹鳍. 体银白色;背鳍及胸鳍浅黄色;尾端呈暗色. 与白带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)极为相似,其与白带鱼之差异在於左右额骨愈合.

Trichiurus hanmela:冻带鱼 带鱼

冻黄花鱼 小黄鱼 Pseudosciaena polyactis | 冻带鱼 带鱼 Trichiurus hanmela | 冻青鱼 青鱼 Mylopharyngodon piceus