英语人>词典>汉英 : 带红色的 的英文翻译,例句
带红色的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
erubescent  ·  rufescent

更多网络例句与带红色的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andamanica monoecious; indumentum usually of simple hairs and whitish to reddish glandular scales.


Individual one has a reddish upperside with reddish-brownish streaks, so is not Pallas's.


The solution is reddish and has turned one drop yellow.


Female flowers: ovary white or reddish at base; stigma usually 2-parted, subulate and not conspicuously papillate.

雌花 子房白色的或带红色的在基部;柱头通常2分开,钻形而不显著具乳突。

Tepals white, sometimes tessellated with reddish color.


Leaf blades pilose on adaxial surface; lemmas with reddish or yellowish lateral veins.


Inflorescence forked with a pair of racemelike, helicoidal cymes; perianth segments orange to reddish orange, inner ones usually with purple or reddish orange patches at middle

用总状花序状一对,螺旋状聚伞花序分叉的花序;花被片橙到带红色橙,有紫色或者带红色的橙小块地在中部的内轮通常 5 HEMEROCALLIS fulva 萱草

Branchlets white pilose-tomentulose or brown velutinous tomentulose, hirsute, or hirtellous and reddish glandular granulose.


Corolla white or yellow-white, sometimes reddish, margin glandular pubescent with reddish hairs; calyx segments usually entire; parasitic on species of Lamiaceae

花冠白色或黄色白色,有时带红色,边缘腺状短柔毛具带红色的毛;花萼裂片通常全缘;在Lamiaceae的种上寄生 21 Orobanche alba 白花列当

Inflorescence terminal, 1–11-flowered; pedicels scaly, usually setose; calyx (1–)2–15 mm, usually 5-lobed, sometimes reduced to undulate rim, scaly, margin mostly ciliate or setose; corolla broadly campanulate or rotate to saucer-shaped, usually yellow, rarely greenish, white or reddish, sometimes spotted, outer surface scaly, sometimes sparsely pubescent; stamens 10; ovary 5(or 6)-celled; style short, thick, sharply bent, usually scaly at base.


更多网络解释与带红色的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pinkish:带桃红色的; 较为激进的 (形)

pinkie 小手指#小指 (名) | pinkish 带桃红色的; 较为激进的 (形) | pinko 有左倾政治思想的人; 左倾分子 (名)


pink 粉红色,桃红色 | pinkish 带粉红色的,带桃红色的 | pinky 带粉红色的,带桃红色的


redden 变红 | reddish 带红色的 | redeem 赎回

Spanking Rich:带红色和金色珠光的覆盆子粉色

Love Alert:带红色珠光的覆盆子红色 | Spanking Rich:带红色和金色珠光的覆盆子粉色 | Get Rich Quick:暖黄棕色


emollescence 软化作用 | erubescent 变红的/带红色的 | evanesce 逐渐看不见/消散

erubescent:变红的; 带红色的 (形)

erstwhile 以前; 往昔地 (副) | erubescent 变红的; 带红色的 (形) | eruct 喷出; 打嗝; 喷出 (动)

lateritious:如砖的; 有砖之红色的 (形)

laterite 红土带; 砖红壤 (名) | lateritious 如砖的; 有砖之红色的 (形) | latescent 隐而不显的 (形)


ruelle 窄小街道 | rufescent 带红色的 | ruff 出王牌

Ruby throated sparrow:带红色斑点的麻雀

Chestnut brown canary 栗色的金丝雀 | Ruby throated sparrow 带红色斑点的麻雀 | Sing a song, don't be long 唱一支歌吧,不用太长

Blue-red cast:带蓝色的红色

Blue purple 品蓝 | Blue-red cast 带蓝色的红色 | Blue shadow 阴影蓝