英语人>词典>汉英 : 已经通过的 的英文翻译,例句
已经通过的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与已经通过的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has shown his passion for the industry in the work he has already carried out as Chairman of PIFA and the tremendous efforts in the Chairmanship of the Carrier Bag Consortium.


Congress needs to do its part by making the tax relief we passed permanent and burying the death tax forever.


In the Senate, which would have acted on a House-passed bill, Republican Judd Gregg spoke to reporters.

在参议院,他们可以审议众议院已经通过的方案,民主党Judd Gregg对记者说。

"The French national position is that this resolution should include new sanctions, in addition to those already adopted by the Security Council, because this behavior must have a cost and a price to pay," said Jean-Pierre Lacroix.


To counteract this men such as Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury in England, the Rev. Thomas Chalmers in Scotland, and others worked to have laws passed to protect factory hands, miners, and those with physical disabilities.


You do not need to repeat an exam level that you already have passed, regardless of the time that elapses between exams.


They had never seen animals behave like this before, and this sudden uprising of creatures whom they were used to thrashing and maltreating just as they chose, frightened them almost out of their wits.


But if you can determine whether or not the program is passing the tests that you're running, there is a lot to be said for constantly giving it new test cases instead of reruns of old tests that it has passed.


Today, the hybrid rice variety developed by Chinese scientists has been adopted for planting in over three million hectares and has become a "golden key" to meeting China's own food needs and boosting world cereal production.


The NPC is China's top lawmaking body but only convenes once a year for a short session and delegates typically do little more than ratify without question the Communist Party's priorities for the coming 12 months.


更多网络解释与已经通过的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

marginal benefit:边际收益

同理,边际收益(marginal benefit)指你已经获取的收益之外的收益. 阅读本章的边际收益指你阅读后获取的额外知识. 如果拿起这本书时你已经熟知它的所有内容,阅读它的边际收益就是零. 如果通过阅读本章,你证实你已经做好了学习本课程的准备,

Francis Coquelin:科克兰

阿森纳拿下17岁少年:纳斯里并不是温格在祖国唯一的目标,据悉,法丙球队拉瓦尔17岁中场球员科克兰(Francis Coquelin)已经确定将加盟阿森纳,他甚至在周二已经通过了兵工厂的体检,科克兰是法国17岁以下国家队的球员,可惜因为伤病错过了欧洲17岁以下少年锦标赛.

disgustedly disgustedlyadv:厌烦地

treating 处理 | disgustedly disgustedlyadv.厌烦地 | passed 已经通过的, 已被传递的

Seydou KEITA:塞杜-凯塔

巴塞罗那当地报纸El Periodico de Catalunya今天报道,巴萨已经完成了与塞维利亚的马里中场塞杜-凯塔(Seydou Keita)的签约,合同长度为4年,转会费为1400万欧元,凯塔已经通过了巴萨安排的体检

Jaguar Land Rover:捷豹 路虎

阿斯顿•马丁(Aston Martin)和捷豹-路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)也已经通过大量裁员、缩短工时等传统手段对危机做出了回应. 不过,去年被印度塔塔汽车(Tata Motors)收购的捷豹-路虎已经力图通过与工会组织Unite商议的一项协议来减轻打击.



Temporary Redirect:被请求的页面已经临时移至新的

305 Use Proxy 客户请求的文档应该通过Location头所指明的代理服务器提取. | 307 Temporary Redirect 被请求的页面已经临时移至新的url. | 4xx: 客户端错误消息: 描述:

The motion has been made and seconded that:前面的提议已经得到通过

Comrade Chairman, I'd like to call that question, please.|主... | The motion has been made and seconded that|前面的提议已经得到通过 | we immediately constitute ourselves as the bona fide Communist party...

superordinate learning:上位学习

那究竟什么是上位学习和下位学习,通过学习我们已经知道是:根据将要学习的新内容与学习者已经知道的相关内容之间的关系,奥苏伯尔把学习分为下位学习(subordinate learning)、上位学习(superordinate learning)和并列结合学习(combinatorial lea

think tank:智囊

所以:法国媒体发布新闻,美国出名的智囊(Think Tank)兰德公司已经向美国国防部提交一份研究演讲. 这份演讲评估发动一场战争来转嫁目前经济危机的可行性. 此前美国政府已经通过了七千亿美元的纾困计划和两千五百亿美元向银行投注资金的方案.