英语人>词典>汉英 : 工作满足感 的英文翻译,例句
工作满足感 的英文翻译、例句


job satisfaction
更多网络例句与工作满足感相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Keywords Scheduling Nursing manpower resources Flextime staffing Staff self-scheduling Job satisfaction

排班; 护理人力资源;弹性工作制;自我排班;工作满足感

I'm looking for a new job, one where I get a little more job satisfaction.


Setting up a preceptorship system to support and guide the professional development, psychological adjustment and career planning of individual nurses would help to foster positive socialization, reduce levels of anxiety and increase job satisfaction among nurses.


Research has shown that mental challenge is closely related to job scarification.


Besides , practical results are built on pure knowledge, without which the former wouldn't have been readily available, for example, if man had not probed into pure knowledge objectively and disinterestedly.


Research on job satisfaction shows that many people would like their work to be more personally and professionally satisfying."When you don't find your work gratifying," Dr. Bednarski says, it may become unchallenging, and job dissatisfaction occurs.

在工作满意程度上的研究表明许多人都喜欢他们的工作更个人化些、工作给他们带来满足感更强些& Bednarski博士说:&如果你不认为工作令你满意,它就没有了挑战性,就会出现工作不满。

Do not ask time absent in boss to loaf on the job, because of that you have been worked out the discount job achievement effect on hand may come out in the wash sooner or later with your overall behavior.


The company is also committed to equal opportunity and believes every employee has the right to carry out their work in an environment that promotes job satisfaction and maximises performance.


The company is also committed to equal opportunity and believes every employee has the right to carry out their work in an environment that promotes job satisfaction and maximises performance.


You can argue that a man who does a job which brings him personal satisfaction is already receiving part of his reward in the form of a so-called"psychic wag",and that it is the man with the boring,repetitive job who needs more money to make up for the soul-destroying monotony of his work.


更多网络解释与工作满足感相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

by accident:偶然

年轻人是很偶然(by accident)找到工作的,而不考虑提升(promotion)的机会(opportunity),快乐和安全的因素. 结果他们找的工作给他们很少甚至根本没有满足感. 我们的大学毕业生面临着如此激烈的竞争(competition),因此他们很少在乎从事何种工作,


薪资待遇,工作条件,同事相处气氛等,如果以良好的情况存在时,则会消除员工的不满足感,但并不能增加员工的满足感.也就是说,此类因素不佳时将员工由"没有不满足"(No Dissatisfaction)转为"不满足"(Dissatisfaction).若这些因素被改善,

job dissatisfaction:缺乏工作满足感

job descripition 工作性质说明,职务说明 | job dissatisfaction 缺乏工作满足感 | job oppoortunity 就业机会


16 D 逻辑推理词义比较 所以作者渐渐地(gradually),极大程度地(greatly),而且是及早地(early)就明白了随意赊帐的危害. Hardly与文意不符. 18 B 词义辨析 工作教作者学会了自我控制,担付责任,为作者带来了某种程度(level)的自我满足感,

high-tech world:高科技领域

20,丰富的工作经验 a broad range of work experiences | 21,高科技领域 high-tech world | 22,工作的满足感 job satisfaction

Job Satisfaction:工作满足感

试问在这奇异文化下工作满足感(job satisfaction)从何而来呢?金钱?实习医生时薪25澳币,与一般餐厅侍应生同酬. 每增一年工作经验约加薪8%而矣,公立医院的高级医生时薪约40澳币,与一般家居装修工人差不多. 每年人工约调整(adjustment)2-3%,

more job satisfaction:更多的工作满足感

21.chances to use one's talent发挥所长的机会 | 22.feel needed感到为人所需 | 23.more job satisfaction更多的工作满足感

keep skills fresh and up-to-date:使技能不断更新

22,工作的满足感 job satisfaction | 23,使技能不断更新 keep skills fresh and up to date | 24,职业猎头 professional head-hunter


5月12日 紫丁香(Lilac) 花语﹕爱情萌芽 花占卜﹕您兴趣十分广泛,喜欢追求工作的满足感,外表端庄贤淑,对人礼貌周周,是异性眼中的理想情人. 在感情上,您是一个感性的人,一旦投入了,您会变得很热情. 花箴言﹕女性的魅力,

job retation:工作轮调

job redesign 工作再设计 | job retation 工作轮调 | job satisfaction 工作满足感