英语人>词典>汉英 : 工作满意度 的英文翻译,例句
工作满意度 的英文翻译、例句


job satisfaction
更多网络例句与工作满意度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the factors which impact the job involvement are psychological, career development, interpersonal relations and the pay and benefits. We can improve the juvenile football coacher's job satisfaction to raise their job involvement.


Excluding the influence of the demology variables, the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment was done, which indicated satisfaction had significant predictive effects on commitment; recognizing, reward, respect , participating decision-making, total satisfaction had significant predictive effects on affective commitment; growth and development, work relationship had significant predictive effects on continuance commitment; recognizing and total satisfaction had significant predictive effects on normative commitment.


On admission and dischargement, depressive symptoms were assessed with the hamilton depression scale and measurements made for the prehension of health education knowledge, compliance, satisfaction to nursing service with the questionnaire on health knowledge understanding, morisy questionnaire on compliance and the nurses' job satisfaction scale.


Firstly,we describe scores of each variable of the sample and test the reliability and validity of those questionnaires.Second,use the factor analysis for the raw data pretreatment and the multiple regression analysis is used to get the determinant factor and the importance of job satisfaction of the staff.Last,we test the relationship between the globe job satisfaction and the tendency of demission.


2There are differences between China's best young football coaches in terms of age, seniority, education, marriage, coaches level, nature of work, the nature of work units, regions, eat. In which older and younger age with higher satisfaction, which is into "U" type ;In seniority, the lower academic qualifications, the higher job satisfaction, showing the antigrowth trend. Level in the coaches, the higher the level on the career identity and career development with lower satisfaction, and other dimensioned showed positive growth. In marriage, unmarried outstanding youth football coaches have higher satisfaction in career identity dimensions. In the nature of the work, the coaches satisfaction is higher, but the degree of salary is lower. Nature in the workplace, the youth football coaches in large-scale enterprises outstanding football club are with higher satisfaction. At the district level, the developed coastal regions are with higher job satisfaction, the old industrial base in the northeast have lower job satisfaction in the work environment and salary degrees. regard to remuneration, salaries in 2000-3000or more than 5000 outstanding young football coaches have higher job satisfaction in the current, but salaries in 3000-4000 or 4000-5000 outstanding football coaches, the job satisfaction is slightly lower三、There is significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and job involvement of China's best young football coaches.


The results indicate that role conflict and role ambiguity have negative influence on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing have positive influence on it but faintish comparatively.


This paper has been selected three colleges include Anqing Teachers College, Fuyang Normal college and Huaibei Cole Coal Industry Teachers College in Anhui Province as a sample, on the basis of performance management and satisfaction research'results, according to the attitude of the worker with a professional appraisal practice and the performance management experts, scholars, designed the investigable questionnaire on the local colleges performance appraisal satisfaction , ins pected satisfaction conditions.


The research has been collated on the basis of the literature, Laiyang senior vocational school teachers to study.


It is acceptable because its Cronbach Alpha coefficient reliability is as high as 0.974,and its content validity,construct validity and criterion-related validity are all acceptable.


The methods used are time and motion study by using stopwatch, participated observation, in-depth interview, Delphi.


更多网络解释与工作满意度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


或更好 的努力 更高或更低的 组织承诺 离职 缺勤 迟到 偷懒 偷窃图 2 绩效-满意-努力回路 2.6.2 工作满意度与工作退行行为 工作退行行为(withdrawal behaviors)主要包括缺勤(absenteeism)和离职 (turnover)等行为 2.一些研究表明,

Job Involvement:工作投入

Brown3 (1996)通过元分析发现,内源性工作满意度与工作投入(job involvement)之间有较强的联系,而外源性工作满意度与工作投入之间 的联系相对较弱. 用心专注 服务专业 一览英才网 江苏企业招聘专家, 江苏企业招聘专家,

Job Satisfaction:工作满意度

工作满意度(job satisfaction)使员工对自己工作喜欢或不喜欢的感情和情绪. 工作满意度是一种情感态度--对某物相对喜欢或厌恶的感情. 这种同工作有关的满意感与员工态度的其他两个要素之间有着重大的不同. 同一个员工可能对她的员工有着理智的反应,

Job descriptions and job satisfaction:职位描述和职位满意度

> Staff development and training 员工发展和培训 | > Job descriptions and job satisfaction 职位描述和职位满意度 | > Letters of enquiry and applications 工作申请


(参见第426页的图表16.2 )(3)激励因素(Motivator)是指能够增加工作满意度进而产生激励的因素,包括成就、认可、责任、进步等与工作内容相关的内在因素或工作本身的一些内容.


马斯洛关于缺失性层面渐进满足的最近发展区产生最强烈行为动机的观点,对学习内容的排序有引导作用;二是赫兹贝格(Herzberg)理论,核心为动力(Motivator)一保健(Hygiene)论 (双要素论),包括促进工作满意度的绩效、认可、内容、责任、晋升和前景等动力要素,

participative management:参与管理

在不同的文化环境中,参与管理(participative management)的落实过程会有何差异?所面对的困境与可能的解决方案为何?在公务体系、私部门与第三部门中,参与管理的实行方式或实行策略有何不同?公务体系如何透过参与管理来增强员工或部属的工作满意度与工作的绩效表现?

Reality shock:现实冲击

具体表现为:传统的招聘方法可能会增加员工在实际工作中"现实冲击"(Reality Shock)发生的可能性. "现实冲击"指的是期望与现实不相符合时所造成的一种心理上的失落感和挫折感. 这会导致新员工工作积极性下降、工作不满意度上升以及工作绩效下降,




」综合整项调查,薪酬(Salary)在「决定工作满意度因素」一栏中,均连续三季排列首位. 不过,随着经济逆转,员工在评估工作满意度时,已趋向把工作稳定性(Job Security)视为最关切的因素(见图二),这发现更涉及不同职级,