英语人>词典>汉英 : 崇拜祖先 的英文翻译,例句
崇拜祖先 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Another aspect of this animistic belief was ancestor worship, with each family honouring their own dead by their own rites.


The process from nature worship, Totem worship to ancestor worship is continuously strengthening humans.


This study describes the multi-facet systematic evolution of the said rural community from 1907 to 2007: from the perspective of ethnic culture, it has changed from a single ethnic cultural community of Yoghur(Ethnic Yugur\'s self-name) ethnic group into a multi-ethnic cultural community with Yoghur ethnic group as the dominating majority and embracing the ethnic groups of Han, Tibetan, Tu, Mongolian and Kazak; from the perspective of language, it has changed from a community where Yoghur and Tibetan languages dominated with the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language as the subordinate into one where the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language dominate with the Yoghur language as the subordinate; in the perspective of marriage and heirship system, from a parallel operation of two systems (patrilineal heirship for official marriages and matrilineal heirship system for matrimonial forms through the head-wearing ceremony) to monogamy and patrilineal heirship; in the perspective of means of living, from animal husbandry complemented with hand knitting and camel caravan transporting to agricultural farming complemented with animal husbandry and many others; in the perspective of social organization, from a traditional tribe to a modern country society; in the perspective of political system and social management, from the customs-authority management which combined the dominating headman hereditary system under the tribal union of an imperial dynasty and the subordinating elite influence, to the resource-interest management of party-government departmental system under the ethnic minority autonomy of a nation state; in the perspective of religious faith, from a coexistence of the Gelug Tibetan Buddhism and Shamanism and the devout ancestor worship to the currently prevalent ancestor worship with religions declining and faith weakening; in the perspective of education, from the local-knowledge-oriented education to an official-knowledge-oriented education, in which modern schooling has become the major educational organization instead of the former traditional temple education; the school has replaced the temple as the "knowledge-culture" communication center; at least in the minds of the local people the central role of family education during the children\'s cultural development has also been replaced by schooling.


Primitive religion includes worship of natural, totem and ancestor, Manitou concept, witchery, taboos, religion festival and folk tales.


Animistic conceptions may enter into the worship of ancestors and heroes; but other ideas are so essential that they cannot be regarded merely as modifications of soul-worship.


Again, soul-worship and ancestor-worship are not identical, and with many tribes much attention is paid to conciliating the souls of the dead where ancestor-worship is unknown.


This study describes the multi-facet systematic evolution of the said rural community from 1907 to 2007: from the perspective of ethnic culture, it has changed from a single ethnic cultural community of Yoghur(Ethnic Yugur\'s self-name) ethnic group into a multi-ethnic cultural community with Yoghur ethnic group as the dominating majority and embracing the ethnic groups of Han, Tibetan, Tu, Mongolian and Kazak; from the perspective of language, it has changed from a community where Yoghur and Tibetan languages dominated with the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language as the subordinate into one where the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language dominate with the Yoghur language as the subordinate; in the perspective of marriage and heirship system, from a parallel operation of two systems (patrilineal heirship for official marriages and matrilineal heirship system for matrimonial forms through the head-wearing ceremony) to monogamy and patrilineal heirship; in the perspective of means of living, from animal husbandry complemented with hand knitting and camel caravan transporting to agricultural farming complemented with animal husbandry and many others; in the perspective of social organization, from a traditional tribe to a modern country society; in the perspective of political system and social management, from the customs-authority management which combined the dominating headman hereditary system under the tribal union of an imperial dynasty and the subordinating elite influence, to the resource-interest management of party-government departmental system under the ethnic minority autonomy of a nation state; in the perspective of religious faith, from a coexistence of the Gelug Tibetan Buddhism and Shamanism and the devout ancestor worship to the currently prevalent ancestor worship with religions declining and faith weakening; in the perspective of education, from the local-knowledge-oriented education to an official-knowledge-oriented education, in which modern schooling has become the major educational organization instead of the former traditional temple education; the school has replaced the temple as the "knowledge-culture" communication center; at least in the minds of the local people the central role of family education during the children\'s cultural development has also been replaced by schooling.


From the angle of the connection between the conciousness of life and primitive rock carvings , this thesis synthesize multi-subject just aims to explore how primitive rock carvings is ever so often influenced by the conciousness.


Yi is a nationality of the fire, Yi Torch Festival is the witness that the fire of Yi worships, joyous song of festival whether Yi people have deep love for behavior of life, Yi clan worship, ancestor worship, totemism worship are the reflection of Yi moral education.


While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus, Babylonian records stay silent on the matter.

目录 导言宗教的实质第一编原始的梦境:原始宗教第一章宗教的产生第二章图腾崇拜第三章祖先崇拜、灵物崇拜和偶像崇拜第四章从多神崇拜到一神崇拜第五章古埃及宗教第六章古巴比伦宗教第二编苦难者的宗教:犹太教第一章犹太民族的诞生第二章以色列人在埃及第三章出埃及记第四章以色列人定居巴勒斯坦第五章欧洲人统治下的犹太人第六章犹太人的大流散第七章犹太人回归故土的热望第八章犹太教经典第三编天国之道:基督教第一章耶稣传奇第二章基督教的产生第三章基督教的变迁第四章中世纪基督教第五章改革运动第六章近代基督教第七章经典、组织和礼仪第四编信主独一:伊斯兰教第一章伊斯兰教之前的阿拉伯第二章伊斯兰教的产生第三章早期伊斯兰教的传播第四章哈里发时代第五章四大王朝时代第六章近现代的伊斯兰教第七章伊斯兰教派运动第八章经典和礼仪第五编痛苦中的生路:佛教第六编信仰的疆土:宗教在世界各国……购买此商品的顾客也购买了·文学简史·东方哲学简史/简史文丛系列·快读二十四史·千万别卖家具--终端销售攻略·读者文摘精粹版1:幸福像花儿一样查看此商品的顾客也查看了·宗教简史·神圣的存在--比较宗教的范型·神之简史·中国人的心灵图谱:魂魄·世界宗教寻踪

更多网络解释与崇拜祖先相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ancestor worship:祖先崇拜

ancestor language 母语 | ancestor worship 祖先崇拜 | ancestor 原始现象

worship of ancestor:祖先崇拜

图腾崇拜:worship of totem | 祖先崇拜:worship of ancestor | 祖宗神崇拜:ancestor worship

ancestor language:母语

anaxon 无轴索神经细胞 | ancestor language 母语 | ancestor worship 祖先崇拜


我对他对移民的缺乏了解感到遗憾,其实不论拉美、澳洲还是在海南,移民崇拜的多数是他们的首领(chief)而不是他们的祖先(ancestry). 这是因为移民是一个五湖四海集聚的群体,如果还在谈什么血缘、帮派那他们就没有凝聚力了,


婆罗门教崇拜的神逐渐集中到一个力量强大的神(主神崇拜):"梵天"(Brahma). 他是一切神的根源,一切的神皆被认为由其所创. 而这个"梵天"我认为不是别人而是希伯来人的祖先:"Abraham"(亚伯拉罕). 看看他们的语音表现是多么地接近!


日本神道教(Shinto)简称神道,发源于洪荒时代,是日本国民固有的宗教信仰. 最初以自然崇拜、祖先崇拜、天皇崇拜等为主,属于泛灵多神信仰(精灵崇拜),视自然界各种动植物为神只,也赋予各代日本天皇神性.


神道教(Shinto)简称神教,是日本的传统民族宗教,最初以自然崇拜?祖先崇拜?天皇崇拜等为主,属于泛灵多神信仰(精灵崇拜),视自然界各种动植物为神?,也赋予各代日本天皇神性. 公元五至八世纪吸收中国儒家与佛教学说后,渐渐形成较为完整的体系


给你神道教基本状况吧,,,, 神道教(Shinto)简称神教,是日本的传统民族宗教,最初以自然崇拜﹑祖先崇拜﹑天皇崇拜等为主,属于泛灵多神信仰(精灵崇拜),视自然界各种动植物为神祇,也赋予各代日本天皇神性.

Nine Divines:九圣灵

他们有着传统的崇拜daedra的信仰,称daedra是他们的祖先,后来审判席(tribunal)的出现和晨风被帝国征服以后基本上这种信仰就微乎其微了.九圣灵(nine divines)是帝国主要信仰,帝国教会(imperial cult)和相当多其他信徒崇拜的主要神灵,

Living Fossils:活化石

现今还有很多所谓"活化石"(living fossils)的生物,我们用各种不同的方法测试,也看不出它们跟几百万年前的祖先有什么分别. 帕特森并不是进化论学者中唯一认为自然选择论可以纯粹用逻辑推论证明的人. 其他应用逻辑宣扬他们学说的人似乎比帕特森更崇拜自然选择.