英语人>词典>汉英 : 屈指可数 的英文翻译,例句
屈指可数 的英文翻译、例句


very few · can be counted on one's fingers · may be counted by bending the fingers
更多网络例句与屈指可数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The almighty dollar's days look numbered.


Parson Malthus predicted mass starvation 250 years ago, as the population was growing geometrically, doubling each generation, while agricultural production was going arithmetically, by 2 percent or so a year.


We will not return to a system dominated by a handful of countries around the North Atlantic.


The writing, however, is lackluster; melodramatic without being truly exciting, and very few of the many characters Mortenson meets come to life, although the cultural details can be intriguing- the book's title comes from a local proverb that 'The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger.


As a result, it integrated incense with beauty.The long-standing and well established Chinese culture, after the Japanese developed it into Japanese incense culture, has become the most important social activity in the Japanese beau monde today.There are a few researches about the incense and its industry. Besides, not only the minority circulation about the industry or research of the incense culture of the product among the workshops deviates from the orthodox incense cultural spirit, but also it always focuses on the raw materials of the incense only.


It was one of thoes rare occasions when I ignored the crotchety old voice that spoiled my fun.


And although while they simulate piety they are not of the Church, yet they are considered to be in the Church, just as traitors in a state are numbered among its citizens before they are discovered; and as the tares or darnel and chaff are found among the wheat, and as swellings and tumors are found in a sound body, when they are rather diseases and deformities than true members of the body.


This is my two drunken few.


Now that there is one, the eavesdropper's days may be numbered.


Now that there is one, the eavesdropper's days may be numbered .


更多网络解释与屈指可数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

daylight robbery:价钱贵到离谱

day-dream 白日梦 | daylight robbery 价钱贵到离谱 | days are numbered 生存时日屈指可数

dim sum:茶点

张爱玲在其散文>中曾提到过"司空"虽然去过香港N多次,但是真正品尝港式、粤式茶点(dim sum)的机会竟然屈指可数. 关键在于老公不喜欢,他总说dim sum是中国的垃圾食品(junk food),估计香港人听到他这话能气死.

spatial disorientation:空间定向障碍

那里在天气条件不太好的状态下极少组织飞行训练,所以几乎没有机会去体验严峻的空间定向障碍(Spatial Disorientation). 直到毕业的时候,卡萨斯所飞过的仪表着陆(用遮蔽物罩住飞机座舱,使飞行员只能依靠机载仪表控制飞机降落)次数还屈指可数,

down in dumps:情绪低落

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施 | down in dumps 情绪低落 | sb's/sth's days are numbered 屈指可数

Essex University:埃塞克斯大学

还有一位Dr Diana Entwistle,拿到埃塞克斯大学(Essex University)的体育学博士学位,专业研究--滑冰!她是全世界滑冰研究领域屈指可数的博士,在2007年夺得英国冰上舞蹈大师赛冠军.


再回首历历往昔,唯有屈指可数的绝代英豪,成为漫漫征尘路的里程碑在青史上留影,诸如迈克.杜汉(Mick Doohan),海尔沃德(Haiwood),劳森(Lawson)等,其中意大利车手吉阿科莫.阿戈斯蒂尼更是不可逾越的丰碑--他总共获得过122次GP赛事冠军,


今天,在本土屈指可数的男女二人组 ---- 爱乐团 (Loving) 也即将横空出世. 爱乐团 (Loving)由女主唱徐立和制作人兼吉它手王超组成. 毕业于山东艺术学院的王超在20岁时即已过人的才华被第六代著名导演陆川钦点,


可是大多数的家庭在有了孩子之后,反而缺少了真正意义上的旅游(Travel),连屈指可数的出游(Outing)也只限于带孩子去动物园、公园和市内的游乐场. 原因很简单,带孩子出远门太麻烦. 和孩子一起去旅游对于父母来说是一个巨大的挑战,


假如明日天放晴是我非常喜欢的一款游戏 调色盘(Palette)公司的作品不是很多 能被汉化的更是屈指可数 不过这款假如明日天放晴质量相当高 精致的画风 幽雅的旋律 一个个充满了温馨和爱的故事 留给我那一丝淡淡的感动 如果你是一

Shall We Dance:随我婆娑

不幸的是,这位美国音乐史上的天才却在此时患上了脑瘤,他于1937年7月11日在洛杉矶贝佛利山去世,由著名演员弗雷德阿斯泰尔主演的>(Shall We Dance)也成为他屈指可数的三部电影配乐作品之一.