英语人>词典>汉英 : 尿道 的英文翻译,例句
尿道 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
urethra  ·  urethrae  ·  urethras

urethral canal · urethro-
更多网络例句与尿道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: Twenty-five cases of urethral diseases underwent urethral retrograde contrast sonography and other ways (X-radial urethral contrast, urethroscope and emiction way of urethral contrast).


In 9 boys suffered from dysuria, cloudy urine and recurrent fever, posterior urethral valvewith vesico-ureteral refluxwas diagnosed on micturatin cystourethrography and IVU. The reflux was found on 15 sides. Valve ablation by endoscopic fulguration was carried out for 7 and by urethrotomy fulguration in 2. Catheterization was needed for 25~28 months because of difficult urination in the latter 2. Normal urination has been observed in the other 7 right after the operation.


Part two: Urethroplasty by using skin oversleeve with vesicomucosa to treat hypospadias.


Objective To investigate the nursing intervention in preclusion of post-urethroplasty urinary fis-tula of hypospadia.Methods 70urethroplasty cases were randomly divided into2groups,the urethral stents were douched with0.9%N.S in the cotrol group,and the integrated nursing interventionwas applied in the treatment group,the INI includerays the use of10ml0.9%N.S plus80000units gentamicin for douche,swabbing genitals with nitrofurazone solution and infrared rays exposure of genitals.

目的 采用护理干预手段预防尿道下裂术后尿瘘的发生方法选择尿道下裂带蒂皮瓣正位开口期尿道成形术患者70例随机分 2组:一组是常规用生理盐水冲洗尿道支架管方法;另一组是生理盐水10ml加庆霉素8万U冲洗新尿道支架管,呋喃西林溶液擦拭外阴部以及红外线伤口局部照射的护理干预方法综合护理,观察尿瘘的发生率。

Methods: Selected 93 confirmed cases with hypospadias during May 2003 to Sep 2009. Patients in balanic type were treated with meatal advancement and glandularp lasty; patients with urethra orifice at 2/3 of corpus penis accompanied with slight chordee of penis were treated with Snodgrass method or Onlay method; patients with severe chordee of penis were treated with Duckett method; patients in scrotum or perineum type were treated with combination of Duplay and Duckett; severe hypospadia patients were treated with curved pedicle penis-scrotum and skin flap urethroplasty; patients with good outer plate of ventral prepuce and chordee of penis were treated with ventral pedicle hooded foreskin flap.


Methods: Selected 93 confirmed cases with hypospadias during May 2003 to Sep 2009. Patients in balanic type were treated with meatal advancement and glandularp lasty; patients with urethra orifice at 2/3 of corpus penis accompanied with slight chordee of penis were treated with Snodgrass method or Onlay method; patients with severe chordee of penis were treated with Duckett method; patients in scrotum or perineum type were treated with combination of Duplay and Duckett; severe hypospadia patients were treated with curved pedicle penisscrotum and skin flap urethroplasty; patients with good outer plate of ventral prepuce and chordee of penis were treated with ventral pedicle hooded foreskin flap.


The surgery of female stress urinary incontinence has more ways,but it is essentially around two main themes:First,extense urethra,narrow urethra cavity diameter,increase urethral wall tension; Second,improve the bladder neck location,restore bladder urethra horn,recover the pressure transfer to urethra side when abdominal pressure increases,thus increase the urethral atresia pressure and length of the urethra,reach the aim to control incontinence.


We concluded that uroflowmetry was a simple, non-invasive procedure which provided an objective evaluation of the uroflow in hypospadias. Urethral stricture after urethroplasty could be diagnosed with uroflowmetry. The low flow rate in congenital hypospadias was mainly due to meatal stenosis. Oral mucosa graft combined with a local flap for hypospadias repair provided satisfactory functional results.


Objective: To explore the mechanisms resulting in the recurrence of urethral scar which make urethral strictures difficult to be cured, a series experiments were conducted to find potential effective factors involved in urethral scar formation and degradation, including the studies of extracellular matrix component of urethral stricture scar, the characteristics of urethral scar fibroblast, and the effects of urine on urethral fibroblast in vitro, as well as the studies to compare the difference of collagenase activity, type Ⅰ collagen and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in the tissues and cultured fibroblasts from normal urethra and strictured urethra respectively, and the studies to investigate the effect of antisense TIMP-1 oligodeoxyonucleotide on cell proliferation and collagenase activity of urethral scar fibroblast.

中文题名尿道瘢痕基础研究副题名胶原酶活性,TIMP-1的表达及其反义基因治疗外文题名 Experimental study on urethral scar-activity of collagenase,expression of TIMP-1,and antisense TIMP-1 gene transfection of urethral scar fibroblast 论文作者黄翔导师杨宇如教授学科专业外科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位四川大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数104页关键词尿道手术瘢痕胶原酶成纤维细胞尿道瘢痕馆藏号BSLW /2003 /R699 /12 目的:研究尿道瘢痕的细胞外基质的组成,尿道瘢痕成纤维细胞的生物学特性以及尿液对其生长的影响;比较胶原酶活性,金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子-1(TIMP-1)以及Ⅰ型胶原含量在尿道瘢痕和正常尿道组织及体外培养的成纤维细胞中的差异;研究反义TIMP-1寡核苷酸对尿道瘢痕成纤维细胞增殖以及胶原酶活性的影响。

Result The patients of posterior urethral stricture using the posterior urethrascope have been followed up for 1 moth to 22 years,clinical results:good in 89cases\general in 23cases\poor in 12cases\failed in 9cases,good rate being 84.2%,succeeding rate being 93.2%;The patients of preceding urthrostenosis using the preceding urethrastenosis cutting knife have been followed up for 16 years,the patients using the urethrastenosis dilator have been followed up for 7moths to 7years,the result is good.


更多网络解释与尿道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




尿道炎(Urethritis)是一种常见的泌尿道感染,尿道炎的分类比较复杂,范围较广. 临床上大致可分为急性尿道炎和慢性尿道炎、非特异性尿道炎和淋菌性尿道炎. 它多见于女性,致病菌以大肠杆菌、链球菌和葡萄球菌为最常见. 尿道炎常因尿道口或尿道内梗阻所引起,

meatoscope:尿道口镜 尿道口窥镜

meatorrhaphy 尿道口缝合术 | meatoscope 尿道口镜 尿道口窥镜 | meatoscopy 尿道口镜检查


sphincterotomy括约肌切开术 | meatotomy尿道口切开术尿道口切开术,尿道外口切开术 | excised切断的,离体的

corpus cavernosum urethrae:尿道海绵体

阴茎由两条阴茎海绵体(corpus cavernosum penis)和一条尿道海绵体(corpus cavernosum urethrae)组成. 阴茎海绵体的后端附着在耻骨弓. 其腹侧有尿道海绵体,尿道海绵体的后端膨大,称尿道球,其前端膨大形成阴茎头,阴茎头上有尿道外口(图8-9).


urethroblennorrhea 尿道脓溢 | urethrobulbar 尿道球的 | urethrocele 尿道膨出 尿道突出 尿道憩室

urethrocele:尿道膨出 尿道突出 尿道憩室

urethrobulbar 尿道球的 | urethrocele 尿道膨出 尿道突出 尿道憩室 | urethrocystitis 尿道膀胱炎


urethrodynia (尿道痛) | urethrogram (尿道造影図,尿道撮影図) | urethrography (尿道造影<法>,尿道撮影<法>)

urethrometer:尿道测量器 尿道量计

urethrography 尿道X线照相术 尿道造影 | urethrometer 尿道测量器 尿道量计 | urethrometry 尿道测量法

urethroplasty:尿道成形术 尿道再造术

urethropexy /尿道固定术/ | urethroplasty /尿道成形术/尿道再造术/ | urethrorectal /尿道直肠的/