英语人>词典>英汉 : urethrae的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇




更多网络例句与urethrae相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Electrical stimulation to S2 nerve root induced peak value of evoked motor action potential of musculus sphincter urethrae, which amounted to 57% of that in normal condition.


Objective:To assess the security and effectiveness of the mixture of Suo Quan Gu Niao through trial of acute toxicity,effects of contractile activity of bladder smooth muscle and sphincter urethrae in vitro and clinical research. In order to develop the new traditional chinese medicine to treat Stress Urinary Incontinence on the base of this study .


The experimental study of dog sacral nerve distribution and its influence on lower urinary tract function:For further understanding of the distribution of dog sacral nerve in bladder, urinea and penis, and in order to set up theoretical basis for selective sacral nerve rhizotomy in treating spastic bladder after spinal cord injury, 12 dogs were respectively given electrical stimulation to S 1 3 nerve roots and the contraction of musculus sphincter urethrae and detrusor urinae, the change of bladder pressure and penis erection were examined and recorded.


We then concluded that Si mainly distributes in musculus detrusor urinae, S2 mainlydistributes in musculus sphinctor urethrae, 53 mainly distributes in penis.

提 示:1.S1-/经分别为逼尿肌、括约肌及阴茎的主要支配神经,其相互间存有混合交叉支配,但有较明显的个体差异。2。

Trial in vitro made clear that it could remarkably increase the contractile of sphincter urethrae , inhibite the urinary bladder smooth muscle contraction and lower the baseline; when the mixture of Suo Quan Gu Niao was 25mg /ml, it could inhibit the urinary bladder strip contraction induced by KCL,too.


更多网络解释与urethrae相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

compressor urethrae:尿道压肌

\\"压缩器,压肌\\",\\"compressor\\" | \\"尿道压肌\\",\\"compressor urethrae\\" | \\"载玻片压器\\",\\"compressorium\\"

sphincter urethrae:尿道括约肌

肛门内括约肌 sphincter ani internus | 尿道括约肌 sphincter urethrae | 脊髓蛛网膜 spinal arachnoid mater

isthmus urethrae:尿道峡

输卵管峡 isthmus tubae uterinae | 尿道峡 isthmus urethrae | 子宫峡 isthmus uteri

bulbus urethrae:尿道球

阴茎球 bulbus penis | 尿道球 bulbus urethrae | 保加利亚(发酵)乳 Bulgarian milk

Ostium urethrae internum:尿道内口

小阴唇 - Labium minus pudendi | 尿道内口 - Ostium urethrae internum | 尿道外口 - Ostium urethrae externum

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