英语人>词典>汉英 : 尾状核 的英文翻译,例句
尾状核 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

intraventricular nuclei
更多网络例句与尾状核相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In these subjects, as with all people in love, there is activity in the caudate nucleus, but it's specifically in a part that's adjacent to a brain region associated with addiction.


Results: In the 13 cases, the CT diagnosis show that five cases of low-density lesions of Bilateral hepatolenticular, five cases of globus pallidus, one case of Bilateral hepatolenticular with corpus callosum, one cases of External capsule putamen, one case of Putamen with the caudate nucleus, three cases of low-density of Bilateral lobi frontalis and lobi parietalis, one case of unilateral putamen hemorrhage, three cases of cerebral atrophy.

结果 13例中,CT示双侧豆状核低密度5例、苍白球5例、双侧豆状核伴胼胝体1例、壳核伴外囊1例、壳核伴尾状核1例;双额顶叶低密度3例、单侧壳核出血1例、大脑萎缩3例。

At 6h after ischemia both MRI were found to indicate definite infarct foci in the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus,mass effect was seen too.Histopathologic findings:At 2h after ischemia,electro microscope revealed the changes of ischemia and edema.At 4h after ischemia,the photomicroscope demonstrated the changes of ischemia edema and the electromicroscope indicated the damage to blood brain barrier.

结果 梗塞2h MRI T2加权可见尾状核头部、豆状核信号增高;6h MRI可见尾状核、豆状核形成明确梗塞,并出现占位征象。2h电镜下已有缺血水肿改变,4h光镜下出现脑缺血水肿改变,电镜下见到血脑屏障受损。

But the latent period for reaching the platform above the water in Morris Water Maze of the Mn-exposed group was not different from that of control group. There was a significant increase in the areas,glial fibrillary acid proteinimmunoreactivity and the average proportional densities of GFAP-positive elements in nucleus caudate and accumbens in the high Mn-exposed group, and a significant reduction in the tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity and average proportional densities of TH-positive elements in substantia nigra,ventral tegmentum area of midbrain and nucleus caudate in the high Mn-exposed group.


There was a significant increase in the areas,glial fibrillary acid proteinimmunoreactivity and the average proportional densities of GFAP-positive elements in nucleus caudate and accumbens in the high Mn-exposed group, and a significant reduction in the tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity and average proportional densities of TH-positive elements in substantia nigra,ventral tegmentum area of midbrain and nucleus caudate in the high Mn-exposed group.


MethodsNonheparinized autohemic blood of the rat was taken out from rat"s femoral artery and injected into its caudate nucleus immediately to establish a model of intracerebral hemorrhage.The changes of edema in the ipsilateral bassal ganglia , ipsilateral cortex, contralateral bassal ganglia and contralateral cortex were measured at 1,2,3,5 and 7 days respectively after intracerebral hemorrhage. The rat"s packed red blood cells, lysed red blood cells and hemoglobins at different concentrations were injected respectively into the rat"s caudate nucleus. The changes of edema in various regions of the brain at different time were measured as above. 5U thrombin was injected into the rat"s caudate nucleus and the changes of edema in various regions of the brain at different time were measured as above.


The whole brain of the subject was axially and coronally scanned in the normal stereotactic space with a slice 1mm thick by MR system. The caudate nucleus were identified, segmented, extracted, saved and three-dimensionally reconstructed on MRI by software system developed by Research Center of Biology, Harbin University of Technology.


3 Patients were in the acutestage,〓FDG and 〓NH〓 PET showed brain stem infarction in 2 patients, while CT was normal. MRA of one of them showed right vertebral artery obstruction. One case showed focal infarction within the territory of the right middle cerebral artery 12 hours after stroke onset.〓NH〓 uptake was reduced in right frontoparietal lobe, putamen and part of thalamus, while hyperperfusion was observed in ipsilateral head of caudate nucleus and a portion of thalamus.


Methods:102 whole brains were serially transected with each section 2mm in thickness.82 red nuclei,substantia nigra and subthalamic nuclei,110 amydaloid nuclei,122 lenticular nuclei and thalami,and 114 caputs nuclei naudati were located in three dimension.


Results: In the 13 cases, the CT diagnosis show that five cases of low-density lesions of Bilateral hepatolenticular, five cases of globus pallidus, one case of Bilateral hepatolenticular with corpus callosum, one cases of External capsule putamen, one case of Putamen with the caudate nucleus, three cases of low-density of Bilateral lobi frontalis and lobi parietalis, one case of unilateral putamen hemorrhage, three cases of cerebral atrophy.

目的 探讨双侧基底节区对称性低密度病变的CT诊断价值。方法回顾性分析肝豆状核变性5例、中毒性病变5例、Wernicke脑病2例、Huntington氏大舞蹈病1例的CT平扫表现及临床意义。结果 13例中,CT示双侧豆状核低密度5例、苍白球5例、双侧豆状核伴胼胝体1例、壳核伴外囊1例、壳核伴尾状核1例;双额顶叶低密度3例、单侧壳核出血1例、大脑萎缩3例。

更多网络解释与尾状核相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

caudate nucleus:尾状核

已有研究发现,尾状核(caudate nucleus)可能是信任产生的脑区(King-Casas Brooks,2005),但注意到这类研究中信任往往被操作为合作行为,而合作行为与垂体后叶何尔蒙水平(endogenous oxytocin)存在有相关(Paul,et,a1,2004),因此,

caudate process:尾状突起

\\"尾状核\\",\\"caudate nucleus\\" | \\"尾状突起\\",\\"caudate process\\" | \\"茎,茎干\\",\\"caudex\\"

caudate process:尾状突

caudate nucleus 尾状核 | caudate process 尾状突 | caul-fat 花油


人的大脑核,可区分为:沿侧脑室内面存在的尾状核、脑岛内侧的豆状核(nucleus lentifofmis由壳和苍白球构成)、屏状核(claustrum)和位于颞叶前端部的杏仁核.

le noyau caude:尾状核

纹状体 les corps strie | 尾状核 le noyau caude | 豆状核 le noyau lenticulaire


抗体接合(antibodiesantibodies)利用有相对之激子与受体接合)利用有相对之激子与受体接合由静脉注射18F-FDOPA后,其会分布於相关基底核(basal ganglia)部位,尤其是尾状核(caudate nucleus),豆状核(putamen)等(上图)自体产物


caudate nucleus 尾状核 | caudatum 尾状核 | caul 胎头羊膜

lentiform nucleus:豆状核

可见在侧脑室前角切面的后外侧,有一大致卵圆形的灰质团块切面,为尾状核(caudate nucleus)头的切面.在尾状核头切面的后外侧有一三角形的灰质切面为豆状核(lentiform nucleus)切面,此核中部由二纵走的白质分隔为三部,

lentiform nucleus:尾状核

基底核 caudate nucleus | 尾状核 lentiform nucleus | 豆状核 putamen 壳 globus palidus

caudate nucleus, see corpus striatum:尾状核,见纹状体

尾状核 caudate nucleus | 尾状核,见纹状体 caudate nucleus, see corpus striatum | 尾状突 caudate process