英语人>词典>汉英 : 尼赫鲁 的英文翻译,例句
尼赫鲁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与尼赫鲁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thoughts of Nehru, including his knowledge of power relations, his comprehensions of communism, his attitude to anti-colonialism, and the nonaligned movement's meanings to Indian national security, decided the nature of Indian Nonalignment diplomacy during the Cold War.


The Reinvigoration of the Nehru Family in the New Century, from Sonia to Rahul


It is the indication of the reinvigoration of the Nehru family in the new century for Rahul, son of Sonia, to embark on his electoral tour in the state of Uttar Pradesh.


Some officials are sensitive that Nehru, the founder of the nation, Cambridge-educated and a man of considerable charm, was so intimately involved with the British ruling elite at a time when India was struggling to unshackle itself from the colonial power.


This reporter's visit to Shah-e-Nehru, with Hazara tribal elders and a few local police, ended in headlong flight under a volley of rocket-propelled grenades and sustained gunfire from mountains held by the Kuchis.


The Nehru jacket, his signature, was based on the Indian sherwani, a traditional knee-length garment worn throughout South Asia.


The Indian Army was basically being torn apart by Nehru himself, who cut the army short to only about a 100,000 soldiers. Plans were made to dinband more soldiers to cut the army to a size of only about 50,000 troops, but then the invasion came, Nehru left office and then came the rise of the Indian Army. Since the 1962 Indo-Chin war, India has made several para-guerilla units to be paradropped and then to operate in Chinese territory.


Jawaharlal Nehru loved children and was popular among them as "chacha" Nehru,("chacha" is the Hindi word for "uncle").


The thoughts of Nehru, including his knowledge of power relations, his comprehensions of communism, his attitude to anti-colonialism, and the nonaligned movement's meanings to Indian national security, decided the nature of Indian Nonalignment diplomacy during the Cold War.


Nayantara Sahgal, Nehru's niece, said her uncle and Countess Mountbatten of Burma had been in love with each other and made a devoted pair.


更多网络解释与尼赫鲁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Sen,Amartya 剑桥三圣一学院硕士,哈佛大学经济学教授 | Sengupta,Arjun 尼赫鲁大学国际研究院教授 | Sewell,John 海外开发委员会主任


第三,尼赫鲁(Nehru)的个人魅力(影响力). 关于这一点,我只是略有些感性认识. 大学时读过两本尼赫鲁的传记,但这两本传记充其量就是升级版的"百度知道"而已. 印度最高种姓--婆罗门,哈罗公学,剑桥大学三一学院,"欢喜宫",


negulation /规则/ | nehru /尼赫鲁/印度总理/ | neigh /嘶声/嘶/


184. mickey mouse 米老鼠 | 185. Nehru (印度前总理,独立运动领袖)尼赫鲁 | 186. wall and Floor Tiles 墙砖和地砖

Nehru coat:尼赫鲁上装

Neguvon 敌百虫 | Nehru coat 尼赫鲁上装 | neigeuse 斑点纹粗呢

Nehru , Jawaharlal:尼赫鲁

蒋介石此刻访印的目的,一是协调远东战区防务,与英国驻印度总督以及英军总司令韦维尔讨论对日防御,保障援华物资的供应和在缅华军重装备运输交通畅通等问题;二是调解英国殖民当局与以甘地和尼赫鲁(Nehru Jawaharlal)为首的要求印度民族独立的力量之间的对峙,

Nehru , Jawaharlal:贾瓦哈拉尔.尼赫鲁

NEHRU, Braj Kumar;布拉伊.库马尔.尼赫鲁;; | NEHRU, Jawaharlal;贾瓦哈拉尔.尼赫鲁;; | NEHRU, Rajen;拉詹.尼赫鲁;;

Nehru , Jawaharlal:尼赫鲁,贾瓦哈拉尔

Nehru,Arun Kumar 尼赫鲁,阿伦.库马尔 303 | Nehru,Jawaharlal 尼赫鲁,贾瓦哈拉尔303 | Nehru,Motilal 尼赫鲁,莫提拉尔303

Jawaharlal Nehru:尼赫魯

而由[[莫罕达斯.甘地]]和[[贾瓦哈拉尔.尼赫鲁]](Jawaharlal Nehru)领导的非暴力抵抗运动终于为印度在[[1947年]]赢来了完全的独立. 这块次大陆最终被分成"世俗"印度以及较小的回教国家[[巴基斯坦]]. 印度位于[[印度次大陆]],

Nehru jacket:尼赫鲁装

Mao jacket人民装 | Nehru jacket尼赫鲁装 | Martial军队的