英语人>词典>汉英 : 就所知而言 的英文翻译,例句
就所知而言 的英文翻译、例句


by all appearance
更多网络例句与就所知而言相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the effects of apartheid in term of social behaviour and on cultural development are less well known.


"So far as I know, steel in a conventional steelwork is produced in a number of separate batch es."


I know, a moment ago that truism, everybody is thinking: The speechmaker of each commencements can say -- be honoured very much, but with respect to me character, really word intendment is deep, because I come to here, the most person that should tell than you is more special and kind.


So far as I know, steel in a conventional steelwork is produced in a number of separate batches .


So far as I know, steel in a conventional steelwork is produced in a number of separate ''.


For that this table is extremely useful in the theoretical part of philosophy, and indeed is indispensable as supplying the complete plan of a whole science, so far as that science rests on a - priori concepts, and as dividing it systematically(2) according to P 116 determinate principles, is already evident from the fact that the table contains all the elementary concepts of the understanding in their completeness, nay, even the form of a system of them in the human understanding, and accordingly indicates B110 all the momenta of a projected speculative science, and even their order, as I have elsewhere* shown.


However, surprisingly little is known about how safe they are with respect to severity of sensorimotor and cognitive impairments or recovery of function following possible cerebrovascular accidents.


The primary goal of the project is to contextualize the contents of a number of known Tangut Buddhist texts, which apparently belong to the realm of Chinese Buddhism with regard to the suggested existence of the tradition of the "Northern Buddhism", since Tangut and Liao texts, in both Chinese and Tangut scripts, apparently provide the most sufficient body of evidence for the research of this tradition.


Greatness and truth"―"la grandeur et la v rit .


更多网络解释与就所知而言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

so far as it goes:就目前情况来说; 就其本身而言; 就目前的情况而论

so far as is known 据目前所知 | so far as it goes 就目前情况来说; 就其本身而言; 就目前的情况而论 | so far as sb can 尽某人所能

as far as know:就我所知

Carry on 逐渐流行(受欢迎) | As far as know 就我所知 | As far as sb /sth is concerned 就. . . 而言,根据


就其对"创造性"(Creativity)的重视而言,与怀德海以降、过程神学的交集是显而易见的. 而当代新儒家继承阳明心学的线索,内在的体证更为鞭辟入里. 如所周知,"理"在先秦并不是一个重要的概念,是受到佛学的刺激,如华严盛彰理事无碍法界观,


一个教授(professor)总被期待声称(profess)某种东西,那某种东西是就他对此所知而言的不动感情地确肯的真理--沃格林是这么想的,也一直这么说. 这是马克斯.韦伯意义上的"心智健全",即科学的客观性的核心之所在. 在路易斯安那大学较早的一代学生中,