英语人>词典>汉英 : 小官员 的英文翻译,例句
小官员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小官员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Residents, city officials and economists said there have been more foreclosure cases this year in that northern part of the Bronx, as well as an increase in small-business closings, illegal renting of bedrooms and basements, and court petitions by landlords seeking back rent.


If you require a building permit the petty official concerned will obviously get more pleasure from saying "No" than from saying "Yes".


I list the worst: A dozen opium-smoking pipes, Several opium-smoking lamps, An official with an opium-smoking face, Several daggers, Some pictures of murderous-looking people, A miniature magistrate, A set of instruments of torture, A cangue, Foot-bound women in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong and Ningbo costumes, Several hundred small wooden figures of such people as beggars, opium-addicts, criminals, coolie, concubines , prostitutes, etc… The government spent millions.


Ms Folsom wants to dispel the notion that her department investigates only the small fry. The integrity report speaks tantalisingly of a "high-stakes, and multi-dimensional" probe, still under wraps but apparently involving bank officials at the highest levels. Something to look for next time the bank displays its laundry.


No person engaged in the work of, or connected with, or employed by any newspaper or any press association for the purpose of gathering, procuring, compiling, editing, disseminating, or publishing news shall be required to disclose the source of any information procured or obtained by such person in the course of his employment, in any legal proceeding, trial, or investigation before any court, grand jury, petit jury, or any officer thereof, before the presiding officer of any tribunal, or his agent, or before any commission, department, division, or bureau of this state, or before any county or municipal body, officer or committee thereof.


The benefits from this continuing project include the return of small fish to the streams and the population expansion of the rare New Zealand Scaup, a small native duck whose existence was threatened, as well as a much better understanding of waterway management by Christchurch politicians and local people, an important aspect, as Christchurch is a city built on a swamp.


Your country the south circumlittoral Florida beautiful 1 in the mountain City calls the country high school in the bluish green wave high school, also Pu a batch of villages the leadership and parts of officials play with the crime affairs that my daughter in the high school gives birth to continuously for seven years, serious till now I connect to have how much girl is raped how much officials involve to also know not a thing among them, because your country of there is almost no detailed and authentic information in network.


Years ago, Aunt Nel was still slim and fashionable,with her hair highly buned up and a cigarette in mouth, she look elegant and high fashion;uncle Piet was also thinner and more handsome, always sitting straight and smiling in a reserved way, you can feel the stern air of a military officer.20 years ago, Dad kept a small moustache on his mouth popular of that time and always wore a coffee-colored glass, whistling happy melodies every day; Mum was favoring colorful dresses with a thick pad on the shouder typical of the day and a big white-framed glass,covering half of her gentle face. 20 years ago, Aunt Marja and Uncle John were just married, and their wedding ceremony was romantic and beautiful;there was no Rick yet, and Ruud, Tom and Freddy,dressed up in neat suite and shiny shoes, wearing red or black ties and coloful 'corsage' on the chest, became the most handsome and eye-cathing little stars of the wedding...

20年前,大姨Aunt Nel还很苗条很时尚,头发高高盘起,口中经常优雅地叼着一根细长的烟,一副上流社会贵妇人的风范;姨夫Uncle Piet很消瘦很精神,总是西装笔挺,坐姿端正,一副正规军队高级官员的风骨。20年前,R爸爸留的是当时最流行的小胡子,架着一副茶色玻璃眼镜,口中经常吹着欢快的曲调;R妈妈穿的是当时最时髦的垫着厚厚衬肩的红色大花套裙,架的是一副白色边框的超大眼镜,面对镜头,总有点略带羞涩。20年前,最小的阿姨Aunt Marja和Uncle John才刚结婚,两家人齐聚一堂,举行了一场浪漫温馨的婚礼;那时的大家庭里还没有现在的表弟Rick,身着笔挺小西装、脚踏噌亮小皮鞋,系着红黑色小领结、戴着鲜艳小礼花的Ruud、Tom和Freddy三个,成了整个婚礼上最闪亮耀眼的小明星。。。

Since late last year, online tempests have blown up over a video of an official in Guangdong Province who assaulted a young girl and bragged that he was above punishment, and a Nanjing city official who was spotted wearing a $14,500 Vacheron Constantin watch and smoking $22-a-pack cigarettes, evidence of a lifestyle well beyond his means.

自去年晚些时候,网络上的一段录像显示一位广东省官员调戏一个小女孩并且吹牛不会受到惩罚而激起民愤,一位南京的官员戴天价表(价值14500美元的 Vacheron Constantin 手表)、抽22美元一包的天价烟,其行为明显超出了其收入水平。

Ms Folsom wants to dispel the notion that her department investigates only the small fry. The integrity report speaks tantalisingly of a "high-stakes, and multi-dimensional" probe, still under wraps but apparently involving bank officials at the highest levels. Something to look for next time the bank displays its laundry.


更多网络解释与小官员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

courtliness:恳挚谦恭, 礼让

courtlike | 高雅的, 彬彬有礼的 | courtliness | ,恳挚谦恭, 礼让 | courtling | 小官员, 小朝臣


courtling 小官员 | courtly 尊严 | courtroom 法庭

courtly academy:宫廷学院

courtling | 小官员, 小朝臣 | courtly academy | 宫廷学院 | courtly education | (中世纪)宫廷教育

Jack Frost:严寒

jacinth 橘红色 | Jack Frost 严寒 | jack in office 自命不凡的小官员


subcommittee 小組委員會 | subofficer 下級官員 | subarea 分區

Little White House:小白宮

参观恩斯特.海明威之家(the Ernest Hemmingway House),那是海明威写下他许多著名小说的地方;后参观美国前总统杜鲁门这里的行宫-小白宫(Little White House),它建于1890年,当时用作海军官员的宿舍.


courtier 朝臣 | courtlike 高雅的 | courtling 小官员


courtlike 高雅的 | courtling 小官员 | courtly 尊严

courtling:小官员, 小朝臣

courtliness | ,恳挚谦恭, 礼让 | courtling | 小官员, 小朝臣 | courtly academy | 宫廷学院

jack in office:自命不凡的小官员

Jack Frost 严寒 | jack in office 自命不凡的小官员 | Jack of all trades and master of none 三脚猫