英语人>词典>汉英 : 小人国的 的英文翻译,例句
小人国的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Lemuel Gulliver tells the story of his fantastic adventures on the island of Lilliput where the people are tiny, and their self-importance laughable; in Brobdingnag where the people are giants and Gulliver is made to feel his own insignificance; in Laputa, the land of futile science; and finally in the land of Houyhnhnms, where horses are endowed with reason while human beings are not.


I only listened to the story of the elves.


She had stirred my imagination and opened a window on a Lilliputian world.


They're more than petite they're Lilliputian.


This frontier is too long and expensive for Lilliputia to maintain; therefore the Lilliputian government has decided to revise it to make it shorter.


British surgeon, Gulliver, there is a nautical distress, reduced to Lilliputian prisoners, was as a "giant mountain" and become instruments of war.


Lilliputian frontier is a convex polygon with non-zero area.

小人国的边境为凸多边形性状(面积不为0 with non-zero area??

He and the mender of roads sat on the heap of stones looking silently at one another, with the hail driving in between them like a pigmy charge of bayonets, until the sky began to clear over the village.


The movie "Arthur and the Invisibles" brought all of the owners on spot into a dream-like villain world


A citizen of Liliput (the imaginary country in Gulliver's Travels).


更多网络解释与小人国的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Christian 基督教徒,信徒 | antichristian 反对基督教者 | liliputian 小人国的人,小人,矮人


最有意思的还是小说的前两部-小人国(Lilliput)和大人国(Brobdingnag),后面的飞岛国(Laputa)和慧马国(Houyhnhnms)就显得枯燥不少了,政论性也多了. 小人国里我觉得最有意思的就是他们的宗教派别之争.

A Voyage to Lilliput:小人国历险记

8. My Won&fluI Days with Big Horses我和大马在一起的快乐时光 | 9. A Voyage to Lilliput小人国历险记 | 10. The Unlucky Wedding Day不幸的结婚日

L'espiegle au village de Lilliput:小人国村里的淘气鬼

3: 以阿尔贝.鲁塞尔名义的托卡塔Toccata sur.... 01:00 | 小人国村里的淘气鬼L'espiegle au village de Lilliput | 4: 小人国村里的淘气鬼L'espiegle au vi.... 01:00

Lilliputian:小人国居民的 <单词词性>小人国居民, 侏儒

water gas 水煤气 | Lilliputian 小人国居民的 小人国居民, 侏儒 | get outside of [俚]吃 喝 吞


Lilliput 小人国 | Lilliputian 小人国的 | lilt 唱轻快的调子


Lilliput /小人国/ | Lilliputian /小人国的/小的/小人/侏儒/ | Lilongwe /利隆圭/


liliputian 小人国的人,小人,矮人 | 44.Moldavian摩尔达维亚人 | shavian 萧伯纳的崇拜者

Toccata sur:以阿尔贝.鲁塞尔名义的托卡塔

以阿尔贝.鲁塞尔名义的托卡塔Toccata sur la nom d'Albert Roussel | 3: 以阿尔贝.鲁塞尔名义的托卡塔Toccata sur.... 01:00 | 小人国村里的淘气鬼L'espiegle au village de Lilliput

Gulliver's Travels:小人国历险记

乔纳森斯.威夫特(Jonathan Swift)的<<小人国历险记>>(Gulliver's Travels)中不留情面地讽刺了他沃波尔的政府;而约翰.盖依(John Gay)的<<乞丐歌剧>>(The Beggar's Opera)则不想干地评论了下他的严重腐败,以此娱乐读者;