英语人>词典>汉英 : 封建社会 的英文翻译,例句
封建社会 的英文翻译、例句


feudal society
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I emphasize explanation feudalistic society here one phrase, the feudalistic society elf evident is a government to hoodwink citizen's audio-visual and the beguilement undermine popular morale and lead social culture first by a the party dictatorial thought but lead the political doctrine that the citizen go forward.


Just because it marks the highest point of feudal development and expressed most precisely the nature of feudal class relations, Magna Charta marks also the passing of society beyond those relations.


In describing in detail the social milieu of this aristocratic household the author presents a vivid panorama of everyday life and mirrors the progressive enfeeblement


They both started and publicized female self-consciousness was not thorough in strict feudalization and rich male-center, and they did not free themselves from original consciousness. However, their self-consciousness on feminism has profound cognitive value and significance.


In this phase, Chinese social condition was rather different from European society,and had a far distance from the feudal economic features generalized by Stalin.


The traditional policy of physiocracy and restriction of business showed more flexibility in the Song Dynasty,the commercial development of the Song Dynasty was an important reason for the economic boom,which was also closely related to the supported by government.


As a poorhouse of a clan,yi-zhuang is the result of social conflicts in chinese feudal society.


At the beginning of the Middle Ages, the western half of the Roman Empire began to fragment into smaller, weaker kingdoms.

5-11世纪,初期,封建社会的形成期。 12-15世纪,中期,封建社会的全盛时期。

The Imperial Civil Examination System was one of the most important social activities in the Chinese feudalistic society,which affected the process of the whole China's feudalistic society.


For C hina to become a feudal society of landlord economy, it was imperative to b reak through the fetters of rural communes, i.e.

就是说 ,中国进入封建社会比西欧早得多,但封建社会历时比西欧长得多。

更多网络解释与封建社会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为了能够更好地理解沃尔泽的复杂平等观,我们必须了解他对\"支配\"(domination)与\"垄断\"(monopoly)所作出的区分. 前者指对某一个物品或某些物品的统治地位而言的,它决定所有分配领域的价值,它超越了其自身的价值. 例如,荣誉统治了封建社会,

feudal system:封建制度

西欧特定时期的那一段历史上出现的制度安排,被一些学者称为"封建制度"(feudal system)或"封建主义"(feudalism). 对这个制度及其相关概念的创造做出贡献的,主要是19世纪的一批德国学者,而为马克思主义者所沿用. Feudalism最初被译为中文"封建""封建社会",

feudal society:封建社会

在许多史学家看来,与一切概括某一社会的概念一样,"封建社会"(feudal society)的概念也殊难把握,因为社会总是千头万绪并不断变化. 法国年鉴派史学第二代的主要代表布罗代尔(F.Braudel)甚至说他与这一学派的创始人布洛赫(M.Bloch)、费弗尔(L.Febver)一样,


本来封建社会(feudalism)指的是欧洲中世纪的一种非中央集权的政治与经济制度,即:君主,封臣(或诸侯)与土地三者之间的关系. 君主将土地封给诸侯,诸侯反过来对君主效忠,并向君主提供军事服务(即替君主打仗). 其实这里没有peasant什么事.

Feuerbach, Ludwig:费尔巴哈,路德维希

Feudal society封建社会 | feuerbach, Ludwig费尔巴哈,路德维希 | financial capital金融资本


Feudal Social Morals封建社会道德 | Fideism僧侣主义 | Fideism信仰主义

international trade:国际商业

二、国际商业和对外商业(一)、国际商业(International Trade)国际商业亦称"世界商业",泛指国际间的商品和劳务(或货物、知识和服务)的交换. 它由各国(地区)的对外商业构成,是世界各国对外商业的总和. 国际商业在奴隶社会和封建社会就已发生,


如今已经越来越少了. Serf指封建社会(feudalism)中不自由的贫农(unfree peasant),可以翻译为'农奴'. 农奴被强制(be enforced)给地主(landowner)提供劳动(labor),以换取保护(protection)与在租借土地(leased field)上劳作的权利.

letters patent:专利特许证

以授予市场垄断权而奖励发明创造的思想由来已久,英国的詹姆斯一世(James I)曾以专利特许证(letters patent)形式授予其政治支持者以贸易垄断权. 可见专利权起源于封建社会的"特权",由君主个人、封建国家代表君主的地方官授予.

Romulus Augustulus:罗慕路斯

476 罗马最后一个皇帝罗慕路斯(Romulus Augustulus)遭废黜,西罗马帝国遂亡,从此西欧进入封建社会. 491 亚美尼亚教会退出东(Byzantium)、西方(Rome)教会. 525 狄奥尼修斯(Dionysius Exiguus)订定基督教日历,并定耶稣的诞生日是公元一年十二月廿三日.