英语人>词典>汉英 : 封建主 的英文翻译,例句
封建主 的英文翻译、例句


feudal lord
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In pointing out that their mode of exploitation was different to that of the bourgeoisie


The western mediaeval society regards feudal manorial economy as the foundation of the society. The confrontation among the lord, leud, imperial power and magisterium remains the living space of individual's freedom and tool reason, actively supports the bourgeon of internal modernization factor of fuel economic system and finally finishes the modern conversion of individual's personality.


The Middle Ages is called as the heroic age of chivalry.At first,the chivalry in Western Europe in Middle Ages is a cavalryman in heavy equipment who originated from the old Germanic convention.They played a decisive role in the battlefield of Europe in the Middle Ages.


Meantime, that vast mass of the population of Western Europe whose condition was servile or semi-servile —— the Roman and German personal slaves, the Roman coloni and the German lidi —— were concurrently absorbed by the feudal organisation, a few of them assuming a menial relation to the lords, but the greater part receiving land on terms which in those centuries were considered degrading.


The relation of the lord to the vassals had originally been settled by express engagement, and a person wishing to engraft himself on the brotherhood by commendation or infeudation came to a distinct understanding as to the conditions on which he was to be admitted.


After appearing of capitalistic production relation, the contradiction of both sides had been inevitable between capitalism and feudalization.


The natural disasters which betided northern region,for instance,wind and snow,hailstone,drought,grasshopper etc,had produced important impacts on Ming Dynasty and Mongolia in the course of their long-termed confrontations with each other.


It includes the statute law -" Big Zhasa" in Genghis Khans time, the laws documents in Yuan Dynasty, legal laws and regulations made by Mongolia lords in north Yuan and in Qing Dynasty.


However these rights of noblewomen were weaken dramatically in the late Middle Ages,which could be mainly attributed to the fact that these rights of noblewomen had threatened the integrality of landowners' patrimony upon which it was built their the titles and surnames.


At this point, the French original Prince Charles封建主in the south of France with the support of self-reliance is king, that is, Charles VII.


更多网络解释与封建主相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


欧洲各国不再困于那些好战成性的封建主们的扰攘,一时如释重负,颇为自在. 国王们用一种初级形态的中央集权政府取代了各自为政的封建体制:警钟楼(beffro)不久便与封建城堡主塔(donjon)一样成为防卫与权力的象征. "


直接称呼时用"Your Grace"侯爵夫人(Marchioness)、伯爵夫人(Countess)、子爵夫人(Viscountess)、男爵夫人(Baroness)均可称之为:"Lady"(夫人),即用"Lady+丈夫王或大封建主的直接附庸.




"农奴"(serf)一词源自罗马人对奴隶的称呼──servus,是人身属于主人的农业劳动者,社会地位极为低下,受到封建主多方面的剥削和奴役. 农奴世代耕种庄园的份地,但对土地没有所有权,为了使用土地还必须为封建主服沉重的劳役,