英语人>词典>汉英 : 密特拉神的 的英文翻译,例句
密特拉神的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Mithraic  ·  Mithraistic

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Apart from the late Cubist style, the only specially modern elements in Guernica are the Mithraic eye of the electric light, and the suggestion that the horse's body is made of parallel lines of newsprint like the newspaper in Picasso's collage a quarter of a century before.


It was based on worship of the god Mithras and derives from the Persian and Indic god Mithra and other Zoroastrian deities.


Some depictions show Mithras carrying a rock on his back, much as Atlas did, and/or wearing a cape that had the starry sky as its inside lining. A bronze image of Mithras, emerging from an egg-shaped zodiac ring, found associated with a mithraeum along Hadrian's Wall (now at the University of Newcastle), and an inscription from the city of Rome suggest that Mithras may have been seen as the Orphic creator-god Phanes who emerged from the cosmic egg at the beginning of time, bringing the universe into existence.


Of or relating to Mithraism or its god .


But none of this affected the existing cult of Mithras, which remained a non-official cult.


Some commentators surmise that the Mithraists worshipped Mithras as the mediator between Man and the supreme God of the upper and nether world.


Several of their kings were called Mithradates, meaning "given by Mithra", starting with Mithradates I of Parthia (died 138 BC).


Meanwhile, people divided themselves among the cults: Isis, which combined Greek and Egyptian gods into a sort of Unitarian religion; the mithraic cult, which worshipped the sun; and the Phrygian cult, which worshipped the mother of the gods.


In Rome, more than a hundred inscriptions dedicated to Mithras have been found, in addition to 75 sculpture fragments, and aseries of Mithraic temples situated in all parts of the city.


Stands seven miles outh of Edinburgh, Scotland, on the site of an ancient Mithraic temple.


更多网络解释与密特拉神的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


或名奥尔格尔密尔(Orgelmir) 祖神:勃利(Buri) 六个头巨人:瑟洛特格尔密尔(Thrudgelmir) 邪恶霜巨人的始祖:勃尔格尔密尔(Bergelmir) 火焰巨人:苏尔特尔(Surtur) 女巨人贝丝特拉(Bestla 巨人波尔斯隆(Bolthron,恶之刺) 奥丁(Odin) 维利(Vili) 伟(Ve) 弗丽嘉(Frigg):爱神,

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