英语人>词典>汉英 : 宰杀 的英文翻译,例句
宰杀 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The lambs are taken to the local abattoir to be slaughtered.


E.g. The lambs are taken to the local abattoir to be slaughterd.

这些羊运到当地的屠宰场宰杀。 2,屠杀,杀戮 e.g。

He then defeated the Egyptian army and had the people of Aleppo slaughtered.


Abel had killed a lamb, and Cain had placed some grain upon the rude stone altar which they had built as a place for worship.


Soon afterwards the Ark landed on top of Mount Ararat, in the country.


I made sure the Argive heroes could not withstand us, whereas like slim-waisted wasps, or bees that have their nests in the rocks by the wayside- they leave not the holes wherein they have built undefended, but fight for their little ones against all who would take them- even so these men, though they be but two, will not be driven from the gates, but stand firm either to slay or be slain.


Again he sent other servants, saying: Tell them that were invited, Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my beeves and fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come ye to the marriage.


But if peradventure such were the state of things that the interest of the commonwealth required all slaughter of beasts should be forborne for some while, in order to the increasing of the stock of cattle that had been destroyed by some extraordinary murrain, who sees not that the magistrate, in such a case, may forbid all his subjects to kill any calves for any use whatsoever?


So yes, you can raise them and have them graze in green fields of grass and brush them every day, but when you ultimately put them in someone''s truck or on a livestock trailer, and they go to be slaughtered, I don''t care if you say a prayer before they''re slaughtered or if you simply send them into the slaughterhouse.


When you kill a beast say to him in your heart, By the same power that slays you, I to am slain; and I too shall be consumed.


更多网络解释与宰杀相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


参孙就像第一次宰杀水牛的平原印地安少年,也像猎杀第一头熊的北海道虾夷人(Ainu),以及擒获第一只狮子的少年马赛(Masai)武士一般. 他们的猎物是成年的赠礼. 动物之死印证了猎人与猎物的关系:猎人冒着有形的危险,

ammonia gas:氨气

新加坡位于裕廊布罗巷的屠宰场前天发生了氨气(ammonia gas)意外泄漏事件,无法进行猪只宰杀,因此公众今明两天将买不到印尼冷却猪肉. 新加坡农粮与兽医局(AVA)前天发表文告说,这对当地的猪肉供应影响不大,因为新加坡仍有足够来自澳洲的冷却猪肉供应,


当地习惯把将要宰杀的猪,倒挂在横梁(beam)、木杠(yoke)或巨型的框架(big frame)上. 这些用以悬挂猪的架子(block)很像是要用水桶(bucket)从井里提水,于是人们用bucket代替了block.


干酪素(casein)也用在塑料、粘合剂,和颜料生产中. 凝乳酶(Rennet): 一种从新宰杀的牛胃里取出的酶. 在奶酷制造过程中使用. 找用高血压蛋白酶(rennin)制作的或用非动物蛋白酶.



commit suicide:自杀

但此种说法比较牵强,因为kick the bucket一语并不表示自杀(commit suicide). 比较可信的说法来自古时英格兰东部一个地区. 当地习惯把将要宰杀的猪,倒挂在横梁(beam)、木杠(yoke)或巨型的框架(big frame)上.


immolate 牺牲 | immolation 宰杀 | immoral 不道德的


期三旅行 阴影乐队 野孩子 羽化乐队 异端乐队 月蚀(Lunar Eclipes) 夜叉乐队 优质大豆 诱导社 裔仰 有没有 子曰乐队 左右 自由部落(ZYBL) 郑钧 再循环乐队 张浅潜 造访者Q(VisitorQ) 正午阳光 宰杀(Slaughter) 战斧 指南针乐队


slay 杀死,谋杀 | slaughter 宰杀;屠宰 | slim 渺茫的

Human victims wre immolated to the Thunderer:旧时宰杀活人祭雷神

暴饮暴食 immoderate eating and drinking | 旧时宰杀活人祭雷神 Human victims wre immolated to the Thunderer. | 充实的生活无腻烦之虞. A full life is immune against boredom.