英语人>词典>汉英 : 审阅 的英文翻译,例句
审阅 的英文翻译、例句


check and approve
更多网络例句与审阅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since 50's, Japan designed boundary's modernism to Europe and America design to carry on history of, overall reviewing and understanding, Japanese reasonableness of design esthetics and the composing doctrine of Europe esthetics of is a nice bit of similar of place, therefore, Japan of designer, especially flat surface designer to the composing doctrine feeling have a clock only.

从50 年代开始,日本设计界对欧美的现代主义设计进行了历史的、全面的审阅和了解,日本理性的设计美学与欧洲的构成主义美学之间有相当多的类似之处,因此,日本的设计家,特别是平面设计家对构成主义情有独钟。

Methods Application review and on-site examination were adopted to conduct on-site inspection and acceptance, according to relevant laws, regulations and standards.


Please note that comments submitted to the ALB website are moderated and as such you may experience some delay before your comments appear on our site.


Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all patterns andor drawings and description for prior approval.


Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, found that building up your self-esteem will not necessarily make you a better person.

但是,在审阅18000多项对自尊的研究后,佛罗里达州大学心理学家Roy Baumeister发现,建立自尊不一定会使你变得更加完善。

On at a conference at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda.

去年夏天,梁收到一封电子邮件,内容为葛兰素公司以她的名义写的几个研究的摘要,用来在Bethesda 举行的NIH的会议上发放,但事先未经她的审阅

He reviewed numerous BLAs, NDAs, amendments and supplements, and conducted pre-approval inspections of manufacturing facilities.

审阅过大量的 BLAs , NDAs ,修正资料和补充资料等,并负责对申请机构生产设备的预先核察工作。

J. H. Breasted, who has relieved it of a number of errors, without in any way making himself responsible for it.


This position mainly focuses on deviation and CAPA management, product complaints handling, product quality review and trending.


This approval can be as simple as the administrator monitoring and changing a flag on the spreadsheet in the document library, or can be a custom workflow that sends emails to a group of approvers in order to assure that the spreadsheet meets any number of internal requirements prior to it's approval.


更多网络解释与审阅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

go over sth:浏览;复习;审阅

go out熄灭;过时 | go over sth.浏览;复习;审阅 | go through...经历;检查;

Notify On Draft Post:当多用户博客中有新日志发表时,通知Editor审阅

Limit the size of main page posts - 指定首页日志... | Notify On Draft Post - 当多用户博客中有新日志发表时,通知Editor审阅. | Post Notification - 当你发表新日志时,邮件通知所有注册用户,甚至还可以将该日志...

for your perusal:请详细审阅

for your advice 请提意见;请批示 | for your perusal 请详细审阅 | Force Armourer 警察枪械主任

for your perusal:请审阅

for your advice请批示;请提意见 | for your perusal请审阅 | frontline staff直接为市民服务的人员;前线人员

for your perusal:请具体审阅

for your advice 请提意见;请批示 | for your perusal 请具体审阅 | Force Armourer 警察枪械主任


tastemaker 创时髦风尚者 | taster 审阅人 | tastily 风趣地


Chart 图表 False | Reviewing 审阅 False | Forms 窗体 False

I've scrutinized all the documents relating to the trial:我已仔细审阅与该审判有关的所有文件

1051.Let's hope they will refrain from ho... | 1052.I've scrutinized all the documents relating to the trial.我已仔细审阅与该审判有关的所有文件. | 1053.The game wardens trnquillized the rhinoceros wit...


very substantial disposal 非常重大的出售事项 | vetting 审阅 | Viewing Gallery 访客廊

Review Engagements:审阅业务

Quality Control 质量控制 | Review Engagements审阅业务 | subject matter鉴证对象